Chapter 221

Kalamazoo, MI

Young Eagles

Young Eagles Rallies:

Stay tuned for an update about Chapteer 221 rallies for 2025.

In the mean time, check out the main Young Eagles website...

April 20, 2024
From the desk of: Ginger DeVillers
Young Eagles/Ray Scholarship Coordinator

Hello to all!

First, thank you to all who have supported our youth who are interested in aviation over the years. This year’s events are coming upon us fast. We have two Young Eagles rallies scheduled:

Rally one 
When: Saturday May 18th
Where: Kalamazoo Airport AZO at the AirZoo Fight Discovery Center (AKA restoration Center)
Time: 9 - 12

We already have over 40 youth signed up through the online registration process. The AirZoo donates the use of the FDC (Thanks Troy!) and admission into the FDC is free on rally day.  If people want to go to the main building, they have to pay admission but it is free to come in to the FDC for the Young Eagles rally. Last year we flew 96 youth at the rally.

Rally Two

When: Saturday June 15th 
Where: Plainwell Municipal Airport 61D
Time: 9 - 12

So far, we have 34 youth registered through the online registration process for this rally. Last year we flew 71 youth at the Plainwell Rally. 

Through our partnership with Plainwell Aviation and STEM Academy (PASA), youth who have attended our Young Eagles rallies have gone on to pursue flight training and earn their Private Pilot Certificate.  Six of those youth are currently working for major airlines and are serving in the USAF.  A half dozen more have attended aviation summer camp and are currently working on their Private Pilot Certificate. These PASA youth also return to serve as pilots and ground crew for current Young Eagles rallies.

Please help by signing up to be either a pilot or a ground crew for our upcoming events. You are making a difference in the lives of our youth. 

June 22, 2023

Hello to all from the Chapter 221 Young Eagles Crew,

Thank you to everyone for another successful Young Eagles Rally. At the Plainwell Municipal Airport, we flew 71 youth between the age of 8 and 17. The ground crew and the pilots were awesome.

If you have not volunteered with us for a while you might want to come out and see all the excited youth who are so interested in aviation and not just a free airplane flight. Many of the youth pilots in the Plainwell Youth Aviation Program had their first flight as a Young Eagle. They may not be where they are today if you had not taken a bit of your time to introduce them to aviation.

We currently have a youth attending the Aviation Camp at Oshkosh at no cost due to the points the chapter earned through Young Eagles credits. She and her family could not have afforded the cost of that camp.

Again, thank you to everyone for your time, airplane, fuel and great attitudes.

Ginger DeVillers

Chapter 221 YE Coordinator

The rally at the Air Zoo was a great success! Thanks to all the volunteers and pilots, we flew 83 kids, many for the first time. Stay tuned for a more in-depth summary once Ginger gets caught up.

We have another rally scheduled at the Plainwell Municipal Airport (61D) June 3rd from 9:00-12:00. Let Ginger DeVillers know if you can volunteer for either ground or as a pilot. Remember that you have to take the EAA Youth protection course to be a volunteer. It is easy and if you need help with it just let us know. Thank you to everyone for all you do.

Stay tuned or check the Young Eagles Day website ( for more details…

Other EAA pilot resources are here:

Phillips 66 fuel rebate info here.

Find a flight:

Founded in 1992, the Young Eagles program is dedicated to giving youth ages 8–17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers. 

For more information from EAA headquarters about the Young Eagles program, visit

EAA Young Eagles










Young Eagles Coordinator
Name: Ginger DeVillers
City: Kalamazoo
Send Message
Name: Rebecca Burns
City: Kalamazoo
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