March 2025 meeting
March 5th, 2025
Tour RAI Jets
Gate opens at 6:30
Meeting starts at 7.
See their website here
From concrete and sidewalks in Sturgis to an international charter operator out of Kalamazoo, a great 30 plus year journey.
Hope to see you all there!
Prez Sez:
February 21, 2024...
Hello fellow EAA chapter 221 members.
Last month’s meeting was at the Air Zoo restoration center and our speaker was Kevin Kenz. He gave a great presentation on the Apollo Saturn 5 engine and the turbo compound Wright R3350 , 18 cylinder engine. I have to say he's really into engines.
Stay tuned for details of the March 5th meeting.
‘Till then the ground hog was right, it sure has been winter still.
Breaking right smoke on
Prez out
Brian Klenoski, Chapter 221 prez
Our officers for 2025 are:
President: Brian Klenoski
Vice President: Kevin Mazer
Secretary/Treasurer: Ron Ryan
Support positions
VMC Club Coordinator: Andy Cotyk
Young Eagles/Ray Scholarship Coordinator: Ginger DeVillers
Young Eagles Coordinator: Becky Burns
Newsletter/Web editor: Dan DeVillers
Dues are $20 a year, due in December in advance for the following year. Please pay a chapter officer at the next meeting or you can send a check made out to EAA Chapter 221 to:
Chapter 221
PO Box 56
Comstock, MI 49041
Whether you fly, build, restore or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our next meeting.
We are a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so. We look forward to seeing you!