Chapter 1384



EAA 1384 Hanger Tour

On Saturday 4 November, EAA 1384 hosted a hanger tour for students at Hereford Hight School (Parkton, MD) aviation Program.  The purpose of this event was to give the students a chance to see airplanes up close, learn about the hobby of building your own airplane (and show that it was possible) and learn about general aviation. We also talked about the cost to get involved in general aviation and discussed the difference between private pilot, light sport pilot and an ultralight vehicle operator.  

Members described their own background, how they got into aviation, the challenges of building their own aircraft and how several members built their own engines.

We also described the EAA Young Eagles program and 16 students signed up.


42 students and parents attended the event.*


Chapter member Steve Koziol talking about his experience in building his Vans RV-9A. *


Chapter member Alan Billings described how he built his Vans RV-4.

Students got a chance to look at and sit in the cockpits of both airplanes, learn about the different choices each builder made and even plans for future modifications.

Both the parents and the students enjoyed this event, which lasted for about 2 hours.

We look forward to future collaboration with the faculty and students of this high school.

* Verbal consent for these images was requested and provided by the parents of the group.



10 aircraft (We had hoped for more, but suspect that high winds supressed turnout)


107 people walked in to see general aviation and homebuilt aircraft.


Ryan Fair presented on Human Factors in Aviation


Civil Air Patrol assisted us in marshalling aircraft (providing cadets with valuable training.)


Read about the event in Kitplanes Weekly

Mid-Atlantic RV Gathering Kicks Off Summer Fly-in Season - KITPLANES

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