Chapter 1384


Compass Rose at Carroll County Regional Airport

On 28 October, five members repainted the compass rose at our home airport.


Before... After.



The artists of EAA 1384 Left to Right: Steve Koziol, Martin Teramani, Warren Reames, Alan Hawk and Linda Teramini.


Westminister Fly in was a success!

The Westminister Fly In was held on June 25, 2022 at the Carroll County Regional Airport.


There were 44 registered aircraft, with about another 5 or so that did not register, which made for a nice turnout.  There were even aircraft arriving around 1:00 PM, and some were still at the airport after the event ended!      

Our own Ryan Fair gave a Crew Resource Management presentation that went really well - 20-30 people engaged and talking through the near disastrous incident this past spring.  


Special thanks to the Senior Members and Cadets of Carroll Composite Squadron (See Our Squadron | Carroll Composite Squadron, MD-039 (, Maryland Wing Civil Air Patrol, of Westminister, Maryland for their help in marshalling the visiting aircraft. They were very professional and did an excellent job!

If you don't believe us, see what the Carroll County Sun had to say;

Looking Forward to next years event!

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