Ray Aviation Scholarship

EAA Ray Aviation ScholarshipThe Ray Foundation continues to further the legacy of James Ray, an EAA lifetime member dedicated to aviation and youth education.
The Ray Foundation currently provides $2.2 million annually for flight training scholarships up to $12,000 each, to young people (ages 15 through 19) who have a strong desire and motivation to learn to fly. Through its Ray Aviation Scholarship program, the Ray Foundation seeks to improve the current 20% industry flight training success rate to 80% for program participants.

The Ray Aviation Scholarship program is administered through EAA International. Local EAA chapters may participate by identifying and nominating youth for the Ray Aviation Scholarship program and mentoring them through their flight training journey. EAA Chapter 122 has volunteered to play this critical role in the success of the Ray Aviation Scholarship program.

For the 2025 Ray Aviation Scholarship cycle, our chapter is prequalified by EAA International to nominate, mentor and support two scholarship recipients on a 75/25 matching gift basis. This is made possible through 75% funding from the Ray Foundation and 25% matching funds generously provided from AIM for the SKY Fund, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Two fully funded flight training scholarships are thus available for two deserving youth aviation scholars, who will be mentored by EAA Chapter 122 throughout their flight training.

The Ray Foundation and EAA seek to make a positive impact on youths and young adults alike who have a strong passion for aviation. The financial and moral support provided throughout flight training, and a welcoming environment for young aviators will shape lifelong participation within the EAA chapter and aviation community. A full description of the EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship Program including the benefits and obligations is available via the following link: Ray Aviation Scholarship Handbook

The deadline to apply for a 2025 Ray Aviation Scholarship through EAA Chapter 122 is May 31, 2025.  Use the following link to apply for this exceptional opportunity: Chapter 122 Ray Aviation Scholarship Application

Current and former Chapter 122 Ray Scholars

2023 Ray Scholar:  Elijah Naugle

2023 Ray Scholar:  Peter Engle

2022 Ray Scholar:  Alexia Gonzales-Soto

2022 Ray Scholar:  Seth Erdley

2021 Ray Scholar:  Gabe Creeger
My Ray Scholarship Experience, by Gabe Creeger (November 2022)

2021 Ray Scholar:  Will Stover - Private Pilot as of January 11th, 2022

2020 Ray Scholar:  Jake Myers - Private Pilot as of July 28th, 2021

2020 Ray Scholar:  Conrad Brown - Private Pilot as of March 16th, 2021

2019 Ray Scholar:  Nixon Cawley - Private Pilot as of December 8th, 2020


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