*Monthly Chapter Gatherings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Capital City Airport, unless otherwise noted. We rotate our presentations between Flying (F), Building (B), and General Aviation (GA) educational topics.
2024-2025 EVENTS
DEC 3 (Tue) Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
DEC 13 (Fri) Chapter Holiday Dinner - Marizoni's Restaurant, Mechanicsburg
JAN 7 (Tue) Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
JAN 20 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: Speaker TBD
FEB 4 (Tue): Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
FEB 18 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: US Army War College Speaker
MAR 4 (Tue): Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
MAR 18 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: The Aging Aviator Medical, Tom Ladley, PA, LtCol USAF (ret)
APR 1 (Tue): Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
APR 15 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: Speaker TBD
APR 19 (Sat): Chapter Spring HQ Clean Out and Brat Cookout
APR 26 (Sat): Young Eagle Rally - Spring 1, CXY Airport
MAY 3 (Sat): Young Eagle Rally - Spring 2, CXY Airport
MAY 6 (Tue) Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
MAY 20 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: Speaker TBD
JUN 17 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: Speaker TBD
AUG 5 (Tue) Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
SEP 2 (Tue) Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
SEP 6 (Sat): Young Eagle Rally - Fall #1 Sign Up Now (See Young Eagles page)
SEP 13 (Sat): Young Eagle Rally - Fall #2 Sign Up Now (See Young Eagles page)
OCT 7 (Tue): Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
OCT 21 (Tue): Monthly Gathering: Speaker TBD
NOV 4 (Tue): Chapter VMC Meeting (All Welcome)
NOV 18 (Tue): Annual Meeting of the Membership (Elections) & POT LUCK Dinner!