EAA Chapter 106

Welcoming pilots & aviation enthusiasts from throughout New England

EAA106 Whiteman Scholarship

EAA106 Whiteman Flight Training Scholarship for ages 16-21

About 2nd Lt. George Whiteman and to Donate

This is a $2,000 youth flight training scholarship and is a matching scholarship to help accelerate a young student pilot's progress from solo through a successful private pilot checkride.

The winner's flight training receipts will be matched starting with the date when both the application and required documentation have been submitted. Any funds not used within 6 months of that date will revert back towards next year's scholarship or additional applicants later in the year.


1)   You MUST be actively/recently (within the past 6 months) be taking flight training
2)   You MUST have solo'd - and MUST have:
      3 hours of solo time logged if a Part 61 student
      1 hour of solo time logged if a Part 141 student
3)   You MUST have not yet passed your private pilot checkride
4)   You MUST be working to earn some of your own flight training money
5)   You MUST be between age 16-21 (or within 2 weeks of that age range by the application deadline)
6)   You MUST either be a resident or a student in New England (MA, NH, ME, RI, CT, VT)
7)   You MUST complete the application and submit the required documentation

REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION (in addition to the application below):

1)  Images of the last two double-pages of your logbook
2)  Images of Student Pilot Certificate and Medical Certificate
3)  CFI Recommendation (letter or email) on how you compare with their other students in the same age range as you.
     EMAIL the above documentation files (or links to the files) as follows: 
     a)  Include in the email subject line both:  EAA106 Whiteman Scholarship -and- your name
     b)  Email to:   EAA106.YoungEagles  at  gmail.com


-- 1 -- APPLICANT INFO -- Contact, DOB, Grade/College Year, School, GPA
-- 2 -- PARENT / GUARDIAN INFO -- If in High School or under age 19
-- 3 – GA FLT TRAINING - Hours/experience/status, Flt School, Financing, Contact info
-- 4 -- ESSAY (short) - What would you like to do with your license? (be realistic!)
-- 5 -- OPTIONAL – Possible bonus points – Any other involvement in aviation?

     APPLICATION  (Applications will NOT be considered until we set and post a new deadline here: expect early March 2025)

Deadline:  TBD (not yet established), so check back in the spring of 2025.

Be sure to click the SUBMIT BUTTON (only after every item has been filled out)

NOTE: Almost all questions REQUIRE an answer (required items have a red *).
            IF the form is still visible after you click SUBMIT, we will not receive it – you need to scroll up, fix the missed info (look for a red box) and submit again.


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