• At EAA Chapter 932, we try to find new ways to bring the love of aviation to future aviators. There are a few ways that we can share the world of aviation with our young people, and give them opportunities to learn and participate.

    One way is our Ed Moricoli flight training scholarship. Like EAAs Ray Aviation scholarship, it gives young flying students the opportunity to earn free flying lessons. Please refer to the scholarship link for further details.

    Another way to donate is to our Young Eagles Build and Fly program. This allows younger students to build and to fly their own model airplane, while learning building techniques and learning lessons on general aviation topics.

  • https://www.eaa.org/eaa/eaa-chapters/eaa-chapter-resources/chapter-programs-and-activities/eaa-young-eagles-build-and-fly-program

    You can donate to either of these causes to help us bring the spirit of aviation to young people. If you donate by cash or check, please indicate which of the programs this donation is for. 


    Eaa Chapter 932

    Donate to our program

  • Where would you like your donation to go to?*



  • Payment Options


    Complete this form online above and click Submit Application below. Bring your payment to any chapter event/meeting and give to a 932 Chapter Officer.


    Complete this form online above and click Submit Application below. Bring your check made out to EAA Chapter 932, Inc to any Chapter Event or to the mailbox in the Galt FBO, or mail it to: EAA Chapter 932 Treasurer, 5112 Greenwood Road, Wonder Lake, IL 60097


    PayPal (You will need a PayPal account to use the service. There is no additional cost to you.)

    Complete the form above, then click on the Paypal link for individual or family payment.

    A Web browser will open a secure PayPal payment screen showing the EAA 932 logo.

  • www.PayPal.me/EAA932Galt/Donate/ to donate to our programs

  • Complete the Paypal payment, AND THEN click on Submit Application below.

  • Should be Empty: