EAA 932 Board Members
Arnie Quast
Arnie has been a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association and also been hanging out around Galt Airport for over 20 years. He enjoys being a part of our Galt Airport community, and sharing aviation with the local community. He has flown over 150 Young Eagles missions, and has a partnership in a Piper Archer at Galt. Arnie is an airline pilot for United Airlines based at Chicago O'Hare. He flies the Boeing 787 Dreamliner as a Captain and Line Check Pilot.
George Schordje 
George grew up in Chicago and flew a Cox model airplane with a glow plug engine. George worked as a mechanic in the automotive industry, and as a mechanical claims adjuster for an inspection company.
In 2016 George went to Oshkosh and took a ride in the B17. He’s been to Oshkosh every year since. He’s gotten involved with aviation and joined chapter 932 after a recent barnstormers event.
Justin "JT" Thuma 
JT is an Industrial Engineer with his Private Pilot's License. He was the first recipient of the Ed Moricoli Memorial Scholarship in 2018. JT has been chapter treasurer since 2019. As treasurer, he is responsible for collecting dues, filing chapter taxes and annual reports, and reporting on the finances of Chapter 932.
Mike Land 
Mike started flying at Galt in the early ’90s, and has been involved with model aviation since the ’80s. Since retiring, Mike has earned Light Sport Repairman/Maintenance and Rotax engine certifications.
Arnie Quast
Membership Coordinator
Justin Cleland 
Airport Representative
Justin is the owner of JB Aviation, manager of Galt Airport for 10 years, and member of EAA 932 for 12 years. He is also a CFII, and has logged over 2,500 hours of dual instruction at 10C.
Wayne Frantzen
Hi, I’m Wayne Frantzen, my interest in aviation started in the mid 70’s.I watched jets on approach to ORD from our backyard.I talked my parents to join EAA and go to the Oshkosh EAA Convention.I started flying again in 2016 and got my sport pilot certificate in May 2018.Most of my time is in a Remos LSA flying out of ARR.I was previously involved with EAA 579 in Aurora and EAA UL Chapter 1 at Capitol Drive Airport in Brookfield WI. I owned a Quicksilver MX for a year that I kept the Capital Drive airport. In September 2022 I purchased an Aeroprakt A22 along with 3 partners moved to Galt.
Mark Ward
Young Eagles Coordinator
Rebekah Busse
Scholarship Coordinator
Angela Williams
Newsletter Editor
Paul Sedlacek
Technical Counselor
City, State: Egg Harbor, WI
Phone: 847-254-7480
Email: paul@eaa932.org
Skills: Electrical/Avionics, Firewall Forward: 2-Stroke, Welding
Mike Land
Technical Counselor
City, State: Antioch, IL
Phone: 224-308-2610
Email: mikeland@eaa932.org
Skills: Aluminum Tube, Firewall Forward: 2-Stroke, Firewall
Forward: 4-Stroke, Firewall Forward: Auto Engine, Sheet Metal
- Pulled Rivets