EAA Chapter 846

Wadsworth, OH

Chapter 846 MVPs

MVP says it all: Most Valuable People. The people who make a difference. The people who step up. The people other people think of when they need ahand. Our people are pretty incredible, leading the way to making our Chapter fun and friendly, informative and supportive, and always looking to the future. Meet our MVPs.



2016 - Randy Brooks

2017 - Mike Baker

2018 - Pete Klapp

2019 - Jeff Paden

2020 - Greg Cantrell

2021 - Paul Lutz _ 

2022 - David Gerdeman - For the 2022 MVP I chose David Gerdeman. David joined the chapter about 5 years ago and has always been willing to help out. David has been volunteering since the beginning in any way needed. Luckily for us he made the mistake of letting us know that he likes to cook. You will usually see David at the grill or around the prep/clean up tables at any of our events. We always are looking forward to his cast iron meals. At our Swank campouts he helps coordinate and cook the chapter meals. This is no small undertaking since we usually have about 50 people to cook for. He also contributes his time by flying Young Eagles at our rallies and attends many of our chapter fly outs. He is always eager and offers to take anyone who needs a ride.

This year he stepped up to lead a “small” project that the chapter was planning - the building of a deck/workshop area. This project has consumed many hours while at home working on the drawings and designing the structure. He is usually the first person at the hangar for our build sessions and watches over us making sure we are building it correctly. I know he is ready for it to be completed. We all appreciate the time and effort he has put into the addition. These are some of the reasons that I chose David as the 2022 MVP. Paul Lutz

2023 - Steve Greer -  Steve joined us in 2018 and has been active on many fronts from the beginning. He volunteers at Young Eagles days, work days, the Tri-Motor, pancake breakfast and helps cook at gatherings too. If the chapter is doing something, he’s involved. In addition to his personal efforts, Steve has secured donations through his personal company and State Farm corporate. What makes Steve’s efforts stand out even more to me is that he doesn’t have a plane nor license. He is making the chapter work through pure love of aviation and camaraderie. Balancing a new family and your hobbies isn’t easy, many of us have walked in those shoes. Steve still makes time for the chapter and his friends. Standing out in a crowd of amazing folks is hard, but you did it, bud! Thanks for your efforts to keep 846 the Gold Standard of chapters. David Gerdeman

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