The schedule for the 2025 Ephrata Aerobatic camps:
The first camp will occur on Monday, May 19 through Wednesday, May 21. (Please arrive on Sunday afternoon, May 18)
The second camp follows on Thursday, May 22 through Saturday, May 24. (Please arrive on Wednesday afternoon, May 21)
We can accommodate a maximum of 11 pilots in each camp and, as always, reservations are first come, first served based on receipt of a check or an online payment using this page.
The fee is $400.00 and is not refundable. If you want to reserve a place
1) send your check, made out to IAC Chapter 67, to Bruce Mamont, 10951 W. Villa Monte Dr., Mukilteo, WA 98275.
If you send a check, indicate which camp session you prefer d and include your phone number, e-mail address, and airplane type.
2) pay online
To make your payment with Stripe click on the following link:
To make your payment with PayPal click on the following link:
If it doesn't matter to you if you pay with Stripe or PayPal, please consider using Stripe, who charges the chapter a lower transaction fee.
If you paid with Stripe or PayPal, please send an e-mail to indicating your preferred camp session and airplane type.
It's important for scheduling camp flights to know if you're sharing an airplane with another camper, so please indicate if you're sharing.
We're pursuing a reduced "block rate" for campers at the Best Western Rama Inn in Ephrata. We'll also have information about hangar rent: the enrollment fee does not include rent.
Follow up details will be sent in March to everyone who enrolls.