Make IAC 58 Your Aerobatic Home

If you wish to learn more about IAC 58, you may call or write to me directly or, if you want to join right away, please read on. You are always welcome to visit any chapter event posted on the Events Calendar linked to the left. (But do contact one of us first if you plan to fly in.) To join our chapter you must first join the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), the umbrella organization of the International Aerobatic Club (IAC), which you must also join. It sounds cumbersome but these organizations protect our right to fly and they sanction and insure the events that we host. 

Keith Doyne, Chapter President
263 North 61st Street
Harrisburg, PA 17111

If you would like to join IAC Chapter 58 please mail a check in the amount of $30 (individual) or $40 (family) to:

Larry Bashore, Treasurer
89 Bishop Road
Mechanicsburg, PA  17055

Be sure to include your current EAA and IAC member numbers


The Payment Button below is only for current or former IAC Chapter 58 members who wish to renew.  

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