EAA Chapter 810

Payson, AZ

Recent Events

December Membership MeetingOctober 17

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant. In the absence of President Tom West, Vice President Donnie Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The other chapter officer present was Secretary Jim McGarvie. Total attendance was ten, including the two officers.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurers Report—Brad Lawrence:
EAA Chapter 810 - $5,051.14
Wells Fargo Acct - $23,101.00

Scholarship balances
•    2023 Ray (Kurtis Kelton) - $3,618.49
•    2024 Ray (Zaid Juarez) - <$306.54> ($2,200 remaining in EAA reserve)
•    Mike Wegner - $10,000
•    Irene Burnett (Katie Curtis) - $2,196.85
Roundabout Reserve - $2,541.06

Last 30 day’s activity
Supplement to PPA Christmas Party - $235.00
Roundabout contributions - $1,147.49
Memberships - $100.79

Officer elections—Jim McGarvie:
Jim asked for any more nominations from the floor. There being none, and with no contested positions, the only nominees, all incumbents, were elected by acclamation. The Chapter officers for 2025 are:
President: Tom West
Vice President: Donnie Taylor
Treasurer: Brad Lawrence
Secretary: Jim McGarvie

Eagle Flights—Jim McGarvie
Ron Snyder called Jim and told him Bob May will be departing the area, and Ron will take over as Eagle Flight Coordinator.

Marie Fasano
There is now a full flight simulator available to students and pilots in the shack by the airport office. Dennis and Nicole will control access.

There will be a career day at the high school in March. Speakers with aviation experience will be requested. Details forthcoming.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

November Membership MeetingNovember 21

November 21, 2024

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called it to order at 6:05 pm. Other chapter officers present were Vice President Donnie Taylor, Treasurer Brad Lawrence, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurers Report—Brad Lawrence:
Ray Scholarship 2023 Kurtis Kelton    $3,618.49
Ray Scholarship 2024 Zaid Juarez    -$306.54
Mike Werner Scholarship fund        $10,000.00
Irene Burnett Scholarship Katie Curtis     $2,196.85
Roundabout Contributions        $2,491.06
810 Chapter funds            $5,158.88
Bank Account        $23,158.74    

Ron Ward update—Jim McGarvie

Tom introduced those present.

Officer elections—nominations open
Tom would like to remain pres if no one else wants it. The other officers agreed to serve another term if elected.

Eagle Flights / scholarships—Bob May

Project updates
Tom’s Baron
Windows, door seals, moulding
Tom’s Aerostar
Skin, corrosion,

Mike’s Ercoupe

Roundabout airplane painting etc.

Tom Graves’ Sonic
Gas gauge 2 different senders

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

October Membership MeetingOctober 17

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called it to order at 6:02 pm. Other chapter officers present were Vice President Donnie Taylor, Treasurer Brad Lawrence, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Tom introduced those present.

Treasurers Report—Brad Lawrence:
Gave $500 to Marie Fasano for simulators.
Scholarship and bank balances:
Ray 2023 (Kurtis Kelton) - $4,000 (No reserves at EAA)
Ray 2024 (Zaid Juarez) - $1,203.79 ($6,600 reserves at EAA)
Irene Burnett (Katie Curtis) - $3,500 (No reserves)
Mike Wegner (no candidate) - $10,000 (No reserves)

EAA Chp 810 Funds available - $5,935
Wells Fargo Bank Balance $21,000
Tom presented a plaque to Donnie Taylor commemorating receiving his private pilot certificate.
Dale Mueller presented a plaque to Zaid to commemorate his first solo.

Roundabout update—Tom West
Tom talked about painting and other improvements to the aircraft. He discussed fundraising efforts, including the Donate page on the chapter website.

Dave Smith
    STEAM lab at high school. Also starting aviation program. AOPA donated program. Soliciting speakers.

Ideas for an airport transient / education facility—Phil Josse
About a year ago Russ Genet had a vision about the future of aviation. He and Phil decided it would be nice to have a training facility, pilot lounge, etc. at airport. Russ met with Mark Kelly’s staff in D.C. Will apply for funding next spring. Infrastructure at campground.

New business
Next Young Eagles November 16

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

September Membership MeetingSeptember 19

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called it to order at 6:02 pm. Other chapter officers present were Vice President Donnie Taylor, Treasurer Brad Lawrence, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurers Report—Brad Lawrence:
Scholarship and bank balances:
Ray 2023 (Kurtis Kelton) - $4,568.99 (No reserves at EAA)
Ray 2024 (Zaid Juarez) - $1,203.79 ($6,600 reserves at EAA)
Irene Burnett (Katie Curtis) - $4,159.60 (No reserves)
Mike Wegner (no candidate) - $10,000 (No reserves)

EAA Chp 810 Funds available - $6,391.84
Wells Fargo Bank Balance $23,916.64

Traffic circle update—Tom West
Removed wings from Colt; trying to get some students to help with fuselage work. Mike’s Custom Auto Body will paint for the cost of paint. Town consultant came up with same requirements we have already met, and agreed liability is not an issue. Marie said it would cost a minimum of $40,000, and she will donate 1% ($400). Donations will be solicited at Aerofair. Jim said he would create a donation page on the chapter website.

Aerofair update—Larry Erdman
Larry requested volunteers and sponsors. Military presence: There will be no Osprey this year, but there will be a Huey. Coast guard and border patrol helicopters will be present, as well as the AAHF ride helicopters. The Town agreed to create a proclamation again this year. There will be a movie night the night before Aerofair, and the local Lions chapter will provide popcorn and drinks for $1.

Ron Snyder, the Aerofair volunteer coordinator, announced there will be a volunteer meeting in Tom’s hangar on October 5 at 4:00 pm.

Scholarships and Young Eagles—Bob May
The next Eagle flights will not be before March. Bob cited low attendance. 45 youngsters flew at last week’s Young Eagles. The next YE event will be November 16.

Scholarships: We have two candidates for Mike Wegner’s scholarship. Katie is approaching knowledge test and first solo. Ron Snyder will be assisting Bob after Aerofair.

Dale showed beautiful solo plaques made for Kurtis and Katie by Dave Wilcox. Nice job, Dave! Thanks!

Tom gave a progress report on his Aerostar.

New business
Art suggested putting presentations first on the agenda
Rodney is looking for a hangar for the conditional inspection on his RV.

Dave Wilcox engine installation in his Jabiru
Dave replaced the original engine with Generation 4 2200. The task required considerably more modifications than he expected.

The meeting was adjourned 7:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

August Membership MeetingAugust 15

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant.

The meeting was called to order by VP Donnie Taylor at 6:20PM. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice President Donnie Taylor and Treasurer Brad Lawrence. Also present were Larry Erdman, Aerofair Manager; Bob May, Young Eagles Coordinator; Marie Fasano, Student education programs, and two of the scholarship recipients, Zaid Juarez and Katie Curtis. Total attendance was 38.

Meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance.


  • Treasurers Report as of August 15, 2024
  • EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship
  • Payson High School staff involved in recruiting students
  • Airport Rd / Hwy 87 Round-about static display
  • Aerofair operations for Oct 19, 2024
  • Golden Eagles event August 17, 2024

Treasurers Report:

Balance in Wells Fargo Checking - $24,994.45
Available to EAA chapter - $5,828.61
Available to Katie Curtis (Irene Burnett scholarship) $5,400 - SOLOED
Available to Kurtis Kelton (Ray 2023) $2,369 and another $2,200 from EAA coming - SOLOED
Available to Zaid Juarez (Ray 2024) $1,397 and 2 credits from EAA of $4,400 & $2,200
No student Scholarship recipients lined up for Mike Wegner’s scholarship fund ($10k)

Carl Curtis (Grandfather of Katie Curtis) brought flight logs from his Father, Ferd Curtis, which dated back to 1941 during his flight training and missions in the Pacific and European Theaters in WW-II. Most of the flights were in the B-29 including 13 missions out of Japan into North Korea. Carl only recently discovered the logs.

Marie Fasano Reports:
Student Programs

  • Meetings are on the first Friday of each month. Next meeting Sept 6, 2024 which will discuss flight planning preparations for the visit to Deer Valley’s tower on October 4, 2024. Marie is asking for students to participate as well as volunteer pilots to transport the students. This visit with the DTV controllers should be very beneficial for everyone participating.
  • Mr. David Smith, faculty at Payson HS, is organizing the STEAME programs and aviation to his students. He is requesting pilots from the EAA Chapter to speak to the students. Mr. Jeff Simon, Payson HS Principal, is also participating in bringing interested students to Marie for follow up.

Traffic Circle Static Display

  • The Town has assigned a private consultant to interface with the Chapter on the traffic circle, Mr. Rod Buchanan. Rod has been an a/p manager and is a pilot, but has no information on the project as of today 8/15/2024.
  • Rod’s first request was to have Marie give him all the planning and progress. She told him that we need approval from the Town Council prior to going forward.

Flight Simulators

  • Marie says the students and local pilots can have access to the ‘shack’ next to Dennis Dueker’s office for flight simulator practice.
  • She has one complete simulator unit and needs another computer to complete a second simulator unit. Donations welcome.

Bob May’s Report on Young Eagles and Scholarships

  • The next adult Eagles flights will be held Saturday August 17, 2024 – 7-10AM
    • 21 Eagles
    • 6 pilots (planes)
    • 9 groundees
  • The next official Young Eagles event will be Sept 14, 2024 – 8-11AM
    • Recruiting students, planes, and groundees
    • Contact Bob May for volunteering as a pilot and/or groundee: Eaachapter810YE@gmail.com
    • All volunteer pilots have to submit and pass a background check through the EAA national org. Go on their website to sign up. When completed and approved your name will come up on Bob’s qual list.
  • Bob is moving on the Scholarship for 2025 and has a possible candidate
    • The Ray Scholarships have tight requirements on age, airplane qualifications and submission of reports and testing. Bob’s candidate is out of the age requirement window, therefore training under Mike Wegner’s fund.
    • Donnie Taylor brought a candidate for Ray 2025, Miraya Platt. She has aspirations of being an Air Traffic Controller. She’ll be 16 in Nov.

Larry Erdman Reporting on the Oct 19, 2024 Aerofair

  • Mike Glenn is in charge of military aircraft coming to the Aerofair.
    • 2 Bell Hueys from AAHF; 1 is static and the other will provide rides $125 Tentative
    • 1 Bell Cobra providing rides $800 Tentative
    • Flights will begin at 8AM, Oct 19, 2024
    • US Customs and Border Patrol will bring their A-Star again from Yuma.
    • AZANG has positively responded and will bring a UH-60
    • Marines from VMX-1 at Yuma have agreed to bring an MV-22 again, and possibly two other helos, a UH-1Y like last year and an AH-1X Cobra, do not know scheduling yet, will try to finalize inside of 2 months out.
    • US Coast Guard has us on their schedule to bring a 60 over from San Diego, nothing confirmed yet, again inside of 2 months will commit.
  • Dale Meuller is handling ground operations on the flight line.
  • More food vendors this year with a great selection of food.
  • Same number of exhibitors
  • On the table is a one hour show from the Rim Country Flyers RC club. This would require shutting down operations of the airport with a NOTAM.
  • Dennis Dueker is bringing some of his goats for a static display
  • Ms. Ginger Liddell from the Drama Dept at Payson HS will be setting up face painting for the children attending.
  • Trying to get the Payson Parks & Recreation Dept to stage movie night on the airport Friday. Working on royalty fees, popcorn and enticement of APA pilots to fly in and camp Friday night.

Dale Mueller congratulated Darryl McComas for passing his private pilot check ride today in his C-172!

Tom West showed a few photos of his Aerostar project.

  • Ferried the plane from Catalina airport over to Long Beach where the nose gear and doors were repaired. No 337’s needed because it was a repair only.
  • Ferried it to Coeur D’Alene, ID. Aerostar Corporation headquarters will repair the skin around the nose gear doors.
  • Tid-bits. The Aerostar corporation (Ted Smith died in 1976) sold the operation to Piper in 1978 (PA-60, Sequoya) and produced the last Aerostar in Vero Beach, FL in 1984. Over 1,000 built and approx. 500 still airworthy.
  • Subsequently the pieces, parts, licenses, etc. were acquired by the Aerostar Corporation in Idaho.


Respectfully submitted,

Brad Lawrence for Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810


July Membership MeetingJuly 11

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. The other officers present were Vice President Donnie Taylor and Secretary Jim McGarvie. Treasurer Brad Lawrence was absent.

Pledge of Allegiance


Tom West: Update on his Baron and Aerostar, and the traffic circle

Baron: Right engine loss of alternator, loss of oil pressure. Oil filter full of metal. Alternator drive in pieces. The engine was a factory reman, and the alternator drive gear had shattered, resulting in metal throughout the engine. He replaced the engine with a factory new engine.


Aerostar: The former owner had landed at Catalina and retracted the landing gear instead of flaps on landing. Only the nose gear retracted fully; the right main retracted partially resulting in a slight prop strike. Tom replaced the prop, and had the engine inspected. Ferried gear down to LGB. Swung gear, finishing annual. Tom will fly it to Coeur D'alene to have the skin around nose gear replaced.


Traffic circle: Town didn’t know about Elk. ADOT owns the circle. Town now agrees it does not have to be a Town project. Donnie Taylor will be project manager.


Bob May: Scholarships and Young Eagles

Eagle Flight, Saturday, August 17 from 7-10 AM (registration open, may fly a bit later)


Young Eagles, Saturday, September 14 from 8 to 11:30 AM



Kurtis is studying for his knowledge test, due the end of July

Zaid is progressing normally

Katie is almost ready for solo. Dale or Danny will notify members—please come out and support her.


Dave Wilcox: Propeller design and fabrication

Dave talked about his background, then explained the process of designing and making a wooden propeller. Fascinating!


Adjourned at 7:41 pm


Respectfully submitted,


Jim McGarvie, Secretary

EAA Chapter 810











June Membership MeetingJune 20

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. Vice President Donnie Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. The other officers present were Treasurer Brad Lawrence and Young Eagles Chairman Bob May. Jim McGarvie and Tom West were absent. General attendance was ~20.

Pledge of Allegiance

Brad Lawrence—Treasurer’s report:

  • Ray Scholarship 2024 Allocation balance: $3,846.50 ($6,600 on reserve at EAA) (Zaid Juarez, student)
  • Ray Scholarship 2023 Allocation balance: $2,851.99 ($2,200 on reserve at EAA)(Kurtis Kelton, student)
  • Irene Burnett Private Scholarship Allocation balance: $8,194.35 (Katie Curtis, student)
  • Mike Wegner Private Scholarship Allocation balance: $10,000.00 – Unused.Bob May might have a student candidate for this scholarship.
  • General funds available to Chapter 810: $5,991.82
  • Wells Fargo Bank Account Balance: $30,884.66

Dale Mueller—Presented a plaque to Kurtis Kelton for his first solo as a scholarship student.

  • A handsome wooden plaque with a contrasting propeller, name and dates of the solo.
  • Plaque designed, fabricated, and donated by David Wilcox.


Bob May—Updated the status of Young Eagles

  • Next Young Eagle flight date is Sept 14, 2024 at the usual location at the Payson a/p. 7-10:30AM.
  • 47 Young Eagles flew at the previous event on June 15, 2024. 9 YE’s were local and 38 were from the valley. 6 pilots from Payson, 2 from Show Low and 1 from Mesa/Falcon. 2 ground personnel from Show Low.
  • Bob would like to organize a “Bald Eagle” ride day in mid-August.

Marie Fasano—Announcements regarding student training programs


  • Student training on simulators is the first Friday of every month at her home.
  • In Sept 2024 she has scheduled a tour of the Deer Valley (DVT) tower.She needs pilot volunteers to shuttle the students to Deer Valley.Contact Marie.
  • Report on the proposed static airplane display on the Airport Road traffic circle.
    • Tom and Marie are on the City Council agenda on June 26 to present the plan in more detail.
    • The Petition to support this endeavor has reached over 400 signatures.
  • Students Katie Curtis and Zaid Juarez toured two Embraer Jets with Marie at the Phoenix-Mesa Gateway airport.


Larry Erdman—Gave a review of the status of the Oct 19, 2024 AeroFair planning.  Larry indicated that we’re getting close enough to the date that he needs a formation of volunteers to oversee tactical matters on site.  Sponsorships for supporting overall funding.  “The numbers are on schedule.”  As previously mentioned, Gila County has pledged its $1,200.

  • Food vendors have doubled from last year
  • There is a scheduled free breakfast for anyone flying into the event.
  • Due to the challenge of timing for all the participating aircraft, the schedule is expected to be the same as last year.
    • 8-9am vendors arrive and set up.
    • 8-10am Fly-in breakfast
    • 10-2pm Public participation
  • Recruiters signed up
    • Embry Riddle Recruiter
    • 2-3 Armed Forces Recruiters
    • 2-3 School Recruiters
    • Border Patrol (CBP) presence
  • The City Council has recognized the third Saturday of October each is designated for the PPA AeroFair.

Brad Lawrence / Mike White
—Acknowledged two new members, Dues received.

  • Bill Carr wildbillcarr@gmail.com
  • Terry Doyle terryrdoyle@aol.com
  • Katie Curtis, Zaid Jurez, and Kurtis Kelton have been recognized as student members. No dues required.

Adjourned at 7:20pm by Donnie Taylor

Respectfully submitted,


Brad Lawrence, for Jim McGarvie, Secretary

EAA Chapter 810


May Membership MeetingMay 16

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. In the absence of President Tom West, the meeting was called to order by V.P. Donnie Taylor at 6:00 pm. The other officers present were Treasurer Brad Lawrence and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Donnie led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Scholarships and Young Eagles—Bob May

Bob introduced Katie Curtis, recipient of the Irene Burnett scholarship.
Zaid Juarez has been approved by EAA Na
tional for the 2024 Ray scholarship. We now have three scholarship recipients at the same time.
Flyers have been distributed for the June 15 Young Eagles day.
EAA Chapter 810 is now number one in AZ for number of Young Eagles flown.
There will be an Eagle flight some
time in August

Treasurer’s report—Brad Lawrence

$30,130.54 total in our account, of which $6,589 is unallocated.
$3,541.10 balance for 2023 Ray scholarship
Mike Wegner’s $10,000 for avia
tion education. There was some discussion about what that can be used for. Need to get clarification from Mike.

Aerofair status update—Larry Erdman

Approvals have been received for military aircraft to be displayed.
The Sco
ttsdale FSDO approved military flyovers.
Sponsorships: To date we have received $3250, and have pledges for another $1,000. The $1,200 grant from Gila County has been approved, thanks to our Supervisor Steve Christensen.
We have had good response from vendors.
Scouts will be doing a fly-in breakfast in the Against the Wind hangar; Darla will donate the groceries.
Darla would like us to open the gate on the west side of the restaurant earlier to avoid the crowd.

Traffic circle airplane—Jim McGarvie

Dennis Dueker called meeting with traffic circle committee: Tom West, Ken Rice, Marie Fasano and Jim McGarvie. The bottom line is the Town has two primary concerns: no money for such a project, and potential liability. But apparently the financial concern was referring to the Airport Commission. We never intended to go through them in the first place; this has nothing to do with the airport.

The Town claims this would have to be a Town project and they can’t afford it, but our position is we can finance it ourselves and do much of the work.

When Tom attempts to use the elk in front of Home Depot as an example, the Town claims to know nothing about it.

The Town wants to see evidence of public support; e.g., social media, petitions. Ideas are welcome! Marie Fasano has started a petition, and Larry Erdman offered to put it online.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55pm.

tfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810


April Membership MeetingApril 18

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm. The other officers present were V.P. Donnie Taylor, Treasurer Brad Lawrence and Young Eagles Chairman Bob May.  Jim McGarvie absent.

Pledge of Allegiance

Larry Erdman – Gave a review of the status of the Oct 19, 2024 AeroFair planning.  Given the date is still several months out the formation of volunteers to oversee tactical matters on site has not been organized yet.  However, the main framework is well underway.

  • Sponsorships for supporting overall funding.“We’re about half way to our goal.”
  • The City of Payson has signed the MOU to engage bilaterally in the AeroFair.Thanks to the groundwork last year by Mike Glenn on this matter.
  • The FAA’s DD Form 2535 (REQUEST FOR MILITARY AERIAL SUPPORT) has been submitted to the Scottsdale FSDO office and approved for fly-overs of the USAF.
    • Heritage Helicopter (tentative)
    • Commemorative Airforce (CAF) – C-45, etc.
  • Dale Mueller has volunteered to be the “Air Boss” in charge of aircraft movements.
  • An invitation to the Arizona Pilots Assoc (APA) for using the airport’s camping site has been given to Stephanie Spencer (APA Administrator).There is a potential conflict – that weekend the APA has a routine camp-out at the Grapevine Airport (88AZ) by Roosevelt Reservoir.
  • The EAA Chapter’s Ray Scholarship recipient, Zaid Juarez, has volunteered to promote the AeroFair within the local high school.
  • Tom Thompson has volunteered to oversee the Facebook site and website for the event.This also includes printing of appropriate flyers.
  • The Payson Boy Scout Troop has committed to preparing a pancake breakfast for all volunteers, and personnel bringing in static displays, etc.

Bob May
– Updated the status of Young Eagles

  • Next Young Eagle flight date is June 15, 2024 at the usual location at the Payson a/p. 7-10:30AM.
  • 32 Young Eagles flew at the previous event on March 23, 2024. Half YE’s were local and half were from the valley.
  • EAA National credits our chapter $5 for each ride given.This money goes into a designated account to be used for several items (list published by the EAA) associated with YE activities.If the Chapter elects to use the credits, Bob submits a receipt for the item and the EAA transfers the funds into the Chapter’s bank account. In the past Bob has been reimbursed for refreshments at the YE events, and iPad, and most recently a transceiver.
  • Bob reminds us that the Chapter’s volume of YE rides given dramatically affects our qualification for a Ray Scholarship.Pilots with planes should go online and complete the Youth Protection Program online at EAA Youth Program to give YE rides so that we have more planes to accommodate rides.The background checks take about 2 weeks to process.The next YE Day at Payson is June 15, 2024 (7-10:30).Plan ahead.

Bob May
– Updated the status of Ray Scholarships

  • Ray Scholarship 2023 was awarded to Kurtis Kelton.Kurtis had been training with CFI, Dale Mueller, using the LightSport aircraft.Kurtis soloed on April 16, 2024
  • Bob is managing the next monetary requirement to receive another $4,400 of the total $11,000 scholarship which is the solo verification and a short 250 word essay from Kurtis of his experiences and goals going forward in his training (knowledge test).
  • Ray Scholarship 2024 has been accepted by Zaid Juarez of Tonto Basin and attends the Payson High School.Zaid has his student certificate, medical certificate, and needs to apply on line with the EAA inputting general information as well as a 150-250 word essay outlining his commitment and future aviation plans.
  • Paperwork should be approved by mid-May 2024, after which Zaid can officially begin flight training.
  • In review, funding from the EAA toward Ray Scholarships is dispersed in 3 parts.Initial qualification is $4,400.After the solo another $4,400, and a follow up with $2,200 to fulfill the total $11,000 award.Bob manages the invoices from instruction and equipment billing as well as the paperwork requirements at each milestone.

Brad Lawrence
- Treasurer’s report:

  • Ray Scholarship 2023 Allocation balance: $287.85 ($6,600 on reserve at EAA) If Kurtis Kelton’s training expenses exceed this allocation balance prior to reimbursements from the EAA, the Chapter can fill this gap.
  • Mike Wegner Scholarship Allocation balance: $10,000.00
  • General funds available to Chapter 810: $6,539.44 (same as March 2024)
  • Wells Fargo Bank Account Balance: $16,827.29($18,363.19 in March 2024)

Tom West
– Updated activities toward the traffic circle aircraft display

  • History – Chuck Shiles donated his engineless Piper Colt to the Chapter with the intentions to having the aircraft skeleton be located at the Airport Road / 260 traffic circle.Chuck was given a receipt from the Chapter for his donation of $2,000 for tax purposes.The plane was moved from the airport’s ramp alpha to Tom West’s property in the airpark.Volunteers including YE’s removed the skin from the airframe.Tom has interfaced with the ADOT and civil engineers for the purposes of getting quotes to prepare the site, move and mount the airframe.
  • March 27, 2024 Tom West gave a preliminary 3-minute pitch to the Payson Mayor, City Council, and City Manager on the EAA Chapter’s intention to place the static display at the traffic circle.He presented an artist’s rendition of the project on canvas to the group and mentioned the operational aspects of the project including the various agencies contacted and some of the costs involved.The City Council gave Tom an invitation to return with a more comprehensive presentation.
  • Tom addressed some of the skepticism around this project.
    • Will the City contribute anything toward this project given the City has many expenses including filling potholes and uplifting an underfunded fire department.He pointed out that the City has a beautification budget designated for projects like this; that’s the goal.
    • Why not locate the display next to the airport by the Crosswinds Restaurant? Tom’s opinion was that people know they have arrived at the airport because they can see airplanes parked on the ramp.Placing the airplane at the traffic circle would bring awareness to passers-by on 260 that Payson has an airport.Many locals are not aware of Payson’s airport.Even a City Council Person or two were not aware that Payson had an airport.

Tom West -
Presented a video on the innerworkings of an Airbus 320 during training exercises at the Tallinna Airport in Estonia.  Included computer failures and mismanagement by pilots resulting in a total re-write of the Airbus A320 operating procedures.  Tom also shared his experience flying an A320 while at night in IMC losing power, all lights, and an engine.  The captain found the one switch on the panel that enabled emergency power enabling a safe landing.

Adjourned at 8:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Lawrence, for Jim McGarvie, Secretary

EAA Chapter 810







March Membership MeetingMarch 21

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:07 pm. The other officers present were V.P. Donnie Taylor, Treasurer Brad Lawrence and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Treasurer Brad Lawrence gave the Treasurer’s report:
Ray Scholarship #1 Allocation balance:            $1,823.75  ($6,600 on reserve at EAA)
Mike Wegner Scholarship Allocation balance: $10,000.00
Funds available to Chapter 810:                       $6,539.44
Wells Fargo Bank Account Balance:              $18,363.19

Tom West—
Tom talked about the engine issue on his Baron. The alternator coupling in his right engine failed, creating metal throughout the engine. It was destroyed and a factory new engine is on its way in 5 to 11 weeks. He showed us a sample and pictures of the new flooring for his hangar.

He ferried the Aerostar to Long Beach for annual inspection and other work.

He talked about the traffic circle project update—estimated cost of $40,000. He is hoping to receive help from the Town.

Tom and Rebeka will host a Cinco de Mayo party again this year.

Bob May talked about scholarships (Ray & others) and Eagles
Eagles: flew 19 adults; 1 response to flying start

Young Eagles 3/23: 33 youths signed up. We had five local pilots and one from Show Low. The Show Low pilot was Don Lusk, and his wife Shay is the Young Eagles coordinator for Show Low and was there as well, taking notes and sharing information. They are having a Young Eagles Day on March 30.

Scholarships: approved for 2nd Ray. Need to put article in Roundup age 16-19

Larry Erdman gave an Aerofair status update. He is off to a great start, with an MOU signed by the Town and PPA, DD 2535s for requests of military aircraft support. Tom Thompson has agreed to handle media again this year, Jim McGarvie is taking care of sponsorships again, and Kevin McCully has agreed to be vendor coordinator. He is still looking for a parking coordinator and a volunteer coordinator.

Dan Anderson gave a presentation on his Harmon Rocket
Former Army, Navy, and Southwest pilot
Built Kit Fox, RV 7A, restored RV 4, helped rebuild 172
Built a Harmon Rocket, which is an RV4 with a Lycoming IO-540 and the Harmon kit
Unfortunately, an intermittent glitch in the computer/projector interface detracted from the presentation. Tom said he would troubleshoot.

Adjourn 8:00

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810


February Membership MeetingFebruary 15

The meeting was held in the hangar of Rory Hansen. The Chapter provided pizza and drinks. Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:23 pm. The other officers present were V.P. Donnie Taylor and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom introduced those in attendance.

Treasurer’s report: Tom gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of treasurer Brad Lawrence. From Brad:
•    Ray Scholarship bank balance $2,420.44  (EAA reserve $7,000.00)
•    Mike Wegner Scholarship bank balance $10,000.00
•    Chapter funds $6,489.24
•    Petty cash balance $350.00

Marie Fasano discussed the flights for students to Embry-Riddle at Prescott Airport on April 5. She is looking for more pilots.

Bob May discussed scholarships (Ray & others available), Eagles, and Young Eagles. He has submitted an application for a Ray Scholarship for 2024. Jayson Grey is a possible candidate, along with a couple of others. We also have the $10,000 donation from Mike Wegner for a scholarship or similar.

There is an Eagle flight scheduled for February 24, 9-11:30. We are short on pilots, passengers and volunteers. The next Young Eagles event is scheduled for March 23 at 8:00.

Larry Erdman gave an update on the status of the 2024 Aerofair. He has met with the Town and Parks & Rec. An MOU has been signed by the PPA and is awaiting Town signature.

Rory Hansen gave a great presentation on formation flying. He explained various formations, bearing line, step-up or -down, nose to tail, etc. He also demonstrated fingertip, echelon and diamond formations, and explained the overhead break. He then showed a great video of the 50-ship flyovers of RVs at the 2022 Oshkosh to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Vans Aircraft.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810





January Membership MeetingJanuary 18

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. In the absence of President Tom West, Vice President Donnie Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The other officer present was Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Treasurer’s report: Jim gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of treasurer Brad Lawrence. From Brad: Checking account balance: $19,564.18. Petty cash: $350. 2024 dues paid: 33 (compared to 50 in all of 2023).

Bob May discussed scholarships (Ray & others available), Eagles, and Young Eagles

Eagle flight Feb. 24, 9-11:30, teachers get priority.

Young Eagles events Mar 23 8:00 back-up two weeks later, June 15, Sep 14 7:00 back-up Sep 21, Nov 16 back-up Nov 23

Ray Scholarship: $11,000, have already received first $4,400. We have until the end of this month to apply for this year’s Ray scholarship.

Mike Wegner donated $10,000 for aviation education. Could be used for a scholarship.

Irene Burnette, formerly from Payson now Stellar Airpark, told Bob she would be interested in donating an unspecified amount.

Rodney Tang talked about the AOPA Buckeye Air Fair, requesting volunteers on Buckeye website not AOPA.

Larry Erdman discussed Aerofair 2024 October 19. He is the coordinator for this year’s Aerofair, officially hosted by PPA. He said Tom Thompson agreed to do the marketing again this year, and Jim McGarvie will again handle sponsorships. At the meeting, Dale agreed to be Air Boss. Larry is actively looking for volunteers to fill other vacancies.

Dave Wilcox gave a presentation on 3D printing. Very detailed, and fascinating.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

San Carlos Fly-out—January 6

There must have been a lot of pent-up demand for a fly-out. On relatively short notice (one week), we had 14 planes and 28 people at San Carlos Airport in Globe for brunch. A couple of th18em came from the Valley.

It was a gorgeous day for flying, with calm winds, smooth ride, and decent temperature. Brunch at the casino across the street was good, and the restaurant did a great job of accommodating our crowd.













December Membership MeetingDecember 5

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Brad Lawrence, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

Brad gave the Treasurer’s report.

Jim McGarvie conducted the officer elections. He first asked for any further nominations. Being none, and since there was no contested position, he declared the four nominees elected by acclamation. The officers for 2024 are:
President: Tom West
Vice President: Donnie Taylor
Treasurer: Brad Lawrence
Secretary: Jim McGarvie

Jim McGarvie gave a brief recap of the October 21 Aerofair. It was widely regarded as a success, with attendance estimates between 3,000 and 4,000. It received donations and sponsorships over $10,000. After paying all expenses and setting money aside as seed money for next year’s Aerofair, donations were made to the Payson chapter of the 99s (a women’s aviation nonprofit organization), the Payson High School DECA program, which helped out with social media marketing, and Marie Fasano’s Student Aviation Club of Payson High School.

Bob May, Chapter 810’s Young Eagles and Ray Scholarship coordinator, discussed our scholarship awardee Kurtis Kelton.

He also mentioned Saturday’s Young Eagle event was poorly attended due to cold weather.

If you are doing individual flights you need a new waiver form.

There will be an Eagles event in February, and a Young Eagles event in March.

Marie Fasano gave a brief report on the Student Aviation Club. It is now one year old, and got off to a slow start, with few students. There were six at the last meeting, which is pretty good attendance. She has acquired simulators from Buckeye via Rodney Tang. She would like to put on a field trip to Embry-Riddle in April (maybe make it a Young Eagle event?).

Tom gave an update on the traffic circle airplane. It now has wingtips, engine case, and propeller. He discussed costs and other details.

Phil Josse discussed Russ Genet’s Payson Aviation Initiative. They should have a box hangar by the end of 2024. They would like to see a pilots’ “ready room”, vending machines, table, chairs, etc. Hoping for an FAA-certified simulator for training, instrument proficiency, etc.

Tom talked about the Aerostar he and others bought. It was damaged on landing on Catalina Island. It will be an issue getting a permit to ferry it to Long Beach for repairs.

Tom Graves updated us on the oil leak on the Corvair engine in his Sonex. The oil was coming from a hole in the oil pump case. The hole was plugged, but the plug leaked. With some difficulty he was able to remove the plug, tap the hole, and screw in a plug with a square head so he could safety-wire it.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810




Sedona Fly-outNovember 5

On Sunday, November 5, several of us flew to Sedona for lunch. Some of us completed the trail around the airport and some turned back 45 minutes into the hike to guarantee we would get back for lunch. Some had breakfast and some had lunch at the Mesa Grill at the airport.

There was a little excitement because a Lancair Columbia appeared to land long and hot and blew out both main tires. The airport closed and we had to wait about 30 minutes or so till the plane was towed from the runway before we could depart.



October Membership MeetingOctober 17

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

 Jim McGarvie explained the nomination and election procedure, and accepted nominations from the floor.

Tom West (incumbent) was nominated for the position of president.
Donnie Taylor was nominated for the position of vice president. (Incumbent Ken Rice declined to run for another term.)
Brad Lawrence (incumbent) was nominated for the position of treasurer.
Jim McGarvie (incumbent) was nominated for the position of secretary.

Mike Glenn gave an update on the Aerofair. See attached notes.

Bob May:

Next Young Eagles November 18. Tentative dates next year: March 23, June 15, September 14 and November 16
Next Eagle flight February 24

Ray Scholarship:

Jason Grey could not qualify in time, but he still comes to meetings and helps at Young Eagles events, and might be a future candidate for a scholarship. Our alternate selection is Kurtis Kelton, and he meets all the requirements and has been submitted to EAA National.

Tom Graves is building a Sonex with a Corvair engine, and gave a short, interesting presentation. During pre-oiling he discovered oil leaks, and is still in the process of working on them.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

Aerofair Brief 17 Oct 2023


September Membership Meeting—September 19

The meeting was held in Tiny’s Restaurant.

President Tom West introduced those in attendance. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice resident Ken Rice and Treasurer Brad Lawrence. Mike Glenn, Aerofair Manager; Bob May, Young Eagles Coordinator; Mary Wilson, Aerofair Exhibitor Coordinator; and Barbara Parish, Aerofair Off-Airport Traffic Control and Signage Coordinator were also present.


  • EAA Ray Aviation Scholarship
  • Airport Rd / Hwy 87 Round-about static display
  • Aerofair operations for Oct 21, 2023
  • Young Eagles report on Sept 16, 2023 event

The candidate for the Ray Aviation scholarship unfortunately had some issues which cannot be resolved by the Oct 31, 2023 deadline. The Chapter is looking for students (age 16-19) who can qualify for this prestigious scholarship. Chapter members have located three possible entrants. Follow-up with these people are in progress.

Tom discussed the status of the static display planned for Airport Road / Hwy 87 round-about. Chuck Shiles generously donated his PA-22 Piper Colt to our EAA Chapter to be used as the display. Several government agencies have been involved in planning the display which have been fruitful. At this point in time the Colt is being readied; Tom suggested that some of Marie’s high school aviation students get involved with stripping the airplane, which would be a good learning experience. Resources to complete the project are in the works. This includes civil engineers, landscaping architects, city planners, towing transportation, ADOT, traffic control and more. ADOT authorized bottom-up lighting of the airplane, white color only. Tom reports that the facilitation of the entire project will cost two thousand plus dollars, and he would like to get approval from the membership to spend the funds.

Aerofair Manager Mike Glenn gave an update on our 2023 Aerofair, which will be held on October 21. The main points of discussion were parking, traffic control, shuttles to remote parking, and aircraft being provided by various groups for static displays and rides. See attached notes.

Mary Wilson is in charge of managing the exhibits at the Aerofair of which she reports 30+ at this point. In facilitating exhibitors, she is interfacing with traffic control and static displays of aircraft on the field which is being managed by Ken Rice. Volunteers are needed in several areas of the Aerofair operations and should contact Mary (marywilsonaz@gmail.com) or Mike Glenn (xpmeagle@gmail.com) or Barbara Parish (bjjparish@aol.com).

A report by the Young Eagles Chapter coordinator, Bob May, was presented. The most recent Young Eagles airplane ride event was held at KPAN on September 16. Only 5 airplanes were available, so the rides were limited, but all 49 Young Eagles present were accommodated with rides. Bob extended a thanks to the pilots for making extra flights due to limited aircraft available. The statistics of participants were as follows:

Internet sign-ups: 78

Valley: 39 (32 Peoria)
Prescott: 2
Payson: 32

On-site participants: 46

Walk-ups: 3

Total on-site: 49

Bob noted that they were short on ground volunteers as well as airplanes. He requested to be contacted by potential volunteers for the next Young Eagles event on November 18 (basstrumpeter@gmail.com).

The next Young Eagles event in Payson will be November 18, 2023

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Lawrence for Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

Aerofair update 20230919



August Membership MeetingAugust 15

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

Treasurer’s report—Dave Wilcox
$5,190 in checking account, petty cash $1,450
Dave is resigning, after about 15 years in the office. Thanks for your years of service, Dave! In accordance with EAA Chapter 810 bylaws, the Board of Directors has elected Brad Lawrence to fill the remainder of Dave’s term.

Steve and Becky Vaught have sold their Payson home and will be moving to Oklahoma the end of this month. Steve said a few words, and some folks thanked Steve and Becky for their contributions.

Mike Wegner, a chapter member, donated $10,000 to the chapter to be earmarked for aviation education for youths. We are considering where best to spend it.

Tom talked about his and Rick Corbaley’s trip to Oshkosh in Tom’s Baron, and showed some pictures.

Tom also discussed the status of the Airport Road roundabout project. Chuck Shiles has essentially donated his Piper Colt, less engine, to the chapter. We have the blessing of ADOT, and are now working with the Town.

Jim McGarvie gave an update on the status of this year’s Aerofair in the absence of Mike Glenn, Aerofair Coordinator.

Airport Master Plan—Rodney Tang
Rodney talked about several aspects typical of most airport master plans but lacking in ours. One significant one is ignoring available property near the airport, which could end up with uses not compatible with an airport.

Heather pointed out pilots on the Airport Commission have an input and will produce the best possible product.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810




July Membership Meeting—July 18

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

Treasurer’s report: We have petty cash totaling $450, and $5,140 in the checking account.

Art Rogers gave a brief on a local SAR mission performed by the local CAP unit on last Veteran's Day. Two crashes within a short amount of time. Very interesting look into CAP emergency response process.

Tom spoke about putting an airplane on the Airport Rd traffic circle. There will be a meeting about this project with ADOT in Flagstaff on August 1.

Aerofair update:
Mark Metzger of Army Aviation Heritage Foundation talked about what they can offer for Aerofair. “Make it something that’s good for the Town.” They have legal help available. The deal needs to be negotiated with “Simon.” Mike Glenn pointed out it would have to be a turnkey operation; we don’t have the volunteers to offer. Mark said we would need to provide the crowd line barricade. He also suggested, “If you can’t advertise, don’t have flyable aircraft.” Tom, Ken and Rodney will take the lead on the rides flights.

Mike Glenn briefed on other Aerofair aspects. See attached.

Jim McGarvie mentioned a friend is bringing his Staggerwing to display at Aerofair and staying with us. He suggested others might be able to make a similar arrangement. He also showed the list of sponsors to date, totaling $4,950. Steve Stuertzel rounded it off nicely by donating another $50 from the Stuertzel Family.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810


Aerofair Brief 20230718

Sedona Fly-out—July 8

Six aircraft made the short but beautiful flight to Sedona for breakfast... pretty good turn-out for a relatively short-notice event.









June Membership Meeting—June 20

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

Traffic circle airplane—Tom
Marie had the idea several years ago to install an airplane in the Airport Road traffic circle. Chuck Shiles may donate his Piper Colt. We would strip it to the frame and mount it on a pole. We are seeking approval by ADOT and the Town of Payson.

Young Eagles update—Bob May
On June 17, we flew 56 kids and 6 ride-alongs. There were 14 no-shows. There were 38 locals; the rest were from the Valley and Prescott. There were 12 on the wait list, five of whom showed and flew. The next YE day will be September 16, then November 18.

Bob also introduced our first Ray Scholarship award winner, Jayson Grey.

Tom talked about Oshkosh, and the Beech formation fly-in, in which he will fly his Baron with co-pilot Rick Corbaley.

Mike Glenn gave an update on Aerofair. We finally received the signed MOU from the Town. We are considering conducting paid public sightseeing flights under FAR 91.146. Parking is still a big concern.

Marie talked about the Zing; project for aviation students: hang engine, etc.

Tom Graves talked about his career as a crewman on Navy blimps. They were originally to protect convoys, and were very effective. They took 40 men to handle on the ground.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810


May Membership Meeting—May 16

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:08 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then introduced others in attendance.

Treasurer Dave Wilcox gave the treasurer’s report. We currently have $5140 in checking and $550 in cash.

Tom gave a report on the April 25 fly-out to Eloy. We had 9 aircraft and 16 folks. It was a nice flight, but we weren’t able to watch the sky divers at Eloy because it was too windy for them to jump.

Tom asked for suggestions for future fly-outs. Possibilities mentioned included Sedona, Havasu, Show Low, Chandler, Coolidge, Seligman, and Valle at Grand Canyon. It was pointed out that as it gets hotter we should probably plan a breakfast flight.
Bob May, our Eagles coordinator, gave an update on Eagles flights and the Ray Scholarship. The Eagles flight (like Young Eagles, but adults) on April 29 was a success, with 21 adults flying. They all appeared to enjoy their flights. The next Eagles flight will probably be in another six months or so; there does not seem to be much demand.

The next Young Eagles event is on June 17. Flyers are being distributed now in the hopes of being seen by students before school ends. We are going to allow ride-alongs (parents or legal guardians) on Young Eagles flights; they will require a special waiver specific to ride-alongs.

Notification procedures have been changed, and will utilize the YE software rather than mass emails, so don’t be surprised when you see that.

Ray Scholarship—four youngsters have said they would apply.

Mike Glenn gave a comprehensive update on Aerofair. Please see his attached notes handout. Tom West pointed out that the Aerofair Facebook page is badly out of date. The person who created it is no longer available. Mike is seeking help to get it updated.

Marie Fasano talked about Student Aviation Club which she founded. It is a very worthwhile program, and has already had a few events which have been well received by the attending students. The club is involved with the high school, but is not yet getting as the desired support. Marie thanked those pilots who have supported meetings.

Show and tell

Tom showed pictures of damage done to his airplane during commute flights to L.A.
Mike Glenn showed a Cherokee landing gear torque link and discussed problems going back to ‘60s and related Ads.
Ken Rice talked about the electronic ignition on his Lancair Legacy, and what he replaced it with.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810




Eagle Flight Rally Day—April 29

On Saturday, April 29, 2023 your local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 810 conducted an Eagle Flight Rally Day at Payson Airport. As usual the Payson Aero Club contributed hangar space for use as headquarters and members of Chapter 810, Aero Club, and Payson Pilots Association, plus others not affiliated, served as ground volunteers and EAA members were pilots for the flights.

9 planes flew with 10 pilots and about 10 ground volunteers (a total is difficult–some came and went).

21 adults flew as passengers and all appeared to enjoy it a great deal. A majority were from the Payson area but we also attracted people from near Prescott, Chandler, Mesa, and Phoenix.

The primary purpose of these flights is to test (and arouse) the interest of potential pilots. Several of the participants indicated an interest with at least one planning to start training almost immediately.

Thanks are due to Town of Payson and airport management, the Payson Aero Club and others. We appreciate  your support!

Bob May, Chapter 810 Eagles Coordinator

Chapter fly-out to EloyApril 25

It was a little breezy and slightly bumpy, but a beautiful day and a fun flight to Eloy, and great lunch in the Bent Prop restaurant. A total of nine aircraft participated.






April Membership MeetingApril 18

The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom started out with the pledge of allegiance. He then had attendees introduce themselves.

Treasurer Dave Wilcox gave the treasurer’s report. We currently have $4,807 in checking and $503 in cash.

Aerofair update—Mike Glenn talked about the status of the event, to be held October 21. MOU with TOP signed by PPA but not yet received signed by TOP. Aerofair committee considering liability insurance protecting PPA and volunteers. Teaming with PUSD and High School for support. Sponsorship packages have been developed and 63 sent out to various community businesses and organizations. Already received $2,000 from four sponsors with promises from others. Progress being made on acquiring military and other display aircraft. We will be inviting dignitaries such as Payson Mayor.

Mike stressed that more participation by aviation community is needed for a successful event, both as volunteers and sponsors/donors.

Eagle Flight Day, Young Eagle Day, and scholarship—Bob May
Scholarship: have two candidates; Marie will work on it
Young Eagles June 17
Eagle Flights April 29

Fly-out to Eloy—Tuesday April 25 11:00 departure from PAN, lunch at Bent Prop, watch sky divers. Contact Tom for info: ‭(602) 626-4308‬‬‬

Tom asked for preferences regarding frequency of our meetings, monthly or bimonthly. The consensus was to continue monthly.

Presentation: Flying in Vietnam—Mike White
Mike gave an interesting presentation about his experiences as a “Wizzo”, or Weapon Systems Officer (WSO), flying back seat in the F-4 Phantom in the Vietnam war.




Payson Young Eagles Rally Day

On Saturday, March 25, Chapter 810 of the Experimental Aircraft Association held another Young Eagles Rally Day. The Rally Days provide free flights to kids 8-17 and are very well received by kids and parents. The huge grins on their faces tell the story.

Thankfully the weather cooperated and we had a chilly but clear and bump-free morning. We had 7 planes, 8 pilots, 10 ground volunteers, and were able to fly all 35 prospective Young Eagles that came ready to fly. The total since we restarted the program post-Covid is 185 Young Eagles flown. The vast majority (about 70%) are from Payson, with a few from nearby communities.

This was the first test of the iPad online registration process and it went without a hitch. This will be our process in the future.

The next Young Eagles Rally Day is set for Saturday, June 17, 7-11 AM (registration ends at 10:30). For this rally we will add the option for parents or guardians to ride along, space and weight permitting.

An Eagle Flight Rally Day (ages 18 and up) is scheduled for April 29 and we have several registrations already. I anticipate scheduling these once a year unless demand is high.



March membership meeting

March 21, 2023
The meeting was held at Tiny’s Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Other officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom introduced the other members present.

Aerofair update—Mike Glenn
October 21, 2023

Successful last year, should be even better this year. PPA taking the lead and accepting donations. Sponsorship packages are being sent out; we have already received $750 from two sponsors.

The Town is sponsoring the event. Town has new requirements requiring a completed Memorandum of Understanding between Town and event coordination.

Sponsorship package has been developed and 41 have already been distributed to date. Two have been returned with donations totaling $750.

We will be organizing our volunteer requirements soon and will start actively seeking volunteers.

Young Eagles Day March 25—Bob May
Totally computerized this time, using iPads
Next YE June 17
Received scholarship kit so we can begin that program

Payson Science & Technology Center—Russ Genet
Starting out with astronomy program, then aviation program
Has a sophisticated simulator which can simulate several different aircraft
Courses are online, to appeal to rural students
Will be looking for pilots to help work with students

Condition inspections for experimental aircraft—Daren DuFriend
Difference between annual and condition. Only the person who built the airplane can sign off the inspection. But an A&P can also sign off on a condition inspection of an experimental aircraft.

Experimental LSA: 16-hour repairman course for ELSAs is NOT limited to a make or model. It's a generic course and afterwards you can apply for a repairman certificate for ANY ELSA—but the certificate is for a specific make/model.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.



Payson High School Career Day March 10

EAA Chapter 810 members staff the Payson High School Aviation Club booth at PHS during Career Day.


          From left to right, Steve Vaught, Dale Mueller, Daren DuFriend, Bob May



February membership meeting

The meeting was held at the Crosswinds Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Tom had attendees introduce themselves.

After years of applying, the Chapter was awarded a 2023 Ray Aviation Scholarship. This is primarily due to a superb application by Bob May with Steve Vaught’s help. Thanks to you both!

Tom announced that Chapter 810 earned $665 in Young Eagles Credits.

Marie Fasano talked about the Student Aviation Club she formed, and the club meetings. An article on the club and the recent “Fly a Teacher” event in today’s Payson Roundup written by Marie was passed around.

Steve Vaught gave a report on Tuesday's meeting of the Payson Airport Commission regarding the proposed increase in airport fees. Basically, the commission recommendation was the same as last year’s: a six-year phase-in of the increase, with no increase this year. It remains to be seen whether the staff and Town will follow the recommendation or pursue the fee increase.

Jim McGarvie gave an update on this year’s Aerofair, October 21. In an effort to raise money for more and better aircraft exhibits, we have created a sponsor package which is already being distributed to various businesses and organizations around town. The Payson Pilots Assoc. has filed with the IRS for 501(c)(3) status in order to be eligible for grants from certain foundations.

Ken Rice gave an interesting and entertaining talk about his lengthy and varied aviation career, which at one point had him flying President Clinton, vice presidents and First Ladies.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.





Fly a Teacher Day

On February 10, the chapter held a Flying Start / Eagle Flight event for local teachers and school staff. The purpose was to encourage local educators to promote aviation to their students, and to highlight Marie Fasano's relatively new Student Aviation Club. It proved to be a very successful and popular event, during which ten pilots gave rides at their own expense to 17 teachers and 1 principal. Assisting were approximately 12 ground volunteers.





Payson’s 2022 Electric Light Parade

Several chapter members worked many hours on the chapter's float for the parade, which was December 3.


The effort proved well worthwhile. We may be biased, but we think ours was one of the best floats in the parade.




Show Low Fly-out
November 6, 2022

We had a good turnout for our Sunday Fly-out. Seven planes and seventeen people attended. We had four cars so we were able to make the restaurant run smoothly. Tom Grave's Sonex was very interesting and the Mexican food was delicious.  We hope to see you in future fly-outs.

Tom West
EAA 810 President


Young Eagles Day
November 5, 2022

Once again, my heartfelt thanks for all of the support for yesterday's event! We also had a volunteer from CAP until their meeting plus the usual Aero Club support. Once again, no names because I know I would miss some.

I'm still working through the online vs. paper forms but I'm confident in the numbers: we flew 41 kids, 25 boys and 16 girls, there were 3 cancellations, 14 no shows and 3 walk-ups. At the last event we flew 43 registered kids with 11 walk-ups.

Most importantly in my opinion is that every kid who showed up got to fly and they all seemed happy as they left.

Future: sometime from mid-February to mid-March.

Other: We are considering holding an Eagles event (similar but for ages 18 to infinity). There is a lot of interest.

Once again, thank you all!

Bob May, Ch 810 Young Eagles Coordinator



October 22, 2022

Our 2022 event was an outstanding success. We had great weather (at least until the afternoon wind came up) and many super displays. The official gate count was 1,771, which is more than 10% of the population of Payson!

The attendees seemed to be having a good time. The highlight of the day was probably a few flyovers by a P-51 Mustang and a T-6 Texan.



September membership meeting

The meeting was held at the Crosswinds Restaurant. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

Tom introduced those in attendance, about 25. The room was nearly full. The other Chapter officers present were Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Bob May, our Young Eagles Coordinator, gave a brief for tomorrow’s Young Eagles flights.

Marie Fasano talked about an aviation program in the Payson School District.

Russ Genet discussed a flight simulator at the Payson community college, and online private pilot and instrument ground school courses.

Mike Glenn gave an update on Aerofair.

Treasurer Dave Wilcox gave a treasurer's report.

Jim McGarvie gave a presentation about flying warbirds.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.



August Young Eagles flights

Hi Everyone,

A hearty and well-deserved THANK YOU to the pilots, ground volunteers, and others who made this event an overwhelming success! Fantastic teamwork and dedication! I would like to mention every single person who contributed by name but in fear of omitting people and mangling names I'll just say that we know what you did and we are very appreciative, me most of all. A shout-out to airport management and the aero club as well.

Yesterday we flew 54 kids, ages 8-17 with 6 planes and pilots and 15 ground volunteers. The original target was 30, hoping for at least 20. There is a huge pent-up demand for this and with unlimited resources it could easily have been 90-100.

Once again, I am in awe of the enthusiasm and willingness of this group. You made 54 kids and their families very happy! Not to mention one rookie coordinator!

Success and happiness,

Bob May,
(rookie) Young Eagles Coordinator,
EAA Chapter 810




July membership meeting

President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:13 pm. The meeting was held at Crosswinds Restaurant.

Tom introduced those in attendance. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice President Ken Rice, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom talked briefly about the Flight Design LSA he owns with Mike White.

Mike Glenn gave an update on Aerofair. The Town has finally put Aerofair onto the official calendar. Posting was sent to all persons on the Town Events mailing list.

Steve Vaught says PPA has received a substantial donation, and is considering donating to Aerofair the cost of the porta potties.

See Mike’s Aerofair notes, attached.

Bob May, our new Young Eagles Coordinator, talked about the Young Eagles program. The next Young Eagles flights will be on August 20. Please let Bob know if you can volunteer to help, either by flying or on the ground. He will be meeting with Steve Vaught, previous coordinator, to get brought up to speed.

Tom West gave an excellent presentation on the Garmin Pilot app, which he uses for his frequent flights to and from SoCal.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 pm.







EAA July Mtg Aerofair brief 



June Aerofair meeting

Mike Glenn, Aerofair Coordinator, held the meeting in Tom West's hangar on June 15 (see attached minutes). Mike gave a very effective presentation which indicated significant progress in the planning of the event.There is still much to be done, but we appear to be on track for an excellent event on October 22.

There are still positions to be filled, and we will need many additional volunteers on the day of the event. If you are interested, please email EAA Chapter 810 Secretary Jim McGarvie at jim@mcgarvie.us.





Aerofair mtg notes 20220615 

May fly-out

Originally planned for lunch at Lake Havasu, the plan was changed—due to high winds—to breakfast at San Carlos Apache Airport (P13). The fly-out took place on May 1, and was attended by 20 people in 9 aircraft. Reportedly breakfast was good, and the flights went well. Just a little bumpy on the way home.









April meeting

The meeting was held at the airport campground, in conjunction with a potluck dinner. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Tom introduced those in attendance; about 25 folks. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

There was a discussion about the Town's proposal for a significant increase in airport fees. It is reported the Town intends to ignore the recommendation of the Airport Commission, and proceed with their full original proposed fee increase. The fees include those for hangar rentals, tie downs, and through-the-gate privileges. EAA Chapter 810 and the Payson Pilot Association (PPA) are working together to fight the Town proposal.

Mike Glenn gave a brief update on the Aerofair. The PPA agrees to being a cosponsor with the Town, contingent upon being added as an additional insured on the Town's insurance policy. We have not yet received an answer from the Town.

Another concern is we would like to invite Payson area nonprofit organizations to have a booth or other participation, but according to the Town, they would be considered vendors even if they were not selling anything. As vendors, they would be required to have the Town named as additional insured on their insurance policies. Most organizations we asked said they do not have insurance. This is potentially a serious issue, and we are pursuing resolution.

Tom mentioned Sunday's planned fly-out, and Tom Thompson raised a concern about the weather forecast. Tom said he would check the forecast and make a decision about the fly-out.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810












March meeting

The meeting was held on March 25 in Rim Country BBQ. President Tom West called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

President Tom West introduced those in attendance; about 35 folks. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice President Ken Rice, Treasurer Dave Wilcox, and Secretary Jim McGarvie. Also present was Young Eagle coordinator Steve Vaught, and Bob May who has volunteered to take over for Steve (thanks Bob!).

Tom and Mike Glenn discussed the Aerofair, and the move from EAA to Town of Payson sponsorships. There is some concern about doing Young Eagles at the same time as Aerofair. There is also a question about insurance and about adequate volunteers.

The chapter is looking for help rebuilding the mock-up biplane.

Discussed meeting days and venues. It was decided the April meeting would be on a Friday late in the month at the airport campground. It will be a potluck.

The next fly-out will be to Lake Havasu on a date to be determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

February meeting

The meeting was held on February 25 in the Crosswinds Restaurant.

The meeting got off to a late start due to delay in attendees receiving their dinners.

President Tom West introduced those in attendance. Chapter officers present were President Tom West, Vice president Ken Rice and Secretary Jim McGarvie.

Tom discussed the annual Cactus Fly-in on March 5 at the Gila Bend airport (KCGZ), put on by the Classic Airplane Association of Arizona. He also gave a brief report of the Copperstate Fly-in.

Mike Glenn gave an update on our 2022 Aerofair, which will be held on October 22. He has been busy gathering attractions to add to our event. Some of those include Rim Country Flyers, our local RC model club; Payson Historical Society’s antique fire engine; and a mock-up biplane for kids to climb on and in. Mike is also arranging static aircraft displays, PA system, Gila County Sheriff’s Posse, porta potties, and computer stations with flight simulator software. See his report attached to these minutes.

Tiffani Cluff, who volunteered for the Public Relations and Advertising position for Aerofair, gave a presentation of the website she is creating for the event. It looks fabulous and will certainly help publicize it.

Finally, Dale Mueller gave an informative and entertaining presentation of the B-52, which he flew.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810

Attached: Mike Glenn’s Aerofair update





January Meeting

The January meeting was held in the hangar of Tom West. The meeting was called to order at 6:20 pm by President Tom West.

Tom introduced those in attendance. Chapter officers present were Tom West, David Wilcox and Jim McGarvie.

Elections: Tom announced there had been no nominations in addition to the incumbents, and asked if there were any from the floor. Being none, all incumbent officers were reelected by acclamation.

The results:

President: Tom West
Vice president: Ken Rice
Treasurer: David Wilcox
Secretary: Jim McGarvie

Young Eagle coordinator: Tom mentioned that Steve Vaught wants to be relieved of his position, and we need a volunteer to replace him. The position does not require being a licensed pilot.

Membership dues: Tom mentioned the group has been pretty lax about dues in the past, but due to dwindling funds, needs to get more serious about it. This year’s dues are $20, and are due by the end of January. There is a form on our website (https://chapters.eaa.org/eaa810/join-or-renew). Jim McGarvie mentioned he also brought some blank forms to the meeting.

Website: Tom suggested folks check out our website periodically, as it is being improved and updated frequently.

Copperstate Fly-In/Buckeye Air Fair: The event will take place February 17-20, 2022 in Buckeye, AZ (KBXK) (copperstate.org). The organizer is looking for volunteers. If interested, sign up at copperstate.org.

Dave Wilcox announced he needs corded drills to replace those stolen from Copperstate.

Tom said there would be a fly-out Sunday, January 23, to Wickenburg (E25) for lunch. Meet there at 12:00 noon.

Airport Commission meeting: The Town is proposing to increase all airport fees, including the through-the-gate fee. A few of our Chapter members sit on that commission, which tabled the proposal at this month’s meeting due to inadequate public notice. Before voting at a future meeting the commission asked the town for such things as better notification and surveying of rates at other Arizona airports.

Tom mentioned the Dyke Delta aircraft owned by member Ron Lewis, and asked Ron to consider donating it as a possible display at the traffic circle at Hwy 260 and Airport Rd.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm, and followed by a surprise birthday party for member Rick Corbaley.


Respectfully submitted,

Jim McGarvie, Secretary
EAA Chapter 810




December Meeting

The December meeting was held on the 17th at Crosswinds Restaurants. It was well-attended and productive. Click here for the minutes.

We haven’t collected membership dues for a while due to the fact COVID has curtailed our activities, but we will resume collecting dues beginning now for 2022. Payment is due by January 31, 2022. Click here for fillable membership application form.

At January’s meeting we will hold elections for Chapter 810 directors. The positions are:
President (currently Tom West)
Vice President (currently Ken Rice)
Treasurer (currently David Wilcox)
Secretary (currently Jim McGarvie)
Young Eagles Coordinator (currently Steve Vaught)

If you are interested in volunteering for a position please let us know, and we can fill you in on the duties of that position. With the exception of Steve Vaught, who wants to relinquish his Young Eagle Coordinator position, all current officers are willing to serve another term if no one is interested in running for their position. We really need a volunteer to replace Steve. Feel free to contact him to learn about what that entails. It is not necessary to be a pilot.

Mike Glenn discussed our planned Payson Aerofair next October 22; click here for his information document. Of primary importance is page 2, outlining tasks to be performed and positions to be filled. Primarily we need volunteers to head up committees for Budget/Finance, Display and layout, and Security and facilities (Public Relations and Advertising has already been filled). Please let us know if you have interest in any of the committees or task areas listed.

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!





Cottonwood Fly-out November 14

We had a very successful fly-out to Cottonwood airport for lunch in Old Town Cottonwood at Bocce Pizzeria. I had never been there before and I must say it was one the best  pizzas I have had in quite a while. And, it was reasonably priced. Everyone seemed to agree.

21 people attended and 9 airplanes flew in. Perhaps having it on a weekend and advertising it a week in advance was the trick. The airport courtesy car is no longer, and Lyft and Uber were unavailable when we arrived. Luckily, a local guy with a big truck pulled up and gave us a ride. That's right; we all managed to get in the truck in one run! Walking, two taxi companies and Lyft helped us get back.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to go.

Tom West
EAA 810 President










October Meeting

Our October meeting was held at Donnie and Donna Taylor's hangar on Tuesday the 26th at 6:00 pm.

We began with tacos and drinks the Chapter provided from El Rancho. All board members were present except our Secretary, John Trautschold, due to his bicycle accident just prior to our meeting. Our thoughts and prayers are with John for a full recovery.

I briefly introduced all in attendance and then Mike Glenn led a discussion on the next Payson Open House / Air Fair.  He provided an information handout. Mike is willing to spearhead the organization of the 2022 event. He would like to arrange a meeting with the leaders of Payson Pilots Association, Payson Rim Country Ninety-Nines, Payson Aero Club and Payson Civil Air Patrol to see if and what they can contribute. Mike feels that if we start planning now and solicit as much participation as possible we can have a really great event. Chapter member Diana Andreson made the motion to go forward with the Chapter planning the 2022 event and the motion was seconded by Ken Rice and the vote carried.

Art Rogers then gave a presentation on his recent flying excursion in South Africa in a Cessna 182. It was quite an interesting road trip with amazing sites.

The meeting was adjourned at about 8:00 pm.

We would like to have a fly-out for breakfast or lunch this Tuesday, November 2. If you are available please directly email me at AmazonJet@aol.com or call me at 602-626-4308 so I have an idea of who and what planes may be going. If you don't have a plane but would like a ride please still contact me. We have not yet picked a specific place or time because we wanted to first find out who is available and when.  






Wishing everyone good health,

Tom West, President
EAA Chapter 810


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