Welcome to EAA Chapter 75, the largest, oldest, and most active Quad Cities aviation chapter. Founded in 1959, the chapter's mission is to share the joy of aviation and advancing aviation education with pilots, builders, and enthusiasts alike.
Chapter Announcements
- Chapter Gatherings: In addition to our monthly 1st Saturday Coffee & Donuts social event, our chapter will hold chapter gatherings every 4th Saturday from January through May and September through November at Revv Aviation, 9230 N. Harrison St., Davenport, IA 52806 from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM.
- Chapter Potlucks: In the summer months, June through August, the chapter holds a potluck lunch at noon on the second Saturday of each month at a local airports or airstrips. In December, our chapter hosts a holiday potluck.
- First Saturday Coffee & Donuts: On March 1st, 8:30-11:00 AM, we hope to see everyone at our 1st Saturday of the month coffee & donuts hosted by Bob and Penny Johnson. Come and see their RANS S-20 Raven project. They will also be providing a special breakfast casserole for all the attendees.
- FLYING: You cannot fly into this event as you can only drive to this event.
- DRIVING: Drive to 19102 E. 1600 St. Geneseo, IL 61254. His shop is grey in color and is across from the golf course. Parking can be in his driveway. Call Bob Johnson at 309-489-6572 if you get lost.
- IMC Club: The IMC Club will hold their next event on March 4th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM at Revv Aviation, 9230 North Harrison Street in Davenport, Iowa. The Instrument Meteorological Conditions Club's (IMC) purpose is to promote instrument flying proficiency, and safety. Each month the IMC discusses a flight scenario in which everyone is encouraged to think about what they would do in various instrument situations. The discussions are interesting because everyone brings their own experiences and training. While the topic is typically instrument flying, we have a number of visual Flight Rule (VFR) pilots that participate as well. Are all welcome! Our goal is to make everyone a safer pilot.
- FAA Safety Seminar - March 8: Jason Glass and David Hintz from the Des Moines Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) will be giving a presentation on "What Does The FAA Do At The FSDO?" on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at 9:00 AM. The presentation will take place at Flight Deck Aviation, 2000 S. 60th St., Clinton, IA 52732, and attendees must register to attend here. The event is being put on by the FAASTeam, Flight Deck Aviation, and Clinton Municipal Airport. By attending this event, you will receive One Credit for Basic Knowledge Topic Three towards your FAA Wings Credits.
- Bett STEAM Expo - March 8: The Bett STEAM Expo featuring fun and educational hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math activities for kids, is coming up on Saturday, March 8, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Bettendorf Middle School, 2030 Middle Rd, Bettendorf. The event is free and open to all children and their families.
- Chapter Business Meeting: The Board of Directors will hold a business meeting at 4:30 PM on March, 12th at Revv Aviation, 9230 North Harrison Street in Davenport, Iowa. We encourage all of the membership to attend.
- Chapter Gathering - March 22nd: In the summer of 1999, at 46 years of age, newly minted pilot John Bruesch took his three kids on a cross-country day trip from Joliet, Illinois (JOT) to West Bend (ETB) in Southeastern Wisconsin. As he knew he would, John loved the distance and its additional challenges beyond the home field pattern. Life and budgets intervened, and for twenty-five years and three-hundred-some Hobbs hours, lots of hundred-dollar hamburgers were consumed but nary another cross-country was flown. A tailwheel endorsement was earned in 2021, and a craving for olde time barnstorming began to emerge. “What if I bought a bunch of hours and just flew out somewhere, selling rides for gas money and letting the weather dictate my flight path?” he wondered. The answer came swiftly – “Twenty-five years – no more excuses!” So, in a humble old Aeronca Chief, on a fine late-September morning, he headed out Wisconsin-bound to sell rides, impose on friends and relatives, and log cross-country hours. Hijinks ensue, and foul-ups too. This candid presentation explores the meaning of “barnstorming” back in the day and nowadays, describes John’s 1,100 mile trip, and illustrates the superb value of low and slow general aviation aircraft rental excursions versus commercial sardine can “vacation” trips. 60-90 minutes, lots of photos.
The presentation will begin at 9:30 AM during the chapter gathering event, located at Revv Aviation, 9230 North Harrison Street, Davenport, IA 52806. You can arrive early from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM to socialize, have coffee, and a donut. This program is one that you do not want to miss!
- Chapter Needs: Those interested in contributing to the organization, including leading and organizing speakers for our monthly gatherings should contact Dan Murphy at skyhawk147j@gmail.com or attend our March 12, 2025 Chapter Business Meeting at Revv Aviation in Davenport, Iowa.
- The chapter board members are always interested in your feedback. If there is something you'd like to see or do in 2025, please email Dan Murphy at skyhawk147j@gmail.com with your suggestions.
- Finally, if you wish to keep up to date with what is happening in the chapter, please visit this website often. The domain name EAA75.ORG is easy to remember and easy to share with others.
EAA Chapter 75 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on advancing aviation education within the Quad Cities Area.