Upcoming Events
Mon, Mar 17, 7:00 PM - Joe Kilmister- Retired engineer with Thiokol, would speak on Solid rocket boosters used on the Space Shuttle and the Shuttle accident. (pizza at 6:30 PM)
Sat, April 5, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM - Pancake Breakfast
Mon, April 21, 7:00 PM - Ralph Johns - Zenith CH650 build tour
Recurring Events
Coffee and Donuts (Each first Saturday of the month from 9:00-11:00 AM, October through March)
Come join us at our wonderful hangar at the airport for coffee and donuts, hangar flying, checkout progress of the Loft project, Young Eagles RC Model build, current member build projects and meet and greet with other chapter members.
Pancake Breakfast (Typically the first Saturday of the month, April through September)
Come join us at the EAA Chapter 517 Hangar for breakfast and for great conversation with local aviation enthusiasts! Specific dates will be posted above when scheduled. Your donation of $10 helps us fund chapter activities and support access to local aviation. If you would like to volunteer to help set up, clean up, or cook/serve please send an email to president@eaa517.org.
Young Eagle Flights (First Saturday of the month, summer months)
These generally coincide with our pancake breakfast events. Specific dates will be posted above when scheduled. Visit our Young Eagles page for more information.
Eagle Flights (Based on demand)
Five Valley Flyers, operating as EAA Chapter 517, Inc., conducts Eagle Flights based on demand. See our Eagle Flights page for more information.
Evening Program (3rd Monday of the month)
EAA Chapter 517, Inc. has special speakers and topics of interest. Normal programs are the 3rd Monday of the month held at the EAA 517 hangar starting at 6:30 pm. Sometimes these are preempted during the summer months due to the Saturday fly-in gatherings. Specific dates will be posted above when scheduled.
Annual Membership Meeting (Once per year)
Special Meal Events
In December each year we host a Celebration of Flight Dinner to commemorate the anniversary of Orville and Wilbur Wright's 1903, First Manned Powered Flight and the Christmas holiday.
Other Activities
Five Valley Flyers often participates in the planning and support of other aviation events in our service area.