EAA Chapter 512

Placerville California (KPVF)

About Us

If you love flight, you’ve found a home....

Perhaps you're already an EAA member and want to get involved with a chapter.  Perhaps you're thinking of building an aircraft, or have even already begun a project, and would benefit from talking to experienced builders. Maybe you already own or rent a plane and want to spend time or fly with others who share your passion for flight. You might have a son or daughter fascinated by flight and you'd like to know more about our Young Eagles Program. Perhaps you're thinking of learning to fly, or are a new student looking for mentorship. Or, you're simply passionate about airplanes. In any case, you're just like us, and we’re here to help.

Currently, Chapter General Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. from October to April, and at 6 p.m. from May to September. We look forward to having you join us!  Joining EAA and Chapter 512 opens your aviation experience to a whole new group of friends with like interests. We work to provide the 4F's of EAA - Flying, Friends, Food and Fun.  At monthly meetings we have aviation-centered programs presented by interesting and knowledgeable speakers.

Our summer meetings (May to September) are potluck picnics with members and guests bringing side dishes and desserts to share, while the Chapter provides hot dogs and hamburgers. These are excellent family get-togethers. April to October, on the first Saturday each month, we host a pancake breakfast open to the aviation community and the non-flying public as well. See our calendar for upcoming events.

As well as our twice-yearly Young Eagle rallies, we have group fly-outs, a monthly IMC/VMC club meeting, resources for aircraft building and flight testing, and a really cool hangar with a nice picnic area that all our members get to use. We also participate in Eagle Flights – a program to encourage adults of all ages to experience the wonder of personal flight. EAA Chapter 512 is an active community-based non-profit organization focused on educating and including as many people as possible into the family that is aviation. Come join us!

Our Motto: Aviate & Educate!
Membership: interest in aviation is the main qualification – you don’t need to be a pilot to be welcomed!  See the Membership page for details on membership in EAA National and Chapter 512.

EAA 512
President: Robert Bulaga
Contact: 916-983-0384 | eaa512pvf@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 3rd Wednesday 7:00 PM
Chapter Hangar
3483 Airport Rd.
Placerville, CA 95667

EAA Chapters Silver
Programs: IMC Club, VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Flight Advisor, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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