EAA Chapter 509

Eau Claire, WI

Young Eagles

EAA Young EaglesFounded in 1992, the Young Eagles program is dedicated to giving youth ages 8–17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers.

It’s the only program of its kind, with the sole mission to introduce and inspire kids in the world of aviation.

Today, the Young Eagles program has flown over 2 million kids. 

For more information from EAA headquarters about the Young Eagles program, visit www.youngeagles.org



Next scheduled Young Eagles Rally will be at the Chippewa Valley Regional Airport's Pancake Breakfast held in May, 3rd, 2025 at the Hawthorne Hangar (follow posted signs on day of event).

Registration will open for children youth ages 8-17 on April 19, 2025


Search for Young Eagle Events Here: Young Eagle Schedules in the US




Still want to learn, but on your own time and space? AeroEducate is a free resource filled with age-based activities and clear pathways to aviation and aerospace industry careers where K-12 students can discover and ignite their curiosity in aviation.

AeroEducate is a way for students, teachers, parents, and EAA chapters to interact with aviation in a whole new way. By signing up for a FREE AeroEducate account, you can find awesome web-based projects, experiments, and experiences that can earn points toward progressive AeroEducate Badges.




Young Eagles Coordinator
Name: Jacob Kuhn
City: Eau Claire
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Name: Michael Kuhn
City: Eau Claire
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Name: Amanda Ehrler
City: Eau Claire
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