EAA Chapter 509

Eau Claire, WI



Whether you fly, build, restore or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our events and join our Chapter 509 in Eau Claire.

We are a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like-minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so.

You do not have to be a pilot! Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest.


Membership Information:

  • Did you hear or see us and want to learn more about our chapter with no commitment, please fill out this contact form:  CONTACT FORM
  • If you are interested in joining our chapter, please fill out our online google form application: JOIN OUR CHAPTER ONLINE APPLICATION 
  • Membership fees due annually; $40 for individual, students (K-12) are free.  At this time, please pay in person via cash or check at our monthly meetings (2nd Thursday of the month). We are actively searching for an online payment system.


 Volunteer to help staff the following events:




 1. Chippewa Valley Regional Airport Pancake Breakfast with Young Eagles Rally (pilots/cooks/check-in table etc.) Saturday, May 3rd 8-11am

 2. EAA Ford Tri-Motor and B25 (host/merchandise/staff volunteer)

Wednesday/Thursday, June 25/26
 3. Chippewa Valley Airshow Saturday-Sunday June 28-29
 Complete the Volunteer Sign-up Form Here    


Chapter Announcements [Updated February 21, 2025]: 

  • March 13th Gathering: Taco Bar (need I say more...?). EAA 509 apparel ordering, Encounter Report, Update from Young Eagle Group, Volunteer Requests for staffing Pancake Breakfast and Young Eagle Rally, EAA Ford Tri-Motor and B25 flights hosting, Chippewa Valley Air Show Staffing, plus a presentation by Perry Kunzar. 
  • Chapter Newsletter.  If you aren't on our membership email list (ahem...so please fill out the contact form above), you may not be aware that we have a monthly chapter update.
  • Volunteers Needed.  As our chapter grows and conducts more public events, our need for volunteers is growing.  Here is just a small list of areas we could use your help.  If anything below interests you, email us at ChapterEAA509@gmail.com with the specific roles you want to fill.
    • Young Eagle Pilots - We're looking for pilots to commit to ~ 3 hours of flying per rally.  We schedule :45 min time block per youth, which means you'll fly at least 4 youth in that 3 hour block.  For every youth flown, our chapter gets $5 of Young Eagles "Credits" from EAA for use on a variety of items.  Our chapter flew just over 60 youth last year.  Will you help us surpass that goal this year?  
    • Young Eagle Rally Volunteer - We're seeking excited and energetic members to help check in youth and their families, assign youth to pilots, and then help ensure all post-flight paperwork is prepared following the Young Eagle Flight.  This job doesn't need a commitment for the entire duration of a Rally, however we appreciate those that can.  
    • Chapter Hospitality Team - Do you like to cook?  Are you available to help set up for our events?  Do you want to be the welcoming face for all newcomers to our chapter events?  Our hospitality team does all that and more!  As part of this team, you'll make sure every person at our event has the BEST DAY ever by welcoming them, providing name tag (if they don't have one already), and introducing them to the event of the day.  Additionally, you can be part of this team if you want to help prepare and cook at our events.  
    • Young Eagle Educator - Does teaching others bring you joy?  Are you wanting to get involved with aviation, but don't feel you know enough to help?  Well, this might be your calling.  We are anticipating on conducting Young Eagle Workshops periodically this year. Our youth education activities come from EAA's AeroEducate program, which provides all the detailed instructions you need to facilitate their learning.  All we need is your heart to teach, excitement, and positive energy.  I guarantee that volunteering for this role will make you feel like a kid again!!


We are very active on Facebook so search for us using the keywords EAA Chapter 509: Eau Claire, Wisconsin EAA



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