EAA 486 Monthly Friday Chapter Meetings: every 2nd Friday evenings of each month, 7:30 PM, at Oswego County Airport (KFZY) unless otherwise specified.
EAA 486 Monthly Tuesday Board Meetings: every 2nd Tuesday evenings of each month, 7 PM at Oswego County Airport (KFZY) unless otherwise specified. From Roger Morton, president: I want to stress again, all members are welcome to our Board Meetings, we’ll even let you talk!!
The health and safety of all is our top priority. Non-vaccinated individuals are asked to wear a mask per current state and federal guidelines. Thank you.
January 1
- 2024 Membership Dues of $20, is due January 1, and is good through December 31. If you have not yet renewed, please mail your completed EAA application along with your check made out to: EAA CHAPTER 486 Inc.. Thank you for your support!
Please note our membership dues is now $20/year (down from $40). If your situation allows, donations are appreciated to help defray the costs of hangar and clubhouse maintenance and cannot forget our fly-in breakfasts. (Nationwide, prices have increased.) Again, our understated Many Many Thank Yous!!! :)))
Membership in National EAA is required to be a member of EAA Chapter 486. If you are not a National EAA member, you may still join EAA Chapter 486 now if you apply for National EAA membership. If a National EAA membership application is not available you can call 800 564-6322 or access EAA.org and click on Membership to join. Membership in Chapter 486 is subject to Board of Directors approval.
- "Propwash" is EAA Chapter 486 monthly newsletter, one of the benefits of your annual membership dues.
(can't wait...go to bottom of page)
2023 November 18 Saturday 1:00 PM
Our Monthly Chapter Gathameeting ...in the hangar at Oswego County Airport (KFZY)
Program: Movies are back!
2023 November 23 Thursday
*** H O L I D A Y ***

2024 December 8, Friday
Our Monthly Board ...in the clubhouse at Oswego County Airport (KFZY)
*** A N N O U N C E M E N T ***
President: Brian McBurney
Vice Presiden: Brian Morse
Treasurer: Walter Kahn
Secretary: Brian McBurney
Membership Director (not an "officer" position): Sue Fuller
For additional information, follow us on Facebook: EAA Chapter 486