Welcome to our Chapter!
Whether you fly, build, restore, or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our events and join our chapter. We are a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like-minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so. Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest.
ABOUT: Membership Dues USD $20 -- deadline January 1, 2024.
EAA Chapter 486
2326 County Route 176
Fulton, NY 13069
We realize things slip our minds as we are busy with other things and the holidays are around the corner. t.
We appreciate your past support and hope you found value and enjoyment in your membership. We invite you to renew your membership for 2024 so we can continue to include you for future events and newsletters.
No doubt you will want to continue! All you need to do is send your renewal, now only $20 annually! I’ve also attached a membership form in case any information has changed.
Hope to see you soon.
Sincerely, Sue Fuller, EAA Chapter 486
Please mail your completed EAA application along with your check made out to: EAA Chapter 486, Inc. Thank you.
Lastly. Please note our membership dues is now $20/year (down from $40). If your situation allows, donations are appreciated to help defray the costs of hangar and clubhouse maintenance and cannot forget our fly-in breakfasts. (Nationwide, prices have increased.) Again, our understated Many Many Thank Yous!!! :)))
ABOUT: Our PROPWASH Newsletters

"Propwash" is our chapter monthly newsletter, one of the benefits of your annual membership dues. The club newsletter is written for the enlightenment and education of the aviation community.
- President's Corner
- FAA WINGS Safety Sessions
- Technical Counselor
Dues of $20, is due January 1 and is good through December 31. If you have not yet renewed, please mail your completed EAA application along with your check made out to: EAA Chapter 486, Inc. along with your check made out to: EAA Chapter 486, Inc. Thank you.
Please note our membership dues is now $20/year (down from $40). However, if your situation allows, donations are appreciated to help defray the costs of hangar and clubhouse maintenance and cannot forget our fly-in breakfasts. (Nationwide, prices have increased. Again, understated Many Many Thank Yous!!!
ABOUT: Our Monthly Chapter Gathameetings
Our Monthly Chapter Meetings,
2nd Fridays of each month, 7:30 PM EDT: All meetings are held at the EAA Chapter 486 Hangar.
We get together at the each second Friday of the month at 7:30 PM and generally have an FAA Flight Safety meeting starting at 6:30 PM.
For more information on our chapter, please click on Contact Us provided in the left sidebar or scroll down to the bottom of this page. Hope to see you!
ABOUT: Our Online Community Outreach
(Updated: 2023 Nov17)
About EAA
Our chapter is part of the worldwide network of EAA chapters. EAA embodies the spirit of aviation through the world's most engaged community of aviation enthusiasts. EAA's 170,000 plus members enjoy the fun and camaraderie of sharing their passion for flying, building and restoring recreational aircraft.
To find out more about EAA and our programs and services, please visit our home page at EAA.org.
EAA’s local chapters are about people, bringing together individuals interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge.
Chapter members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities, including Young Eagles, fly-ins, building seminars, and more, to build awareness in the community.
How does one describe an EAA member? That question does not have a definitive answer.
EAA members represent every aspect of aviation and often have multiple interests. We fly them. We fix them. We even build them.
EAA members are what we like to call the "keepers of the flame." Sure, we love airplanes. But it goes beyond that.
It's about passion, camaraderie, that ol' can-do spirit, and a grassroots way of sharing our love of aviation with others.
It’s the airplanes that bring us together. It’s the people who keep us coming back.
We are…
A community of passionate aviation enthusiasts that promotes and supports recreational flying.
We serve the community by:
Inspiring new participants in aviation
<· Inviting the public to experience flight
· Providing a compelling view of possibilities
· Nurturing interest in aviation
· Supporting clear pathways to participation
Youth Protection Policy and Program
· Online training and basic background check for EAA staff and volunteers who work with children under age 18.
Enriching the participation experience
· Protecting rights and the freedom to fly
· Encouraging affordable flying in a local environment
· Cultivating and providing knowledge, information, and resources
· Embracing diverse interests, camaraderie, and fun
· Supporting and promoting aviation events and activities