EAA Chapter 326

Puyallup, WA - Mount Rainier Chapter

TeenFlight Puyallup

TeenFlight Puyallup (TeenFlight.org) is a separate Washington State non-profit organization operating as a public charity providing educational services to high school age students.

This 2+ year program is designed to teach high school students the vocational skills necessary to construct, maintain and fly the aircraft they built along with directly exposing the students to the various career opportunities through field trips, job shadowing and internships.

TeenFlight Puyallup is mostly made up of members from Chapter 326 of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) based at Pierce County Thun Field (KPLU) in Puyallup, WA. These experienced builders volunteer their time to serve as mentors to the students and as staff to operate the program.

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