Experimental Aviation Association (EAA) Chapter 242, based at the Hamilton-Owens Airport, is proud to announce that they will be hosting Aerofest 2025 with the assistance of Eagle Aviation Columbia LLC.
This exciting aircraft static display will be taking place on December 6, 2025.This is the day before the commemoration of Pearl Habor Day which lives in infamy.
All proceeds of this event will benefit The EAA Young Eagles Program. EAA Chapter 242 is a world leader in Young Eagles having flown over 11,700 children. We are seeking to further enhance this program with the donations from Aerofest 2025.
Hot dog lunches will be sold during the event for the low price of only $10.00. The pilots of the aircraft that have been invited to participate in the event will receive these lunches at no cost.
Admission is only:
Adults: $15.00
Children age 6 – 17: $10.00
Children under 6: Free
Military with Military ID: Free
No children under the age of 18 years old admitted without an adult. Come join us on December 6 th to help raise money for the Young Eagles Program at Aerofest 2025 at the Hamilton-Owens Airport. This is a great opportunity for the public to see military, public-use, vintage aircraft and much more as we lower the fences at the airport so the public can learn the value and importance of the Hamilton-Owens Airport to Richland County and the state!