Welcome to our Chapter: EAA180 (Click Here for March 29th Picnic Info)
EAA180 advocates for aviation and public awareness-involvement, building aircraft, mentoring aircraft builders and owners, provides safety programs, membership education, and flying activities. Everyone is welcome!!
- Advocate for aviation and public awareness-involvement
- Liaison with SRQ to represent EAA Chapter 180 at their monthly meetings.
- Cultivate contacts with video, newspaper, and radio media to advocate for general aviation.
- Provide Young Eagles youth (ages 8-17) exposure to aviation including a free flight.
- Be inclusive to adopted and foster youth in the Young Eagles program.
- Educate the public about aviation.
- Provide aircraft experiences to the general public so that they may touch, feel, and fly in the (RARE) EAA B-17 and EAA Ford Tri-motor historic aircraft.
- Build aircraft
- Schedule Show-N-Tell of builder’s projects.
- Visit aircraft manufacturers in Florida to learn their techniques.
- Visit aircraft paint shops to evaluate “best practices”.
- Conduct workshops to demonstrate best practices for epoxy, metal fabrication, kit assembly, and wiring.
- Support and mentor the Teen Aircraft Factory of Manasota (TAFM).
- Mentor aircraft builders and owners
- Encourage groups independent of EAA180 to build aircraft.
- Activate Tech Counseling and Flight Counseling.
- Emphasize the importance of pilot fitness.
- Provide guidance selecting and using new FAA mandated avionics.
- Social
- Conduct cookouts and potluck socials.
- Schedue excursions to Sun-N-Fun, Fantasy of Flight, aircraft manufacturers in Florida, etc.
- Provide a dynamic and educational Monthly Meeting Program including inviting outside speakers.
- Sponsor appreciation dinner for Young Eagles pilots.
- Schedule Pilots & ATC annual social mingling.
- Invite home-built aircraft to our Fall Cookout & Fly-In
- Coordinate with Ageless Aviation Dreams Foundation to give rides in their Stearman biplane (and invite other bi-planes to this event) at the Jubilee Year Spring Cookout & Fly-In.
- Safety programs
- Promote FAAST/Wings programs by presenting FAA created programs to educate pilots.
- Checking fuel flow and carb-heat.
- Establish multiple venting of fuel tanks to prevent siphoning of fuel (features of Monarch fuel cap).
- Fundraising to support programs
- Link with Amazon.com.
- General Public flights/walk-arounds of RARE EAA B-17 and EAA Ford Tri-motor aircraft.
- Consignment sales posted on Chapter web-site.
- Organize a “Try-N-Buy” fly-in for consignment sales.
- Expand the sponsor support platform for EAA Chapter 180 Missions & Objectives and for EAA aircraft tours.
- Recruit new members
- Identify interested prospects, retired aviation professionals, and active aviators.
- Advertise using posters at surrounding airports and promoting word-of-mouth.
- Publish and maintain an interactive and dynamic website.
- Recruit from EAA National membership roster.
- Utilize social media (e.g., Facebook, Social Flight. Meet-Up, etc.) to reach new markets of aviation enthusiasts.
- Flying
- Brunch-Bunch Fliers encouraging non-pilots to accompany them as guests on outings.
- Pilot proficiency events.
- Training to optimize flight altitudes, and tips for flying into non-towered airports.
- Membership education
- Preparation for making “First Flight” in homebuilts.
- Education and compliance with FAA policy of dual pilots on first flights.
- Cooper-Harper scale testing methods for ergonomic flight-control handling.
- Proficient-efficient piloting.
- Optimal transitioning to Glass panel from steam gauge avionics.
- Flying with icing conditions.
- Membership active involvement
- Strive to have each member volunteer to voice her/his ideas and actively participate in the direction and improvement of our Chapter.
- Make job functions available for members to be Coordinators of Core Objectives.