EAA Chapter 145

Grand Rapids, MI

Welcome to Grand Rapids EAA Chapter 145


Whether you fly, build, restore or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our events or join our chapter. We are a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so. Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest.


Meeting on Saturday, March 8, at 10:00am: ‘Engine Management 101’ (and chili!)

The Chapter 145 monthly meeting is held on the second Saturday of the month in the big hangar at 08C. The topic this time is Engine Management 101, presented by Bruce Whitman.

Bruce will be reviewing the knowledge and experience contained in a recent book from Bill Ross, the Vice President for Product Support for Superior Air Parts. Bill’s message is simple: “The purpose of scheduled maintenance is to prevent unscheduled maintenance.” Bill has talked about this topic at AirVenture forums, was the 2023 National Aviation Technician of the Year, has written this book, and has produced videos on this subject. Bill has 32 years of experience, is an A&P and IA, and is a pilot and aircraft owner is located in Coppell, Texas. You can request a free copy from their website.

This should be a great topic for all of us involved in aviation.

This Chapter 145 meeting is also a great chance to socialize and share flying and building stories! We have a great group of pilots, families, students, builders and perhaps new people with an interest in aviation. All are welcome! There will also be a Chili Contest at the meeting!


Riverview Airport (08C)
805 Taylor St
Jenison, MI, 49428
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