Welcome to EAA Chapter 1078!
We are part of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), a national organization for both pilots and non-pilots who are interested in the dynamic world of flight. Founded in 1953, the EAA offers activities for the entire family on the local, regional, and national levels.
The EAA also offers support programs for those who are building and restoring aircraft. Most importantly, it is dedicated to serving all of aviation by fostering and encouraging individual participation, high standards and access to the world of flight in an environment that promotes freedom, safety, family and personal fulfillment. If you have an interest in any aspect of experimental aviation and would like to support experimental aviation, consider joining the EAA by clicking here.
Members of EAA can then participate locally by joining any one of the over 1,000 local chapters (including ours!). The only requirements for chapter membership are membership in the EAA at the national level, an interest in aviation, and a willingness to get involved.
Pay your dues!
Membership dues are $30 per individual annually and are due January 1st.
You may pay your dues using either of these methods.
Pay by cash or check in person at one of our meetings. Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
Pay with Square by clicking below.