Membership in Florida Warbirds EAA Warbird Squadron 24 is open to anyone with an interest in military aviation and who is a current member of both the EAA and Warbirds of America. Memberships for individuals and families (two or more people) are available.
- Individual Annual Dues: $25
- Family Membership Dues: $35
New Member Application
Please click on the link and print the membership application. Send completed application along with your check made payable to EAA FL Warbird Squadron 24 to:
Florida Warbirds EAA Warbird Squadron 24, Inc.
Attn: Membership
4075 James C. Ray Drive
Lakeland, FL 33811
Renewing Members
Current Squadron members may renew by using the PayPal link below or sending checks to the Squadron office at the address above. Renewing Individual Dues are:
- Individual Renewal: $25
- Family Renewal: $35
We ask that your renewal dues be paid no later than March 31. Members not renewing by March 31 will be removed from the active Squadron roster and email lists.
If your contact information has changed, please include your updated address, email address and phone/cell number with your renewal check.
Should you have questions, please contact Membership at