ArkanSTOL Ozark Backwoods Challenge | Larry Gordon |
10/4/2021 |
The allure of the adventure itself was too great to not send in our volunteer applications. Bingo! The volunteer coordinator gave us the green light to come join the 2nd annual ArkanSTOL. read more published October 2021 |
Fly Wisconsin Airport Passport Program | Dan Marlenga |
9/23/2020 |
Now flying at 3000 feet and 90 mph, I reached down with my right hand to lift on the door while I guided the pin back in place with my left hand. In an instant the door was gone! read more published July 2021 |
09/17/2020 |
Lots of smiles and pats on the back, as most of us thought we might never fly our own planes into Mitchell Field in Milwaukee! read more published August 2021 |
9/14/2020 |
We arrived to find several local pilots sitting around a table enjoying a beverage after their day of flying hang gliders. read more published June 2021 |
9/1/2020 |
We approached the field with our speed in check, anticipating the short runway, but no problem, as the grass strip was longer than expected. read more published May 2021 |
8/27/2020 |
Flying the Mississippi is so neat, seeing backwaters, large and small boats and the locks and dams. read more published April 2021 |
Larry Gordon |
8/7/2020 |
Before entering the pattern we were getting raindrops on our windshields and experiencing low light conditions, adding to our cautious approach to an unfamiliar airport. read more published March 2021 |
8/6/2020 |
The 10 minute flight over Chequamegon Bay from Ashland to the Apostle Islands and Madeline Island was spectacular. read more published February 2021 |
Dan Marlenga |
7/31/2020 |
Arriving at Payzer Field in Boulder Junction is near and dear to us flyers from Chapter 75 as we have been here many times for the annual Musky Day Fly-in in August. read more published January 2021 |
7/23/2020 |
This area of Wisconsin is so beautiful, with the tiered crop land, the bluffs, the Wisconsin River Valley emptying into the Mississippi. read more published December 2020 |
7/16/2020 |
The wind today had picked up from the south and the thermals had us bouncing around like crazy. read more published November 2020 |
7/13/2020 |
The goal was a trip to Washington Island and beyond. read more published October 2020 |
6/17/2020 |
In early June of this year I got a call from Paul Buss and he said, let's go flying! read more published September 2020 |
Various Dates |
The locals didn't think anything of an airplane pulling up to the pumps but we did get some looks from passing motorists. read more published September 2021 |
EAA Chapter 75 Spring Journey Trip 2019 | 5/20/2019 |
EAA Chapter 75 Spring Journey Trip 2019 To The Wright Patterson Air Force Museum Dayton OH read more published June 2019 |
Aluminum Can Built Mini Max | Ron Detert by David Letting | 04/2017 |
Pilots from far northern Wisconsin would load up their aircraft with garbage bags full of aluminum cans, and fly down to Wausau just to donate the cans to the project. read more published April 2017 |
Kitty Hawk 2013 |
05/2013 |
Our goal was to fly to Kills Devil Airport, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. read more published May 2013 |
Jessica Cox | 03/2013 |
It was an absolute honor flying with Jessica and she did a outstanding job of flying, doing everything with her feet. read more published March 2013 |
Beyond Bemidji an experimental adventure |
Jim Zietlow | 03/30/2011 |
Bagley (7Y4) is the nearest public airport to my daughter's home near Gonvick. Single runway, unattended, no fuel, portapotty for services; just the kind of field this readership knows and loves. read more published May 2011 |
The Journey, not the Destination | Larry Wenning | 04/10/2010 |
Climbing through the smooth morning air we went up to 5500 feet to clear the Tennessee hills with a little extra altitude to spare for good measure. 30 minutes or so into the leg, something happened. read more published May 2010 |
Pheasant Strike | Brian Krueger | 04/2009 |
It was all normal...a flight from Pierre, South Dakota to Watertown, South Dakota. A very short flight. read more published April 2009 |
Martin Jetpack Adventure at AirVenture | Jim Cote | 07/2008 |
We were examining the rocket racing plane, when we hear 2 stroke noise from the aerobatic plane tie down area. read more published September 2008 |
An Aviation Visit to Ohio | Jim Cote | 11/2006 |
Without a doubt, this is the most comprehensive collection of U.S. airpower past and present. read more published March 2007 |
Winter Ski Flying | Brian Krueger | 02/2007 |
Hardly a cloud in the skies and one of those nice midwinter days where the winds are light and variable all day long. So I gassed up, checked it over, and started up the Rotax. read more published March 2007 |
Sun-N-Fun Adventure |
Paul Buss |
04/2006 |
After years of dreaming, months of preparation and a week of sleepless nights, our trip to Sun-n-Fun, Lakeland, Florida began on Saturday, April first. read more published 05/2006 - 06/2006 |
Mankato to St Louis in 1 day | Brian Krueger | 03/2006 |
I needed to do a solo 300 nautical mile cross country for my commercial rating, so I looked for places to go and thought I would go a bit farther and find somewhere interesting and warm. read more published 03/2006 |
Feelings of Flight | Ron Detert | 02/2006 |
Both our heads swung to the approximate 10 o'clock position and there it was, a big Airbus heading right at us. read more published 02/2006 |
I Flew Today | Mike Ford | 02/2006 |
After about an hour of practice I was starting to get a pretty good feel for the plane again. The bumps where a little less at altitude, but I was also getting used to them. read more published 02/2006 |
My Kitfox Flies | Paul Seehafer | 01/2006 |
After years of effort, and twelve million delays, my Model IV-1200 Kitfox finally took to the air Saturday November 12th, 2005. read more published 01/2006 |
A Trip to Roseau, MN |
Paul Buss | 11/2005 |
I decided to take a different rout e home, flying around the southern shore of Lower Red Lake and over Lake Winnibigoshish. read more published 11/2005 |
The Shores of Robertjohn | Bob Payzer | 02/2005 |
The landing was perfectly smooth and we had about 6 inches of powder snow over 30 inches of ice. read more published 03/2005 |