Our Chapter is affiliated with the International Aerobatic Club (IAC), which is a division of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). To be a member of any IAC chapter, you must also be a member of the IAC and the EAA.
Joining our Chapter is easy and inexpensive. Simply provide your name, e-mail address, EAA number, IAC number, and $30 to our Treasurer, John Housley, or Secretary, Cleta Sweeney:
Electronic: PayPal or Venmo to iacchapter61@gmail.com
USPS: 1020 Chesterfield Forest Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005 (John Housley)
USPS: 191 Concrete Way, Wasola, Missouri 65773 (Cleta Sweeney)
The $30 dues are for a full year of Chapter membership starting in January. If you are not yet a member of EAA and/or the IAC, you can join by following this link.