EAA Chapter 766

Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085

IMC Club

IMC ClubOur chapter offers an IMC Club for our members interested in improving their flying in instrument conditions.

The IMC Club’s purpose is to promote instrument flying, proficiency, and safety. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency in instrument flying.

The IMC Club monthly programming is developed and produced by EAA, but it does not use a lecture or presentation format. Instead, an actual scenario is presented and is followed by a group discussion – so audience participation is encouraged! Since everyone has a different experience level and different airplane capabilities, we can all benefit from the discussion.

The EAA Chapter 766 IMC Club meetings will be held the 1st Monday of each month in the Aviation Heritage Center Library at 6:30 pm. Tony Kolar, CFII and Dave Rudd, IMC Club Coordinator will facilitate the meeting.

The Redbird FMX, three-axis, full motion flight simulator at the Aviation Heritage Center is a great way to stay current with six Approaches and Hold. The simulator is available during museum hours. The Redbird FMX Simulator recently had a new updated computer installed to enhance flight simulation. For more information, call Simulator Manager Jay Hoogstra at 920-698-0850 or Tony Kolar, CFII at 920-698-6142.


EAA 766
Contact: Dave Rudd
Email: daverudd63@gmail.com
Meetings: Monthly | Every 1st | Monday | 6:30 PM
Location: Aviation Heritage Center library
Address: N6191 Resource Dr, Sheboygan Falls WI 53085

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