EAA Chapter 72

Bruce McCombs Chapter

Young Eagles


EAA Young Eagles

Founded in 1992, the Young Eagles program is dedicated to giving youth ages 8–17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers.

Today, the Young Eagles program has flown over 2 million young people. 


Follow this link to find out how to Become a Young Eagle.

Parents, for complete information, follow this link: Free Young Eagles Flights .


Chapter 72 is an active participant in the program, having flown over 3,000 Young Eagles.

Monthly rallies are scheduled usually for a Saturday morning to fly up to 50 Young Eagles with EAA pilots and FAA licensed airplanes.

Next Young Eagle Rally Date & Time: Click here to find the next date and register.

Falcon Aerolab 

Falcon Aerolab is a project based STEM program offering unique opportunities for secondary students to experience the excitement of flight through hands-on labs and activities.

Falcon Aerolab is a tuition-free homeschool enrichment program.  Tuition option is available for students enrolled in other publicly funded programs.

Meet the Falcon Aerolab Team by clicking here.

Young Eagles Coordinator
Name: Raquel Dominguez
City: Peyton
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