Chapter Meetings
2nd Tuesday of the month
Social / Lite Dinner 6:00 pm
Program: 6:45 pm
Location: EAA Hangar, Yellowstone Regional Airport, 208 Duggleby Dr, Cody, WY
All members, prospective members and guests welcome. Donation of $7 or more per person requested to cover dinner and support our scholarship program. Airport gate card required for entry to hangar or call Ken Foote (307-578-6230) for access.
4th Tuesday of the month
Meeting: 8:30 am
Location: EAA Hangar
Chapter Board Members (all interested Chapter Members also welcome)
Join us for a pancake breakfast with eggs, sausage, coffee and juice every Sunday morning, 7:00 am at the EAA hangar. A donation of $5 per person is requested to cover breakfast and support our scholarship program. A great time and lots of hangar flying! Members and guests welcome.
Will be announced by email a few days in advance of specific opportunities.
May- Look forward to a fly out led by Ken Foote to Dubois in May! Times are forthcoming, and we plan on visiting the military museum located just outside of town.
June- TBD
July- TBD
August- TBD
September- TBD
October- TBD
Last year our Young Eagles Rally was held in Laurel, MT on Saturday, July 13 beginning at 9:00 am. This event gives interested young people, ages 8-17, an introductory flight in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers. Contact our Chapter Young Eagles Coordinator, Mike Martin, for more details and this year's schedule......307-899-5528.
Will not be held this year. Hosted by Choice Aviation, this event includes a breakfast, pilot competitions, free aircraft rides for interested young people (ages 8-17), static displays and a free BBQ lunch. Lots of good food and family fun!
Chapter 713 serves a pancake breakfast with proceeds benefiting our EAA Scholarship Program.
Wings 'n Wheels Fly-In and Car Show, Powell, WY
Scheduled for Saturday, August 16, 2025, this event includes a fly-in with static displays along with an air show, a classic car show, and drag races. Again, lots of good food and family fun!
Chapter 713 serves a pancake breakfast with proceeds benefiting our EAA Scholarship Program.