About Us

The membership of our chapter is made up of pilots and non-pilots whose experience and interests range from aircraft of the 1930s through homebuilts and ultralights to aircraft of the present day. These are people who can share their experience and offer advice to those willing to ask. EAA Chapter 640 is a place to:

  • Promote and encourage the sport and hobby of recreational aviation through the camaraderie of building, restoring, flying and learning.
  • Foster closer fellowship among its members through the exchange of ideas and mutual interests.
  • Promote and encourage aviation safety in the design, construction and operation of all types of aircraft.
  • Foster, promote and engage in aviation education.
  • Operate as a local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. (EAA) and to cooperate with the EAA to further the goals and purposes of that Association.

  • This site is dedicated to the founders of our chapter who, in August 1978, filed a charter to bring into existence EAA Chapter 640 "Hay Meadow Flyers" in  Wausau, Wisconsin.


    From EAA's Vintage Airplane magazine, March 1991:
    Dave Meyer concentrates an keeping his newly restored PA-17 Piper Vagabond in formatian with the camera ship aver north-central Wisconsin, during the John Hatz Skiplane Fly-In at Haymeadow Field in Gleason, WI.
    (Photo by H,G. Frautschy, photo plane flown by Norm Petersen)  

    In rural Wisconsin, about 35 miles north of today's meeting space
    at the now Wausau Downtown Airport, off highway X,
    is a field once known to locals as Gleason International Airport -
    Haymeadow Field. Here, history was made as many got their start in aviation behind the controls of a J-3 Cub. Haymeadow Field annually held the best Ski-plane Fly-In in all of Wisconsin.

    Chapter Founders
    J. D. Hatz Wayne Podeweltz James Gresens
    Martin L. Schmunk Aaron K. Hatz Keith Petznick
    James E. Jenson Leslie Boettcher Richard F. Van Der Geest
    Rodney C. Elg Arthur Gustafson William Flynn
    Craig C. Elg Len Schroeder William J. Helmstadler
    David E. Krembs Richard Von Loh W. E. Muschinske
EAA 640
President: Pete Kanikula
Contact: 920-265-9100 | hello@eaa640.com
Meetings: Every 2nd Saturday 12:00 PM
Learn Build Fly Education Center
620 Woods Place
Wausau, WI 54403

EAA Chapters Gold
Programs: VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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