EAA Chapter 579

Sharing the Magic of Aviation - Aurora Municipal Airport (KARR) Aurora, IL

Chapter Officers & Directors

President, Young Eagle Coordinator,VMC Club Coordinator, Newsletter Editor                   Directors


Chuck Newell, cmnewell@sbcglobal.net        Mike Baer


Vice President, Web Editor Tim Green           

Edwin Ramos, ramosed@comcast.net      Mariano Rosales


Secretary Nathan Stonehocker


Jenna Rosales, jenna.rosales@gmail.com                     Bob Langys


Treasurer Roberto Beltramelli


  Rick Schell, rick.schell@comcast.net      Eric Carson


EAA 579
President: Charlie Newell
Contact: 630-857-9937 | cmnewell@sbcglobal.net
Meetings: Every 4th Thursday 7:30 PM
REVV Aviation Hangar 1
43W752 US-30
Sugar Grove, IL 60554

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