EAA Chapter 524


RV 10 Work Session #02

Today was a combination of prep work for the RV-10, getting the O-235 engine ready for shipping, and log book sign-offs for the Cub. Dick Fox came and sat down with Jerry to go through the Cub logs and sign everything off. In preparation for that, Jerry made up an impressive detailed listing of everything that we did in the course of the restoration. By contrast, there is a Cub logbook entry from the 1950’s that simply says, “Recovered Ship.” The Cub is now officially ready to fly except for the missing tach. Meanwhile, the RV-10 project moved closer to actual building as parts were inventoried, sorted, and hardware put into labelled bins. Some work on that remains to be done. An extension cord was also routed to the new large tool cabinet which includes a power strip for recharging batteries. Raegan and Mark did some preliminary reviewing of the plans, while Mash and Mary assembled a stand for hanging small parts for priming. The O-235 engine also got some attention. The accessory case was prepared for shipping and a crate was finished for it and the crankcase. Chris took some of the smaller parts for cleaning to the shop at John’s Hopkins. The next work session will be Wednesday, December 18th at 9:00.

  • EAA
    RV 10 Work Session 2
  • EAA
    RV 10 Work Session 2
  • EAA
    RV Work Session 2
  • EAA
    RV 10 Work Session 2
  • EAA
    RV 10 Work Session 2
  • EAA
    RV 10 Works Session 2
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