EAA Chapter 495

Roseburg, Oregon

Chapter By-Laws


Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
Chapter 495, Roseburg, Oregon

Article I         Name of Organization
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 495

Article II        Location
Roseburg, Oregon

Article III Purpose
The purpose of this Chapter is to promote and educate its membership with respect to Sport Aviation, General Aviation and the building and maintenance of aircraft. Collaterally, EAA Chapter 495 will support EAA National in its various aviation endeavors, including Sport Pilot and Young Eagles, as well as educating the public in aviation matters while promoting the principles of good fellowship.

Article IV Chapter Membership

Eligibility for Chapter Membership: Eligibility for membership in the Chapter is open to any person who has an interest in recreational aviation, subject to the classifications of membership listed in Article IV, Sections 1-5.

Classifications of Chapter Membership:  There are five (5) types of Chapter Memberships.  These Chapter Membership Classifications include; Regular, Family, Honorary/Complimentary, Special and Life.  The specific details of these Chapter Membership Classifications are described in the following paragraphs:

1.    Regular Chapter Membership: A Regular Chapter Member shall be any person who pays Chapter dues and is a Member in good standing of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated).

2.    Family Chapter Membership: A Family Chapter Membership shall be any family, including parents and children, who pay the appropriate Chapter Membership dues and are Family Members of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association Incorporated).

3.    Honorary/Complimentary Membership: An Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Member shall be any person to whom the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership wishes to extend an Honorary Chapter Membership. Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Memberships may be given to a person in recognition or appreciation of the support that person has provided to the Chapter.

Honorary/Complementary Chapter Members may not hold any elected or appointed Chapter Office or Position, nor are they entitled to any voting privileges within the Chapter. Honorary/Complimentary Members are not required to be members of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc.), but the Chapter Office at EAA Headquarters will extend a complimentary one year EAA Membership to any

4.    Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Member upon written request from the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors or Chapter Membership.

5.    Special Chapter Membership: A Special Chapter Member shall be any person, who for temporary or short-term economic reasons is unable to pay the appropriate Chapter Membership dues and to whom the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership wishes to extend a Chapter Membership. The Chapter Office at EAA Headquarters will extend a one-year complimentary EAA Membership to any Special Chapter Member upon written request from the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership.

6.    Life Chapter Membership: A Life Chapter Membership may be bestowed on an individual Chapter Member at the discretion of the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership. All Life Chapter Members must be members in good standing of EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated). A Chapter Life Membership recognizes the long-term commitment to EAA and the Chapter made by the individual. A Life Chapter Member may hold any Chapter Office, shall have full voting privileges within the Chapter, and is exempt from annual Chapter dues.

Duration of Chapter Membership: The Duration of a Regular and Family Chapter Membership shall be one (1) calendar year. Honorary/Complimentary or Special Chapter Memberships may be extended or continued beyond one (1) year at the discretion of the Chapter Officers, Chapter Board of Directors, or Chapter Membership. Life Chapter Membership is continuous for the life of the Chapter Member. Life Chapter Membership is not transferable to another person. All Chapter Members with voting privileges in the Chapter must maintain a current membership with the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated), except for the Honorary or Complimentary Chapter Members.

Voting Privileges of Chapter Membership:  Voting privileges within the Chapter shall be limited to Regular Chapter Members, Family Chapter Members (excluding Children under 18 years of age), Special Chapter Members and Life Chapter Members.  Honorary/Complimentary Chapter Members shall not have voting privileges within the Chapter.

Removal of Chapter Membership: Chapter Membership is a privilege. In the event a Chapter Member fails to meet the needs and purpose of the Chapter, the member may be asked to relinquish their Chapter Membership in accordance with the following conditions:

1.    Any Chapter Member, who by intentional negligent or reckless deed or action, harms or jeopardizes the reputation or assets of the Chapter, may be called before the Chapter Officers for review. Upon conclusion by the Chapter Officers, with review by the Board of Directors having determined reason for cause, recommend to the Chapter Membership that said member relinquish their Chapter membership. If the Chapter member refuses to relinquish their membership the offending Member may be removed by a majority vote of the Membership, at a Regular or Special Chapter Meeting, where a quorum exists.
In the event of extreme reckless conduct or alleged criminal behavior, a Member may be immediately suspended by the Chapter President with a three fifths (3/5) concurring vote of the Board of Directors. The Chapter President will cause a review of the Member's conduct and complete such review within 30 days of the Member's suspension. The Member shall be notified of the results of the review within 35 days and final disposition to occur within 40-days.

2.    Failure to remit annual dues by the established due date(s) is cause for removal.

Resignation of Membership: Any Chapter Member may resign their Chapter Membership at any time by delivering to any Chapter Officer a written notice of resignation. Or, any Chapter Member may resign at the end of a calendar year by not paying their membership fees for the coming year.

Article V         Chapter Membership Dues and Assessments

The Chapter Officers, in conjunction with the Chapter Board of Directors, will determine appropriate dues and assessments. The rate of dues or the amount of assessment shall be voted on by the Chapter Membership at a regular Chapter Meeting or Special Chapter Meeting. The proposed dues or assessments must pass by a majority vote of eligible Chapter Members in attendance. Dues and assessments shall be paid to the Chapter Treasurer. Dues and assessments are paid upon joining, every January thereafter and delinquent by March. Dues and assessments shall be considered wholly earned and shall not be pro-rated in the event of expulsion or resignation.

Article VI       Meeting of Members

1.   All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

2.   All meetings of the Chapter Members shall be held at a place to be determined by the Chapter President or other Chapter Officer as necessary.

3.   Notice of Regular Chapter Meetings shall be given before such meeting by notice published in a Chapter publication, such as the Chapter Newsletter, or by phone, fax, or e-mail.

4.   Special Chapter Membership Meetings may be held at such a time and place as the Chapter President may determine. Special meetings may also be called by a three-fifths (3/5) majority of the Chapter Board of Directors.

5.   A meeting quorum shall consist of at least one third (1/3) of the Chapter Members in person or by proxy, but not less than 10 Chapter Members.

6.   In the absence of special circumstances, illness, employment requirements, etc., Members shall attend no less than six (6) Chapter meetings per year. Members not attending the required number of meetings will forfeit their voting privilege. Note: Attendance of either member of a Family Membership will count towards minimum attendance.

7.   In the absence of the Chapter President the Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, or Chapter Treasurer - in this order - shall act as the temporary Presiding Officer.

8.   A simple majority of Chapter Members, that are eligible to vote, must be present or represented by proxy for the adoption of any resolution. Exceptions: 1/ The Chapter President, with the concurrence of at least one additional Chapter Officer, determines that the importance of a pending resolution/issue requires more than a simple majority, may suspend voting until the next Regular Meeting or a Special Meeting is called. 2/ For a resolution that calls for the Chapter to separate its relationship with the EAA, in which case a majority of not less than eighty percent (80) of the Membership must vote.

Article VII Chapter Officers

1.    The Chapter Officers shall be Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, and Chapter Treasurer, or a combination of Chapter Secretary and Chapter Treasurer. The term of office for all Officers shall be one (1) year. By vote of the Membership Officers may serve a second consecutive term.

2.    The Chapter Officers shall be elected at the regularly scheduled November Chapter Membership Meeting and shall hold office for the prescribed period. Installation of Chapter Officers shall be at the December Chapter Membership Meeting following their election, but no later than January 1st following their election.

Option: Installation of Officers may occur during a December special event, such as a Christmas party, wherein the special event is deemed a Regular or Special Meeting.

Article VIII Duties of the Chapter Officers

The following duties shall be performed by the Chapter Officers:

1.    The business and property of the Chapter shall be vested with the Chapter President. The Chapter President shall jointly execute with the Chapter Secretary all contracts and instruments. The Chapter President may choose to consult with the Board of Directors on any contractual issue that he/she deems prudent. 

Exception: The Chapter president may be overruled by a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Chapter Board of Directors (Article IX, #1). In the case of absence or disability of the Chapter Treasurer, the Chapter President may execute checks for expenditures. In such circumstances either the Chapter Vice President or Chapter Secretary shall be called upon to co-execute such checks. 

2.    The Chapter Vice President shall also perform such duties connected with the operations of the Chapter at the suggestion or direction of the Chapter President. The Vice President may cause a certified public accountant or an appropriate group of Chapter Members to verify Chapter financial records.

3.    The Chapter Secretary shall jointly execute, along with the Chapter President, all contracts and instruments.  The Chapter Secretary shall have the responsibility to take and publish minutes of all meetings, including Board of Director meetings. The Chapter Secretary shall keep a Chapter Membership Record showing the name of each Chapter Member. The Chapter Secretary shall also be responsible for the retention and security of the Chapter Bylaws, Non-profit Incorporation documents, tax ­exemption documents, Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), and any other documents, books, papers, and records as the Chapter requires.

4.    The Chapter Treasurer shall execute all duly authorized checks. The Chapter Treasurer shall receive and deposit all funds in a financial institution recognized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for U.S. Chapters. The Chapter Treasurer shall account for all receipts, disbursements and the balance of funds. The Chapter Treasurer shall ensure the Chapter obtains a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) and coordinates it's maintenance with the Chapter Secretary. The Chapter Treasurer shall be responsible for the accurate maintenance of all insurance records, including application, binding, and premium payment for all necessary insurance required by the EAA.

Article IX       Chapter Board of Directors

1.    The Chapter Board of Directors are advisory to the Chapter President.
Exception: The Board of Directors can overrule the Chapter President by a four fifths (4/5) vote.

2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the following: Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, Chapter Treasurer and the most recent two Past-Presidents.  If either of the most recent two Past-Presidents is unavailable then the third-most recent third Past-President shall serve.  If the third-most recent third Past-President is unavailable, The Chapter President shall appoint a Chapter Member(s) as needed to serve.

3.    The term of office for the Chapter Board of Directors shall be in accordance with the term(s) of the Chapter Officers (Article VII, # 1).

4.    The Chapter President shall preside over the Chapter Board of Directors as its Chairperson.

5.    In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the Chapter President shall appoint a replacement (Article IX, #2).

6.    Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the Chapter President or by a three-fifths (3/5) vote of the Board of Directors, which shall constitute a quorum.

Article X         Vacancies (Chapter President, Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, Chapter Treasurer)

If the office of Chapter President becomes vacant for any reason, the Chapter Board of Directors shall elect a successor who shall hold the office for the remainder of the existing term. If the office(s) of Chapter Vice President, Chapter Secretary, or Chapter Treasurer becomes vacant, the Chapter President shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the existing I term.

Article XI       Elections

1.    The Chapter President may appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of at least three (3) Chapter Members. The appointment of the Nominating Committee shall take place no later than the month of August.

2.    The Nominating Committee shall canvas the Chapter Membership to seek those who may be interested in an elected position. The Nominating Committee shall also canvas the current Chapter Officers to determine if they wish to seek re-election to their current position or be nominated for any other position.

3.    By October the Nominating Committee shall present to the Chapter Membership the nominations they have obtained.

4.    Elections of Chapter Officers will take place at the November Chapter Membership Meeting. Voting shall be done by written ballot. All ballots will be counted and confirmed by monitors and the results of the election announced to the Membership. Sealed proxy votes shall be delivered to the Chapter Secretary before the general vote of the Membership.

5.    All newly elected Chapter Officers and assigned Chapter Board of Directors shall assume their responsibilities at the December Chapter Membership Meeting, but no later than January 1st.

Article XII     Financial Reports

1.    The Chapter Treasurer shall prepare written monthly and annual financial statements which shall be reported to and available for Chapter Membership review. The finalized annual financial report shall be distributed to the membership via the Chapter's newsletter or other manner of notification in which the Chapter President approves.

2.    The Chapter Vice President shall have cause to arrange for the review and verification of the Chapter's annual financial records.

Article XIII   Facilities, Tools, and Other Assets

The Chapter President shall appoint a Chapter Member or Chapter Officer as needed to manage the Chapter's facilities, tools, or other assets.

Article XIV       Committees and Coordinators

Committees and Coordinators shall be responsible for reporting their activities directly to the Chapter President or Vice President, depending on the nature of the assignment.

Article XV      Dispute Resolution

In the event a dispute arises within the Chapter that cannot be resolved at the Chapter level, a written petition that is endorsed by a quorum of Chapter Members, may request intervention by the Chapter Office Staff of the Experimental Aircraft Association.

Article XVI    Amendments

The Bylaws of the Chapter may be amended or new Bylaws adopted at any Regular or Special Chapter Meeting called for this purpose. Amended or new Bylaws shall be passed by not less than a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the eligible Chapter Members present or by proxy.

Article XVII   Chapter Dissolution 

The Chapter may be dissolved by an eighty (80) percent majority vote of the voting Chapter Members. Note: Members who are absent from a vote of dissolution Chapter Meeting will forfeit their vote.

If the Chapter is dissolved the Chapter President is responsible for ensuring that all Chapter debts and obligations are paid and the proper disposition of all Chapter records are sent to the EAA Chapter Office at EAA Headquarters, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, 54903-3086. The Chapter President is also responsible for the disposition of all Chapter materials and assets that shall be donated to another non-profit organization. (The EAA and EAA Foundation are both non-profit organizations).

Article XVIII Chapter Charter Authorization

The Chapter accepts and acknowledges that the Chapter has been granted a conditional Charter under the authority of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated. Further, the Chapter accepts and acknowledges that the privileges granted to the Chapter, under a conditional Charter, may be withdrawn in the event the Chapter fails in any way or manner to meet the requirements of the Chapter Charter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated. In the event that the Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated withdraws the conditional Charter of the Chapter, the Chapter agrees to cease using any reference whatsoever to itself as a Charter Chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Incorporated.


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