About Us

Tallahassee Chapter 445 is part of the worldwide network of EAA chapters. EAA embodies the spirit of aviation through the world's most engaged community of aviation enthusiasts. EAA's over 1,000 chapters with 170,000 plus members enjoy the fun and camaraderie of sharing their passion for flying, building and restoring recreational aircraft. To find out more about EAA programs and services go to eaa.org

Our regular monthly Chapter meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month. Pizza and social time is 6.30pm and the official meeting starts at 7.00pm. The meeting location is at the Tallahassee International Airport (KTLH), 3300 Capital Cir SW, Tallahassee, FL 32310, 2nd floor in the "Boeing Room".  Members and visitors should park in short term parking and bring their ticket up with you so it can be validated and you won’t have to pay for parking.

EAA 445 is open to anyone who is interested in aviation, you do not have to be a pilot or own an airplane. It’s a great way to meet others who are aviation enthusiasts. Many members are working on projects building experimental aircraft or restoring certified aircraft. While the name and focus of the group is experimental aircraft, some members either own or rent certified aircraft and some are sailplane pilots. A number of the members created a flying club and have spent the past year or so restoring an old Ercoupe.

If you have any interest at all, please come out to a monthly meeting and enjoy some pizza and talk to people who love to sit around and talk about flying! For more information feel free to call or email one of the chapter officers or contact us via the Contact Us page.

Richard Hamilton, President
Ted Recker, Vice President
Amanda Abraham, Treasurer
Alan Marsden, Media Director
Lynette Halter, Program Director
John Harris, Director
Jim Piché, Director

EAA 445
President: Richard Hamilton
Contact: 813-503-3926 | Amandalovestofly@outlook.com
Meetings: Every 2nd Tuesday 6:30 PM
The Boeing Room, 2nd Floor of Main Terminal at TLH
3300 Capital Circle SW
Tallahassee, FL 32310

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