EAA Chapter 41 members can join our Build Team, whose project is building a Murphy Rebel kitplane. Our Build Team members have a wide range of building skills. We have team mentors who can help new builders and provide educational opportunities for youth team members. Build Team members must be an EAA member and an EAA Chapter 41 member. Build Team members must sign the build team agreement / waiver, and youth under age 18 need permission from a parent or guardian. The waiver form is available below as a PDF:
The main goal of these build dates is to learn how to build a plane with our Murphy Rebel kit. We appreciate any time and effort you would like to volunteer, and no specific time commitment is necessary. Whether you want to pull a couple rivets one night or attend every session, you're welcome to join in the fun. Depending upon the stage of the project, we'll be working with sheet metal, fabrics, avionics, and powerplant-related systems.
We generally work on Tuesday evenings starting at 6PM, except monthly meeting nights. We also host some other special build team events such as Saturday mornings at different times of the year. Please call ahead to check the schedule.
Please contact project leader Jason Fetting at (920) 915-6055 for more information.