EAA Chapter 376

Sierra Sky Park - Fresno, CA

Event Calendar

Monday Nights Ground School Class 

EAA 376 Ground School began February and completed May 2024 with 31 graduates! A new Class will resume February 2025


All ages and levels of aviation knowledge are welcome!
Whether you are just learning to fly or if you want a good refresher, the EAA Chapter 376 Aviation Ground School is for you.  The 2025 Ground School Class will be held each Monday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM and will continue on Monday nights until sometime in May 2025.  Fly in or drive, there is room for everyone.
This class is offered to all pilots, students, and certified pilots alike.  No previous experience required! This will be a fun and educational class involving sessions presented by Jim Shamp (CFII DPE) with guest instructors along the way.
Cost – Both an Annual Membership to EAA National $40 single / $50 Family/year  https://www.eaa.org/shop/Membership/Join.aspx plus Annual Membership to EAA Chapter 376 which is $50/year (single or family). (You may sign up for your EAA memberships at class!)  All EAA 376 Members are free!  You can’t beat that price! 


You will need to obtain the Instructional Material - Pilot Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (PHAK)(required). 
or Old School Printed - this is an Amazon link to the official 2023 color version $27.00 - be careful as some of the versions on Amazon are black and white reprints  https://www.amazon.com/Pilots-Handbook-Aeronautical-Knowledge-FAA-H-8083-25C/dp/B0CKV58CW9/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3EPNFV0B0S9W2&keywords=FAA-H-8083-25B+is+current+in+2023&qid=1700579978&sprefix=faa-h-8083-25b+is+current+in+2023%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1  This is the 2023 new version, you can also use the older version of the PHAK.

Questions? Contact Jim Shamp  
Phone: 559-779-4406 or 559-431-5918


     Second Saturday Young Eagles Rally and Lunch Gatherings” at EAA 376 in Fresno         (Young Eagles Rally will resume in September)                                                     

Date Host

Oct. 12, 2024                Pancakes & Planes (Morning even begins at 8m) no     Tim Cone

      “End O’ Summer” event this year due to road remodeling       

     by the City of Fresno


Nov 9, 2024       EAA 376 Chapter Gathering & Luncheon      Dennis & Marilyn Sniffin


Jan. 11, 2025      EAA 376 Chapter Gathering & Luncheon      Ryan & Dominique Caglia


Feb. 10, 2025      EAA 376 Chapter Gathering & Luncheon        Diane Tjerrild       


Upcoming EAA 376 Board Meeting – Second Monday of most months

October 14th at 5:30pm

    November 11th at 5:30 pm

Board meetings are on the Second Monday of the month (except not in July or December). Guests are welcome to attend. Usually at the EAA 376 hangar, unless the weather is unreasonable!

Saturday October 12th - EAA 376 Pancake Breakfast and Fly-in Hosted by Tim Cone beginning at 8am - End O Summer Fly-in and Car Show cancelled due to city of Fresno construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Blythe & Spaatz streets. There will be a surprise feature included when completed sometime in November.


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