Chapter 333

Event Calendar

Rule-of-Thumb Schedule (specific dates may vary as noted the calendar below):

General Membership Meetings: Chapter 333 general membership meetings are open to the public and are regularly scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7pm, at the Ann Arbor Terminal, Lower Conference Room. Sometimes we meet at other locations details in calendar below.

Business (Board) Meeting: Chapter 333 separates business from pleasure. The ordinary details of running the chapter are formally discussed at these meetings. Any member, or person with business to conduct with the chapter, may attend. These meetings are generally held the 3rd Thursday each month, 7pm, via Zoom contact eaa333president@ for a link.

IMC Club Meeting: Chapter 333 features the EAA VMC/IMC Club. Its not really a club, its more like an open discussion of topics, rules and scenarios. You're sure to 

Coffee and Donuts at the Clubhouse: At least once a month on an otherwise open week on Saturdays at the clubhouse. 8-11am. Stop on by. You never know when serendipity strikes. New Keurig coffee machine offers the freshest, most customizable brew we can have. Donations are welcome and suggested at $1 per cup of coffee. Donuts are most often purchased from DJ's. Donations are welcome and suggested at $2 per donut.

Happy Hour: Fraser's approach, experimental three three three foxtrot sierra with you at one thousand eight hundred. Penciled in for the Friday following the board meeting. 6-7pm usually at Fraser's pub on Packard Rd..


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