Chapter 327

Flight Advisors

Flight AdvisorEAA Flight Advisors can help you find the right path to get you flying efficiently and, most importantly, safely.

The Flight Advisors program is designed to increase sport aviation safety by developing a corps of volunteers who have demonstrated expertise in specific areas of flying and making them available to EAA members who may be preparing to fly an unfamiliar aircraft.

Flight Advisors can help you plan your first flight, and determine if additional training is needed. Often, members who access this program qualify for more complete insurance, like “first flight” coverage under the EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan.



Chapter 327 Flight Instructors

Here is a listing of Chapter 327 members that are flight instructors and would be willing to help with primary flight instruction, your next BFR or other. If you are a Chapter member and a flight instructor please let me know and I will include your name in the listing. Additions/Corrections are welcome!

DBQ - Club Plane
Mike Nickeson
New Students CFII BFR IFP



Name:Don Hedeman
City, State: Dubuque, IA
Skills: CFI, Tailwheel
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