EAA Chapter 216

Williamstown, NJ

About Us


Chapter 216 is an active group of pilots, aviation enthusiasts, builders, and friends of all ages. 

Eaa 216's mission is "To promote safety education and fellowship in the local aviation community."

We are proud to be a 501(c)(3) org.

Our chapter has grown to over 90 members! Everyone is welcome at EAA 216! dues are only $20/calendar year. 


Membership (New)



Membership (Renew)


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In 1 dollar Increments

To join or renew use the above links, or e-mail eaachapter216@gmail.com or Call 609-221-6623

EAA 216 is Located At Cross Keys Airport (17N) in Williamstown NJ

Young Eagles

We have several Young Eagle events every year, and we can also schedule a free individual flight for youth 8-17 years

please reach out to our Young Eagles Coordinator for more information.,

Harry Murphine

Phone: 267-973-7065

Email : eaa216youngeagles@gmail.com 


 Eagle Flights

Eagle Flights can be scheduled during the year.

Eagle Flights Coordinator Harry Murphine 267-973-7065



EAA 216
President: Mark Schmid
Contact: 609-221-6623 | EAAchapter216@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 3rd Wednesday 7:30 PM
Cooper Building @ Cross Keys Airport
421 Airport Dr
Williamstown, NJ 08094

EAA Chapters Gold
Programs: IMC Club, VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Flight Advisor, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship
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