Chapter 182

Paul Sanchez - SeaRey

Paul Sanchez has two SeaReys in his projects queue - one current and one brand new kit. He started working on his Conditional Inspection in January for the current project. He's got some Rotax 912S improvements to make, he needs to replace the Lexan canopies, install the ADS-B, and other bits and pieces to work on. In Paul's words, "There’s sizing, fitting, riveting and cussing involved!" 

To get a bit more insight into Paul's projects, we asked him a few questions:

When did you begin working on the SeaRey?
I’ve had my current SeaRey for 10 years but it hasn't flown or been worked on in four years. As for the new SeaRey kit, I have not started the build on it yet. 

What made you decide on this particular project?
SeaReys have an excellent reputation, are challenging to work on, but, more importantly, are a lot of fun to fly. 

Describe a challenge you had building it (or two). 
Some of the challenges with a SeaRey is trying to understand the minimal instructions. For example, as I mentioned previously about the canopies, there really is no manual with step-by-step instructions so you have to go by the recommendations from the guys who "have been there, done that". Trying to get Lexan riveted to a plastic rail and having it slide along an aluminum track is one serious aggravation. Having your daughter asleep while you're flying - priceless! See pictures below. 

What was something new you learned building it (or two)?
Since I haven't built one from start to finish, I can't answer that in whole, but I've done a considerable amount of work in upgrades to the current aircraft. I can take that knowledge and apply it towards the new build.

What's one or two things you would do differently had you to do it all over again?
Become a professional golfer!

What's your favorite feature of your SeaRey?
Being able to land in a body of water where you can't see another human being. You shutdown the engine and float. The peacefulness is indescribable.



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