Chapter 18

Milwaukee, WI - It All Started Here

Welcome to our chapter



We have the phrase "It all started here" printed on all our chapter gear. Name tags, newsletter, charter; everything contains that statement.




The story starts in the 1950's when a new young group had formed to support each other in their love of aviation. Specifically, these folks were most enthusiastic about building their own airplanes. This little band has now grown into the Experimental Aircraft Association ( EAA ).  

What most people do not know is that until the 1930's most aircraft WERE homebuilt. It was later that Federal regulation succeeded in all but erasing the right to design and build your own aircraft. The EAA organization is still working to insure both the freedom to build and fly one’s own aircraft and to also the safety of the general population.  

By the early 1960's many groups located across the country had formed their own local Chapter. About this time the original group in Milwaukee determined they should separate the organization management from the original group, By this time there were many Chapters around the globe. The lowest number available had been allocated to another Chapter, which had not survived. This, the lowest number available was Chapter 18.  

Chapter 18 meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month except for October when we have a Dinner meeting. Beginning at 7:30PM in the Air Force's Civil Air patrol, Chapter meetings are quite lively. The chapter has a board of directors which meets on another evening to discuss business, Their activities are reported in the general Chapter meeting and printed the in monthly newsletter. Limiting "operations" chatter prevents the kind of useless discussion and helps to keep "personalities" off the general memberships "radar".  

In addition to our regular meetings, Chapter 18 gives back to the community through activities like the "Young Eagles" program. Young Eagles was formed to help children gain an interest in aviation. Chapter 18 also holds regular Young Eagle events.  

Chapter 18 is a "Builders Chapter". This is a rank of honor. This means our membership has more projects in all progress and we are one busy bunch of guys.  

Our web site gallery contains many current along with a great history of homebuilt aircraft. Please take a look. Most members welcome questions and comments about their projects. If you prefer you may send your question teethe webmaster who will pass it along the best person to provide and answer.  

If you are ever in the Milwaukee area please feel free to come share in the comradeship and fun at the CAP hanger on Timmerman Field.

We will also be meeting some months at Waukesha County Airport (Crites Field) in the main terminal building.  See our Event Calendar for more details.








General questions



President  Thaddeus Pinkoski  415-852-0476
Vice-President  Tim Meyer  414-587-3581
Secretary  Ken Ceranski  414-425-0090
Treasurer  Glenn Botsford  414-764-5936
At-Large Board  Fred Keip  414-581-1442
At-Large Board  Ken Ceranski  414-425-0090
At-Large Board      
At-Large Board  Clint Hanson  414-403-9500
At-Large Board  Jeff Point  414-915-9173



Newsletter Editor  Thaddeus Pinkoski  415-852-0476
Web Editor  Darrell Kufalk  262-443-2605
Tool Librarian  Andreas Kerwel  414-343-9529
Membership Coordinator  Glenn Botsford  414-764-5936
Young Eagles Coordinator  Cindy Robinson  262-720-1288
Eagles Coordinator  Glenn Botsford  414-764-5936



Fred Keip  414-581-1442 
Jeff Point 414-915-9173
Glenn Botsford 414-732-8384



Jeff Point          414-915-9173 




Chapter 18 Merchandise











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