AeroEducate is a resource filled with activities and clear pathways to aviation and aerospace industry careers where students can discover and ignite their curiosity in aviation.
AeroEducate Components
AeroEducate has five key components that support the aviation journey for youth.
These major components are; Classroom Activities, Badging Program, Scholarship Opportunities, Career Pathways and Industry Resources.
AeroEducate not only teaches students about aeronautics in a fun and interesting way; but it also motivates students to continue to their quest with our unique badging program. Students can explore pathways that could ultimately lead to expanded career opportunities within the world of aviation
Let's talk about the Badging Program.
Each badge comprises of four elementary badges within which are as follows;
Dig Into Piloting With the Flight Badge!
Learn how pilots use instruments and controls to fly airplanes with activities focused around explaining principles of flight and how to fly an airplane.
Learn New Skills With the Technology Badge!
The Technology badge starts with activities focused around showing how airplanes are designed and created along with new and old inventions that have influenced the aviation industry.
Plan Your Journey With the Careers Badge!
Do you wonder what types of jobs there are in the world of aviation? The Careers badge gives you activities designed to show and allow exposure to the many career fields offered within the aviation industry beyond piloting alone.
Get Involved Through the Community Badge!
Discover ways to be successful in aviation whether as a career or just for the fun of it through activities that encourage kids of all ages to explore aviation around them and to participate in their community.
AeroEducate Badge!
Capstone Badge Once you have worked your way up through the AeroEducate program, you can earn the ultimate badge by submitting your own goals and plan for your dream career in aviation. To earn the ultimate in AeroEducate badges, you will create a career plan that you can use to chart your course for after the program. If you have your heart set on a career in aviation, the AeroEducate Badge will help you create a framework for pursuing your dreams. You’ll be connected with industry experts who will review your career plan and give you advice accordingly.