Chapter meetings are held at the David J. Perry airport (1K4) in Goldsby, Oklahoma on the second Saturday of each month from 1000-1200. We will have a coffee and donuts at the meeting. Information on this page will be updated with any changes to the monthly Chapter meetings below. If you have any questions, call Eric Muehlberg at (405) 923-6749 for details. EVERYONE is welcome! Come check out our chapter.
We will conduct our regular chapter breakfast and fly Young Eagles (weather permitting) from 8:00am to 10:00am on Saturday morning, February 8, 2025. Come out and enjoy a great breakfast and participate in all the fun and conversation. All money raised from the breakfast will go towards youth aviation scholarships. If you would like to volunteer at the breakfast, we will begin preparing at 7:00am. Our next regular Chapter 1612 meeting will be held on February 8, 2025 at 10:00AM.
Check out the latest Monthly Chapter Newsletter.
We hope to see many of you at the next meeting or event. If you have questions contact Eric Muehlberg at 405-923-6749 or
Come on out and have some fun!
Below is the EAA Chapter 1612 interactive calendar. Below the calendar is a list of events TBD for 2025.
Those events will be added into the calendar when the dates have been decided upon.
Future Events TBD for 2025:
Note: Other events may be added to the calendar a later date.