EAA Chapter 1611

Orange County Airport, Montgomery, NY



Members of EAA Chapter 1611 are firm believers in expanding participation in and understanding of general and recreational aviation, as well as educating our area youth. As a chapter, we have a number of offerings to facilitate these goals. Talk to us about joining EAA and EAA Chapter 1611.

And have some programs available just for younger folks, like free "Young Eagles" flights for ages 8-17. See below for that and more.

Perhaps you've dreamed about being able to fly yourself. Are you interested in airplanes or possibly learning to fly? See below for free "Eagle Flights" for 18+. We can get you started and point you in the right direction, and get you set up with some trial memberships too. And if you decided to take up lessons at a local training facility, we'll be here to help you along the way.

Already a pilot or student pilot and want to be better prepared for abnormal situations? See IMC and VMC Clubs info below.

Want to get your hands dirty and learn aircraft construction materials, methods and techniques?

We have a general chapter meeting the third Thursday of each month. Everyone is welcome and we would love for you to join us. The more the merrier!

Email: EAAChapter1611@gmail.com
Phone: 845-636-0423


Youth Specific Programs

EAA Young Eagles
For youth aged 8-17, we offer free EAA Young Eagle flights that introduce and expose young people to the wonder, excitement, and rigors of aviation. Check the links below for more information.
More Info

EAA Young Eagles Flight Plan
A five-step plan to get on the road to becoming a private pilot.
More Info

EAA Chapter 1611 Student Membership
Any Young Eagle who has taken a flight with Chapter 1611 and becomes and remains an EAA Student Member (which is free) in good standing, will also be a Chapter 1611 Student Member (also free)

Youth Build Project
We are currently starting work on a BD-5B aircraft from a kit. We also plan to assist other members in certain phases of their aircraft projects. These projects will be worked on by all willing chapter members, including student members.


Other Programs

EAA Eagle Flights
Interested in aviation or aircraft? Ever thought about becoming a pilot? We will get you started in the right direction. For folks 18 years old and older (no upper age limit!), we offer the EAA Eagle Flight experience with an introduction to recreational and general aviation, along with mentorship should you decide to continue with flight lessons at a local flight training operation.
More Info
What will my Eagle Flight be like?
Welcome to Aviation

We are in the process of setting up IMC Club with EAA HQ. This will be starting 2020.

We are in the process of setting up VMC Club with EAA HQ. This will be starting 2020.

Project Nights
We hope to be scheduling specific days/evenings for our current active project soon (a BD-5).

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