EAA Chapter 1535

Burlington, KS - Eastern Kansas Chapter

About Us

In the BeginningEAA

In 2011 a few pilots began the discussions of establishing an organized group for aviation enthusiasts to gather, network, and spread their passion.  After many dedicated hours of research, and some motivation from the leadership at the Experimental Aircraft Association's Headquarters, a community of 25 pilots and aviation enthusiasts gathered.  With overwhelming support, the Eastern Kansas EAA Chapter 1535 was founded in February 2012. 


Our Chapter focuses on membership networking, pilot and builder proficiency, and the promotion of aviation within our local communities.  We host fly-in events, Young Eagles Rallies, socials, and educational seminars.  We celebrate the successes of our Chapter as well as the individuals that support our Chapter at our annual Anniversary Banquet. 

Our Future

As we continue to grow, our Chapter aims to maintain its diverse membership, encourages safe and productive flying, and promote aviation and its benefits to the community.  We are eager to welcome new faces and fresh interest! 


If you find yourself with your head in the clouds and your eyes to the sky, you might be an aviation geek like us!  You don't need to be a pilot to be a pilot to be a member!  We meet once a month officially, but many of us can be found hanging around an airport or checking out someones project, or maybe even flying out for that hundred dollar hamburger.  If you are interested in being a part of our Chapter join us at one of our meetings, shoot us a message, or find us on Facebook.

Dues are $25.00 per year and you have to be a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association. To pay by mail please send a check made out to KS EAA Chapter 1535 to Laura Burnham, 3909 SW 39th Terr, Topeka KS 66610.  Please include contact information and EAA number. Email her at laurabstitch@sbcglobal.net.

EAA 1535
President: Derek Harvey
Contact: 620-203-2678 | chapter1535@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 2nd Saturday 9:00 AM
Coffey County Airport
1899 US Hwy. 75
Burlington, KS 66839

Programs: Young Eagles, Technical Counselors
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