FPA Membership has its privileges!
- FPA members renewing their memberships are requested to pay their dues by January 1st every year.
- Currently active FPA membership include participating membership in our meetup.com scheduling software.
- First-time FPA members are eligible for a complimentary 6-month EAA membership (courtesy of EAA).
- Payments can be made by PayPal or by mailing a check payable to "Fitchburg Pilots Association", 563 Crawford Street, Fitchburg MA 01420. Payments can also be made in person at the FPA Aviation Center (our hangar).
Individual - $50: For any person who also has a current EAA Individual Membership in good standing.
Family - $75: For a family, including parents and children, who also has a current EAA Family Membership in good standing.
Student - $25: For a person who is a full-time student during the current school year.
Annual Christmas Party - TBD: Details will be on our Meetup Calendar. Purchase must be COMPLETED by 6 PM EST on TBD.
FPA is an IRS Section 501(c)(3) public charity for qualified tax-deductible donations; EIN #26-0254136.
Hangar Fund Contribution - $40.00 (suggested): Optional assessment for funding FPA hangar improvements and offsetting hangar operating expenses.
Scholarship Fund: Our FPA Scholarship is funded by individuals and businesses interested in investing in student aviators, our aviation future.
General Donations: Make monetary donations of any amount to the FPA.