Chapter 1252

Columbia Station, Ohio

Chapter Meetings

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month.
Columbia Station VFW Hall located at 25742 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH.
Anyone interested in aviation is welcome to attend.

Doors open at 6pm and the meeting begins at 7pm.
Come early. The VFW allows us to use the Hall free of charge, so help support them by ordering food from the kitchen and your favorite beverage from the bar. Every Tuesday is “Taco Tuesday” at the VFW.

IMC Club will meet immediately following the meeting – usually around 8pm.

Recap of June 4th 2024 meeting:

In Attendance: Jen Bella, Noah Bella, Alec Brown, Steve DeBrosse, Ray Ebner, Katie Hancheck, Paul Hancheck, Will Hunt, Steve Janowski, Paul Koziol, Sandra Maurer,  Mike McCoy, Anne Morrison, Matthew Morrison, Mike Neeson, Dan Pierson, Donald Sarian, Robin Sarian, Mark Taylor, Jim Yurichak


Old Business

Ray Aviation Scholarship
  • 2024 Scholar Progress Updates
    • Scholarship Coordinator Sue McCoy provided a written update in advance of the meeting. 2024 Scholar Noah Bella has passed his Private Pilot Knowledge Exam (written test) and has completed his first solo flight at Columbia Airport. The chapter expects another installment payment from EAA once the progress paperwork is completed and submitted to Oshkosh.
Young Eagles & Build & Fly Program
  • Recap of May Young Eagle/Pancake Breakfast Fly-In Event: Saturday 5/18
    • Young Eagles Coordinator Mike McCoy provided a summary of the Young Eagle Rally that took place at Elyria Airport on Saturday 5/18. Fog and low ceilings persisted through early afternoon, but then the weather cleared to permit 21 Young Eagles to be flown by Ray Ebner in the Cardinal and by David Vidovich in the Pipistrel.
  • Build & Fly Program Updates
    • Paul Koziol confirmed that the DAC hangar construction has wrapped up, and the hangar is ready to host RC build activities. 
Oshkosh AirVenture Camping and Chapter Meet-Ups

Upcoming Chapter Events Calendar for 2024
  • Discover Aviation Airplane & Car Show: Saturday 7/13; Young Eagles Sunday 7/14
    • Paul Koziol provided an updated on the DAC Airplane & Car Show. The Tri-Motor will be fully staffed by the Liberty Museum, and is no longer EAA-affiliated. Thus, the chapter will not need to provide any volunteers, nor will it receive any compensation. 
    • Chapter 1252 will once again host a pancake breakfast the day of the event, and the Lorain County Visitor's Bureau is providing financial support. Volunteers are needed for the pancake breakfast. Paul noted that Chapter 1252 will need to supply an insurance form as a vendor.
    • Several warbirds are scheduled to appear, including a B-25 from Urbana, the Beach City Baby C-53, a Stearman, and a TBM. 
    • There will again be a Flight of the Flags flyover and honor guard to honor military veterans and first responders.
    • Paul Koziol encouraged the chapter to get the word out on the fly-in and trophies for aircraft.
  • Flyro Gyro: Saturday 9/21
  • Christmas Party: Sunday 12/8
Treasurer's Update
  • Treasurer Katie Hancheck provided an update on the chapter's current account balance of approximately $11,065. The chapter has made payments for the 2024 Ray Scholar's flight training, and has received the first scholarship installment from EAA.
Future Guest Speakers
  • Ray Ebner encouraged the chapter to continue to assist with locating potential guest speakers for future meetings.
  • Steve Janowski has volunteered to speak at the July meeting (7/2) to present on aircraft weight and balance.

New Business
  • Katie Hancheck raised a motion for the chapter to purchase a projector for approximately $180 from Amazon to eliminate reliance on the VFW's projector. The motion was seconded and passed without objection.
June Chapter Video


  • Paul Koziol announced that the DAC Flying Club was able to move its fleet back to Lorain County Regional Airport as the runway opened that evening. Paul noted that the club is currently looking for new members.
  • Steve Janowski reported that Becky Karban passed her Private Pilot checkride.
Meeting Adjourned.

IMC Club 


Question: What causes the somatogravic illusion, and under what conditions is it more likely to occur?

Answer: Somatogravic illusions occur when we experience a linear acceleration, which causes a disturbance in the vestibular system. An acceleration in level flight (or takeoff) creates the illusion of pitching upward, and is more likely to occur when we have limited or poor visual references. A pilot departing an airport in darkness or IMC may lower the nose in response to this illusion, creating a risk of collision with terrain or obstacles. Reliance on instruments (e.g., the attitude indicator) can help counter the illusion.



This month's IMC Club video scenario featured a flight where a single engine aircraft repeatedly encountered unexplained sharp drops in engine RPM shortly after departure.


Steve DeBrosse

Secretary, EAA Chapter 1252



















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