Whether you fly, build, restore or simply enjoy airplanes and aviation, you are welcome to attend our events and join our Chapter. We are a group of aviation enthusiasts, aircraft builders, and pilots who get together with like-minded people to share ideas, exchange information, encourage safety, serve the local aviation community and have a lot of fun doing so. Please come to our next meeting or event as our guest
February Gathering
Date- Thursday, February 13, 2025
Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social time starts at 6:30 pm,
regular gathering will start at 7 p.m.
February Gathering Agenda:
- Project Updates & Upcoming Events
- Meet the Chapter Explore Aviation Camp Applicants
- Safety Topic– Preflight Weather Products, Charlie Gibbons
- Program– NASA X-59 Project, Ray Castner
Chapter Dues for 2025 are Due!
Remember to bring your $25 (checks payable to EAA Chapter 846)
Congratulations Ray Scholar Doug Tytko!
Our 2024 Ray Scholar, Doug Tytko, passed his checkride on December 27th and received his Private Pilot Certificate despite less than perfect weather conditions. Doug is now the Chapter's sixth Ray Scholar to successfully earn a Private Pilot Certificate through the EAA Ray Scholarship program!
Holiday Party & January Gathering! SAVE THE DATE!
When: January 11, 2025
Where: Knights of Columbus Hall, Wadsworth, OH
Time: 5 to 9 PM
December Gathering
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
Date- Thursday, December 12, 2024
Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social time starts at 6:30 pm,
Regular gathering will start at 7 p.m.
December Gathering Agenda
- Project Updates & Upcoming Events
- Air Academy Scholarship
- Ray Scholarship
- Safety Topic - ELT Requirements & Proper Usage, Brad Wurst
- Program - CH-47 Chinook, Ryan Walters
Let 'Em Know What You Think!
EAA is asking, so take a moment to let them know what you think. What can we do better? What activities are important to you? Take a moment and take the annual survey, here. It will help the Chapter retain our Gold status, and help us give the chapter members more of what they want. Make your voice heard!
November Gathering
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
Date- Thursday, November 14, 2024
Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social time starts at 6:30 pm,
Regular gathering will start at 7 p.m.
November Gathering Agenda:
- Project Updates & Upcoming Events
- Air Academy Scholarship
- Ray Scholarship
- Tool Crib Electrical Update
- Safety Topic- Grass Strip Flying Safety, Randy Brooks
- Program- Burke Lakefront Airport Closure, Kyle Lewis, AOPA Great Lakes Regional Manager
Congratulations to Phil Rodopoulos!
Lifetime chapter member Phil Rodopoulos has passed another checkride on October 21st and is now a Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument! Congrats!!
A Very Active Fall for Flying!
Throughout August, September, and October 2024, many of our chapter members have participated in a variety of fly-ins across Ohio and neighboring states. Here are a few of them:
- Gorman-Green Airport (66OI) Fly-Out 8/24
- Freeman Swank Airfield (OH42) 9/2
- Port Clinton Airport (KPCW) 9/8
- Ortner Airport (I64) 9/8
- Ch. 846 Pancake Breakfast, Wayne County Airport (KBJJ) 9/14
- Flyro Gyro Fly-In, Lorain County Airport (KLPR) 9/21
- Brighton Michigan Airport (45G) MI 9/20-22
- Luray Virginia Airport (KLUA) VA 9/21
- Ch. 846 Young Eagles event, Wayne County Airport (KBJJ) 10/5
- Cheat River Airport (56WV) WV 10/11
- My Place Fly-In, Cardington OH (3OH7 10/13
In Memory - Fred Coblentz Induction Ceremony Video
Memorial Wall Ceremony - AirVenture 2024
October Gathering
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
- Date- Thursday, October 10, 2024
- Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social time starts at 6:30 pm, regular gathering will start at 7 p.m.
October Gathering Agenda:
- Project Updates & Upcoming Events
- Tool Crib Update
- Safety Topic– Pre-Takeoff Briefing, Logan Cohara
- Program- O-300 Valve Guide Rope Trick & Ring Flush, David Gerdeman
Young Eagles Days 2024
Noah Consolati passed his Private Pilot checkride on August 27th, 2024. CONGRATS!!
Congratulations to Joshua Moore!
Young Eagles Day Is Rescheduled!
Young Eagles Day at the Wayne County Airport has been rescheduled due to a pretty nasty weather forecast. If you've already registered your child, check your email for more information. The reschedule date is Saturday, Sept. 28 & Oct. 5.
Our August Gathering!
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
Date- Thursday, August 8, 2024
Location– Medina Airport (1G5). Gary Baker’s Hangar #27. Call Gary at 330-321-6274 if you need the gate code.
Social cookout starts at 6 pm with grilled hot dogs and burgers provided. Members are asked to please bring a side dish to pass. The regular gathering will start at 7 pm. There will be lots to share about the most recent Air Venture in Oshkosh, WI. Checkout our chapter photos here.
Our Next Gathering, July 11 at 6 pm
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
- Date- Thursday, July 11, 2024
- Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social cookout starts at 6 pm with grilled hot dogs and burgers provided. Members are asked to please bring a side dish to pass. The regular gathering will start at 7 pm.
July Gathering Agenda:
- Tool Crib Update
- Project Updates & Upcoming Events
- Program– Flying into Oshkosh AirVenture - Gary Baker, Randy Brooks and Tim Keck (CLE ATC)
They will review the 2024 NOTICE for the procedures of flying into Oshkosh for AirVenture. This presentation qualifies for FAA Wings credit as well. Register at
Skypark Summer Celebration
Ten chapter pilots took part in Skypark Airport’s Annual Summer Celebration June 30 by showing off their aircraft during the Parade of Planes. The pilots were divided into three groups and did two fly-bys and then landed. An announcer described the aircraft as each aircraft flew past the crowd. The first group was Paul Hancheck: Luscombe, Chris Oehlers: Piper Pacer, and Phil Rodopoulos: Cessna 140. Group two was Rick Vierheller: Cessna 150, Ron Lutz: Cessna 150 and David Gerdeman: Cessna 172. The third group was led by Randy Brooks in his new RANS S-21, followed by Paul Lutz: RV-6, Gary Baker: RV-6 and Jerry Wang: RV-4. The Chapter Hangar and the deck were open and had many visitors stop by. Click here for an article from the Medina Gazette about the Summer Celebrations and our Chapter.
June Gathering, June, 13 at 6 pm
Please join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on:
- Date- Thursday, June 13, 2024
- Location- Skypark Airport, Chapter hangar, M-1
Social cookout starts at 6 pm with grilled hot dogs and burgers provided. Members are asked to please bring a side dish to share. The regular gathering will start at 7 pm.
A BIG Thank You to our May Gathering cooks: Greg Cantrell, Steve Greer and Dave Gerdeman who braved the rain and wind to prepare the hot dogs and burgers for the last gathering!
Young Eagles Day #1
The Chapter held a Young Eagles Day, Saturday, June 1, at Medina Airport. It was an unqualified success with 63 Young Eagles being flown by eight Chapter pilots supported by 26 Chapter volunteers in registration, operations, and ground school. The weather was perfect with light winds favoring runway 19, which allowed a great view for everyone to watch the takeoffs and landings. Go to our Young Eagles page for the full story.
MAPS Air Museum Tour
Whether you fly in or drive in, join Chapter 846 as we head to the MAPS Air Museum, at the Akron Canton Airport, on Saturday, June 15, at 9:00 a.m. If interested, please RSVP by June 7. To RSVP, text or call Brian Burke at 216-406-5607. We will be able to add a few people after this date, but the museum would like to have relatively firm numbers on those attending, so they can have the appropriate number of volunteers available. The cost of the event will be determined by the number of participants. There is a discount if the group is 15 or more. Regular adult admission is: $15; seniors (60 and over): $13; child aged 6-12: $8; under 6 free. $2 off regular admission, if you area veteran. If we have 15 or more in our group the price is: Adult: $10, child aged 6-12: $6.
More information about the MAPS Air Museum can be found HERE.
Congratulations, Jack!
Young Eagles Day #1 - June 1, 2024
The Chapter’s first Young Eagles Day of 2024 will take place Saturday, June 1, at Medina Airport (1G5).
As a reminder, the child must be between the ages of 8 and 17 to qualify for the flight. Online registration is available for parents: YoungEaglesDay.org.
A pilot briefing will be held at 8:30 am. Ground school will begin at 9 am. Flights will begin after the ground school.
The Chapter will host Young Eagles Day #2 on Saturday, August 17, at Wayne County Airport (KBJJ). Please make a note in your calendar.
Thank you in advance to all the volunteers!
Congratulations to our 2024 Ray Scholarship Recipient, Doug Tytko
By vote of our Chapter members, Chapter 846 has selected Chapter member Doug Tytko to receive the 2024 Ray Aviation Flight Training Scholarship. Doug will receive a grant for $11,000 to use towards the completion of his Private Pilot Certificate. In addition, EAA is giving Chapter 846 a home flight simulator to use in a trial program for Doug's training this year in order to facilitate his learning and help reduce the overall cost of earning a pilot certificate.
Ian King, 2024 Chapter 846 Air Academy Scholarship Recipient!
Congratulations to Ian King who was selected as our 2024 EAA Air Academy Scholarship recipient.
Many thanks to all who participated in this years selection.
Another Great Fly-out!
Sunday, February 4, 2024 the weather gods cooperated and decided to display that big yellow ball in the sky with no wind! Our Chapter Telegram app came alive and 5 aircraft with 9 souls made the trek to meet for breakfast at the Portage County airport (KPOV). A good time had by all.
Chapter 846 2023 MVP, Steve Greer
Steve joined us in 2018 and has been active on many fronts from the beginning. He volunteers at Young Eagles days, work days, the Tri-Motor, pancake breakfast and helps cook at gatherings too. If the chapter is doing something, he’s involved. Congratulations Steve!
Chapter Recognition Program- SHOOTING FOR 2023!
December Gathering
Join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on Thursday, December 14, 2023 at our chapter hangar, M-1.Social gathering starts at 6:30 pm, the regular meeting will start at 7 pm.
Five Years of Ray Scholars!
Chapter 846 is finishing another successful year of participation in the Ray Scholarship program. The goal of the program, since its inception in 2019, has been to provide deserving area youth with the opportunity to earn their pilot certificate and inspire those youth to be the next great generation of aviation professionals and enthusiasts. We have been blessed to have two Ray Scholars earn their Private Pilot certificates this year with a third on the way towards completing his certificate in early 2024. Since 2019, Chapter 846 has supported seven Ray Scholars in total with Ben Nagy, Abby Donofrio, Case McIntyre and Logan Cohara so far completing their pilot certificates with Jack Pomfret on schedule to finish early next year.
Congratulations to our 2022 Ray Scholar, Logan Cohara!
Logan Cohara passed his Private Pilot checkride on Sunday, December 10, 2023 wrapping up a long journey that began back in the fall of 2021. We are excited for Logan's accomplishment and eager to see what's next for him as he looks to continue his aviation journey!
November Gathering
Join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at our chapter hangar, M-1.Social gathering starts at 6:30 pm, the regular meeting will start at 7 pm.
October Gathering
Join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at our chapter hangar, M-1.Social gathering starts at 6:30 pm, the regular meeting will start at 7 pm.
Oct. VMC Club Meeting
Join fellow chapter pilots to discuss this month's topic: preparing for winter operations. The purpose of EAA VMC Clubs is to build proficiency when flying under visual flight rule conditions. Each month's meeting is a discussion on a few subject areas. There are no wrong answers. The goal is to improve everyone's knowledge each month. The October meeting will be held Thursday, October 26, 7 p.m., in the meeting room at Skypark Airport.
Breakfast Was Served!
After a foggy start, it turned into a beautiful day to go to the airport for pancakes! Thank you to all the volunteers who worked so hard to make it go so well. Members cooked and served, cleaned and bussed, set-up and tore down, and in the end fed people, made new friends and raised money for the chapter and the scholarship fund. Thank you to all who volunteered and many thanks, (Again!) to the Wayne County Airport and staff and the Wayne County Commissioners who share their wonderful facility with us.
Our fearless newsletter editor, Karl, set-up a photo page for the event. Please feel free to select your best and upload them to: https://photos.app.goo.gl/EAoK1XpHDpdyuKqz7
September Gathering
Join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering meeting on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at our chapter hangar. The cookout starts at 6 pm. We’ll be grilling hot dogs and burgers. Remember to bring an extra chair plus a side!
September Gathering Agenda:
Officer Reports
Safety Topic– Special Use Airspace, Dave Gerdeman
Young Eagles Update
Pancake Breakfast Prep
Project Updates
Program– FAA Wings Program, Dave Gerdeman
Condolences for Fred Coblentz
EAA Chapter 846 members would like to express their condolences to the family and friends of Fredrick Paul Coblentz. Fred was one of the founding members of our Chapter and a dedicated leader holding the positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary at various times. He and his wife, Edilene, were fixtures at our chapter meetings, sometimes even hosting meetings, with Fred happily giving a tour of his latest project. Fred built or restored 6 airplanes and was generous with his knowledge and advice with other aircraft builders. He enjoyed participating in EAA's Young Eagles program, introducing 101 area young people to aviation one at a time in his two-seat Bushby Mustang II.
Memorial Services will be Thursday, Aug. 31st at 11:00 a.m. at Murray Funeral Home in Creston with burial following at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. Friends will be received from 10:00 a.m. until time of services. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Hospice of the Western Reserve, 17876 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110 or to the Parkinson Foundation of Northeast Ohio, PO Box 31907, Independence, OH 44131.
Seeking Volunteers...
The Cleveland chapter of Women In Aviation will be hosting their “Girls In Aviation Day” on Saturday, September 30, 2023 at Burke Lakefront Airport. We are looking for a few volunteers to help promote the Young Eagle's Program, as well as anyone willing to fly up to the event and show their aircraft with the participants. The event will run from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Feel free to volunteer for all or part of the day. Please sign up during the September Gathering, or contact Brian Burke via phone or text at: 216-406-5607.
Successful Ford Tri-Motor Weekend!
- 59 Flights
- 508 paying passengers
- Lots of planning, and preparation hours
- Multiple print stories in various media
- Countless volunteers and donated volunteer time. You folks are amazing!
Updated Chapter Roster!
The chapter roster will be updated and distributed soon. Everyone is asked to check your information on the online chapter roster, available HERE. First-time users: Your user name is FirstnameLastnameEAA846 and your password is mustang. After logging in the first time, you should change your password, of course. Click on the Member Search button, top left, and then the black and gray Search button in the line below to the left. This will bring up all Active members in our chapter.
Gary Baker would like to add more photos of chapter members to the roster. If you see that your photo is not included, please feel free to send Gary a photo or ask him to take your photo at the next Gathering.
846 Pacer Project SOLD!
The Chapter Pacer project that was posted on Barnstormers and Short Wing Pipers websites has sold. The buyer is planning on picking it up Labor Day weekend. We will need volunteers at Medina airport, (1G5, hangar E5) to help box, pack, and move Chris' airplane in and out. Editor's Note: Thanks to all who helped over a holiday weekend to pack it up and help her new owner to load it on up. The Pacer is now on its way across country to its new home!
Oshkosh '23
Were you there? Did you have a great week? Our now annual Chapter 846 Dinner was held on Wednesday, 26 July during AirVenture 2023 at the Chapter Pavilion near Camp Scholler. Approximately 54 Chapter members, family and friends gathered for pizza, camaraderie and sharing stories of Oshkosh 2023.
David, ever the chef, and armed with his tongs and forks, chased them away, allowing Chapter members to share his front row parking spot and enjoy the popcorn he made for everyone. The show was spectacular as usual and we were blessed with perfect weather. Hope to see everyone again next year for this fun day.
July Gathering
Join us for our upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Gathering Meeting on Thursday, July 13, 2023 at our chapter hangar. Cookout starts at 6 pm. We’ll be grilling hot dogs and burgers. Remember to bring an extra chair plus side dish to pass. The regular meeting will start at 7 pm.
July Gathering Agenda:
- Officer Reports
- July Safety Topic– Spatial Orientation, Kevin Fink
- Young Eagles Update
- Ford Tri-Motor Tour Stop
- Hangar Deck Status
- Project Updates
- Program– Oshkosh NOTAM, Gary Baker & Randy Brooks
Chapter 846 Freeman Swank Farms Campout, July 7, 8, 9th
A last minute reminder regarding our 846 annual campout at Swank Field (0OH5). As in the past, you can fly in or drive in. It sports a beautiful 3,000 foot grass carpet runway. There is onsite camping, and the chapter will be cooking breakfast and dinner on Saturday. There are three restaurants in town if you don't want to cook on Friday or Sunday.
Come to camp or stay for a day! Activities include the adjacent 20-mile bike trail, swimming or fishing in the river, and John Deere gators to tour the property.For those driving, it is a little hard to find via the roads. Here is a link to help you: https://maps.app.goo.gl/i9T41sW13HLJ1Y6M9
As previously stated, we would like to have a count so we know how much food to purchase (breakfast and dinner on Saturday). If you would like to bring a side dish to share for Dinner on Saturday that would be appreciated, but optional. We will have some water bottles however, BYOB if desired.
If you plan on attending please email Paul at paulrv6@gmail.com or text at 330-760-4863.
Cookout Season Has Begun!
Mark your calendars, because cookout season is upon us! All our summer gatherings are cookouts held at the chapter hangar. The chapter brings the meat, and we bring the sides. Don't worry what to bring it always works out! Cookouts start at 6 pm followed by the evening's events starting at 7pm. They are always a great evening filled with good food, and lots of hangar talk. So, mark your calendars:
- May 11
- June 8
- July 13
- Aug. 10
- Sept. 14
Case McIntyre, Chapter 846 Ray Scholarship Recipient 2023!
Chapter 846 would like to congratulate both of our 2023 Ray Scholarship candidates, Jack Pomfret and Case McIntyre, for their participation in this year's selection process. By popular vote, the members of Chapter 846 have selected Case McIntyre to receive this year's James Ray
Aviation Scholarship. Case plans to begin his Private Pilot training as soon as possible.
Both Case and Jack did a great job with their interviews and Chapter members enjoyed getting to know each of these accomplished young men, both of whom embody the spirit of the Ray Aviation Scholarship program. Both were deserving candidates. Although we could only award a single scholarship at this time, our Chapter will pursue additional scholarship opportunities through EAA and other means with the hopes of having a second scholarship to award later this year. Please join us in congratulating both of these young men on their accomplishments.
Congratulations Douglas Tytko, 2023 Chapter 846 Air Academy Camp Scholarship Recipient
Douglas Tytko was selected as the recipient of the 2023 Chapter 846 Air Academy Camp scholarship during the February Gathering. The Advanced Air Academy Camp will be held July 18-26, 2023. The camp fee is $1,650. The chapter received $750 in 2022 Young Eagles credits, which will be applied to the fee. The net cost to the chapter for the camp is $900.
Randy Brooks Receives FAA Master Pilot Award
Congratulations, Randy!
Pancakes, Pancakes, Pancakes!
September 17, 2022 turned out to be another Ohio perfect day. EAA Chapter 846 did it again by hosting another successful pancake breakfast fundraiser.
We had over 50 aircraft fly into the Wayne County airport (KBJJ) to enjoy a hearty morning pancake breakfast.
Many thanks to this years sponsors for their help in making this event a huge success!
Click here for more Pancake event photos!
Young Eagles, 2022! & Young Eagles "Day Two" (8/27/22)
The weather cooperated and many chapter members showed up to help seven pilots fly fifty-five Young Eagles on June 11, 2022. Our annual Chapter 846 Young Eagles Day was another success with the assistance of the staff at Wayne County Airport. Here is the link to see them, Young Eagles Photos. But keep checking back, as more folks send us more pictures, and we'll post them.
EAA Chapter 846 Young Eagles Day #2 was another success, thanks to the chapter members who volunteered in the various duties! Many thanks also go to Matt Long, Wayne County Airport Manager, and his crew. The hangar was clean and aircraft moved, allowing us to utilize much of the hangar for our registration and ground school. The weather was perfect for introducing kids to aviation! It was one of the best days we have had for this event. Young Eagles Day 2 Photos
Thank you for joining us for Young Eagles Day. We love sharing our love of aviation with your children and families.
First US Customer!
On March 17, member Steve Bauman placed an order for a G1 STOL airplane kit (see g1-america.com) and is now the FIRST U.S. customer for this airplane model. He traveled to Kent, Illinois (north west corner of the state) to visit with the U.S. dealer, and the only U.S. builder of this airplane, to study his project and ask a million questions. He previously saw this same airplane at the Midwest LSA Expo last September. The airplane is produced mostly as completed airplanes in France for the European market where there are many of them flying, and have been for 15 years. There are also 2 planes flying and 2 more nearly complete in Ontario, Canada where another dealer and partner is operating. Steve expects to get his kit in July and will be building it in his home shop in Granger Twp.
Let the FLYING Begin...
Ray Scholarship award winner, Logan Cohara is ready to get back into the cockpit after a short hiatus. He was honored at the last April chapter meeting and presented with his large check!
Chapter 846 2021 MVP Award Winner!
Congratulations goes to Paul Lutz for receiving the Chapter 846 2021 Most Valuable Person award!
Density Altitude...
Member Chris Sopko gave a great presentation on the effects of density altitude on aircraft performance. Chris has extensive experience in high altitude flight and flight within mountainous regions. Everyone who attended came away with a great respect for the affects density altitude has on aircraft and the importance of "good" preflight planning especially in high altitude environments.
Congratulations, Logan Cohara!
EAA Chapter 846 Ray Scholar recipient Logan Cohara has finally received his FAA medical certificate. We were very excited to see him persevere through the FAA aeromedical process and begin his flight training journey. Our Chapter will now pursue a second Ray Aviation Scholarship for 2022 in the hopes of being able to award that later this year.
Where to go in February...Bahama's of Course!
Member Tim Conway gave a great presentation during our March meeting on his recent trip to the Bahamas. Chapter members Greg Hackett, Glenn Krafcik, Ed Pavlovich and Tim Conway flew the Bahamian Islands in February. They took two aircraft, Ed’s Beach Bonanza (BE36) and Tim’s Cirrus (SR22). The total flight from Medina(1G5) to Naples Florida (KAPF) then off to the Bahamas and back covered over 3500 miles, with just about 1200 miles flown between 1500-1800 feet above the Bahamian Island chain. Islands included the Grand Bahama, Great Abaco, Eleuthera, Cat Island, Rum Cay, Long Island, The Exumas, New Providence (Nassau), Berry Islands and Bimini Islands.
Welcome New January Member
Please welcome Will Hiteshue to the chapter! Will resides
in Lakewood, Ohio and is a pilot for Republic Airways.
BIG News!
Our very own Gary Baker attended the EAA Chapter Leadership Academy.
The academy was hosted by EAA staff and was offered to all chapter officers around the country. Forty of us met October 20 at the Air Academy Lodge where we met the EAA chapter office staff and our classmates.
The first evening we were treated to a visit to Sonex Aircraft, which is located on the east side of Wittman Field. John Monnett, founder, generously gave us a two-hour tour of the facilities.
Thursday and Friday morning were spent with EAA staff: Charlie Becker, Director, Chapters and Homebuilt Community Manager; John Egan, Chapter Depts. Manager; David Leiting, Eagles Manager; Serena Kamps, Chapter Field Rep; Chris Gauger, Chapter Field Rep; Natasha Sarauer, Administrative Asst; and Samantha Olson, Eagles Program Asst. They covered all aspects of operating a chapter and finding ways to generate enthusiasm for members.
Chapter Polo Shirts Available
Blue chapter polo shirts have finally arrived! We now have medium large and X-Large sizes available. These will be available at the chapter meetings. The cost will be $25. A few blue polo and gray t-shirts are also available.
Congratulations, Esther Lin!
Member Esther Lin has recently earned her CFI and CFII. Esther trained at Midwest Corporate Air located at the Bellefontaine Regional Airport.
Gary Baker appointed to the EAA Chapter Advisory Council.
Our very own Gary Baker has been appointed to the EAA Chapter Advisory Council.
Congratulations, Gary!
Congratulations & Thanks to New 2022-23 Officers and Board Members
Elections were held in December, and we have some new officers and board members. Thank you to all who offered to serve. Our officers for the next two years are:
- President- Chris Oehlers
- Vice-President- Brad Wurst
- Secretary- Greg Cantrell
- Treasurer- Gary Baker
Board Members: Mike Baker, Randy Brooks, Brian Burke, Paul Hancheck, David Gerdeman, Paul Lutz and Ron Lutz
Welcome New December 2021 Members!
Please welcome George Salcewicz, Josh Tomsheck, Stephen and Douglas Tytko to the Chapter!
George joined after attending the December meeting. He lives in Stow and is interested in learning about autogyros and other smaller aircraft. Josh and his wife and family live in Wadsworth. Josh is a private pilot and is working with his dad, Matt, on completing the Just Aircraft Highlander. Stephen, Sherry, son Douglas and daughter Amy live in Brecksville. Douglas took a Discovery flight at Medina Airport a few months ago and is interested in pursuing a pilot’s certificate. Welcome, George, Josh, Stephen and Douglas!
Awesome January Meeting Presentation from A&T Recovery
Author and adventurer Taras Lyssenko of A&T Recovery gave a presentation to our chapter on his company and the perils of recovering WWII aircraft from the bottom of Lake Michigan. Most members were unaware that more than 100 Navy mishap training aircraft rest on the bottom of the lake. For the past thirty-five years Taras has led a team who has located and recovered dozens of World War II US Navy aircraft from Lake Michigan. The work was performed on behalf of the National Naval Aviation Museum and many other sponsors. Most of the aircraft are now on display in museums and airports across the country.
Victoria Lorenzon, our newest CFI!
Operation Air Drop!
Five aircraft from Chapter 846 departed on a mission from northeast Ohio on December 21, 2021 to bring much needed supplies and donated items to tornado-stricken Mayfield Kentucky. A huge THANK YOU goes to Ed Pavlovich for setting this up. The following individuals participated in this mission:
(1st Photo, Standing left to right) Chris D'Errico, Glenn Krafcik, Ed Pavlovich, Tim Conway, Karl Aber, Chris Oehlers, Gary Baker
Among the five aircraft, 1,310 Lbs. of supplies were delivered. It was a great day of flying for a very worthy cause.
Memorial Bob and Pete
We had a Celebration of Life November 13, 2021 for members Bob Taylor and Pete Klapp at the Chapter Hangar. Bob and Pete perished in separate aircraft accidents in September. The Celebration was well-attended and everyone was well-fed, compliments of Chef David Gerdeman, Greg Cantrell, and others who did the cooking. Many thanks to everyone for attending. I’m sure that Pete and Bob would have enjoyed this event. We will miss you guys and always remember you!
Remembering Bob
It is with a sad heart to write that our dear friend Bob Taylor was taken from us September 18, 2021. Bob was a good friend to many of us and to the chapter. He served for many years as an officer and a board member of chapter 846, joining the chapter in 2009. Bob was responsible for the chapter receiving its IRS tax-exempt status. He was an active homebuilder as he completed two experimental aircraft during the past ten years, a TigerCub and a Rans S-20. He was always willing to help the chapter during our events, as well as anyone with an aircraft maintenance problem.
Bob will be sorely missed by everyone. The chapter passed on our condolences to the family.
Remembering Pete
It’s with a sad heart to write that our friend and chapter member Pete Klapp has been taken from us this past week. Pete was a dear friend to many of us, past vice president of chapter 846 and selected chapter MVP in 2018.
You can find Pete’s obituary here.
“A Tribute” by Randy Brooks
I’ll miss you, Pete.
I’ll miss our lunches at Buehler’s. I’ll miss your ever-present coffee mug—and you leaving it at my hangar on many occasions. I’ll miss your expertise in construction, engineering, elec- trical work, composites—you were one smart dude. I’ll miss you always being there to help if you had the time. I’ll miss you helping me rib stitch the Cub wing. I’ll miss you helping me sheetrock and insulate my hangar. I’ll miss you saying ‘Love You’ every time you hung up the phone with your family. I’ll miss you talking with such fondness about your kids and grand-kids—the munchkins. I’ll miss our telling war stories (mostly lies) from our mutual time serving in the Air Force. I’ll miss you calling me Ellwood on the phone—and me calling you Martha. I’ll miss your total dedication to finishing the Falco and getting it inspected after your friend Kyle’s passing.
My sincere condolences to Pete’s family at this very difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Most of all, I’ll miss you my friend. Fly West--- (if you get your GPS working).
We will all miss you, Pete. We will remember you and your many contributions to the Chapter. You were always there to lend a hand or give an honest opinion. Our deepest sympathy to your family.
It's A Plane! Project Update: Zenith 750
by Jeremy Cowger
"On August 30, 2012, we passed our inspection and on September 3rd weather lined up for our first flight. A few were out to help with pre-flight, documentation, and technical counsel. The wind was calm. Sitting in the airplane on the end of runway 21 about to push the throttle, I was nervous, but told myself we did things right, we triple checked, the plane is ready. We were off in a little more than 300 feet and now the task at hand occupied my mind and nerves were no where to be found. -
We are following the EAA Test Flight Manual, so the first flight comprised of nothing more
than a gentle climb to altitude, gentle turns, and practicing a few descents at 5,000 ft at approach speed. This all went very quickly. With calm wind and clear pattern I took the easy way out and entered a downwind for runway 3 after 40 minutes of being aloft. I'm not sure I've made such a nice landing as on that flight. The entire flight was uneventful, but very emotional. The plane now has 3 flights under its belt, slowing working through the plan as perfect weather allows. All were uneventful, successful, but not as pretty of a landing as the first, but we're pressing on anyway.
Congratulation Jeremy and the whole Cowger family!
Events Coming Soon!
Greg Cantrell and his committee has been busy finalizing the details of this year's Fly-in and Pancake Breakfast. This year's event will be held at Wayne County Airport, (KBJJ), Sat., Sept. 18 from 8 am-1 pm. The Wayne County Commissioners and the Wayne County Airport staff have been very enthusiastic about hosting us and have committed to allowing us use of a hangar and assistance with parking, but we will still need many volunteers to make this event an success.
Volunteers can elect to work either a short shift or all day. We will need cooks, and bussers, folks to man tables and displays, and of course your gorgeous aircraft to dazzle and amaze. Please contact Greg at k4g1c5@aol.com if you can help out, or click here to sign up.
Also coming up at Burke Lakefront Airport, (BKL), is the annual Girls in Aviation Day, sponsored by the local chapter of Women in Aviation, on Sat., Sept. 25 from 9 am-12 pm. The Chapter would like to host a table distributing information about EAA and our Young Eagles program. Please contact Brian Burke, brianburkeud@hotmail.com if you can help out.
Many Thanks to our Volunteers!
With a break in the weather and many willing volunteers, Chapter 846 flew over 50 Young Eagles in June and July. Josh Moore arranged the event in June with a local Boy Scout troop leader, and Gary Baker handled organizing the event and arranging for volunteers. It is amazing that even with short notice, our members are always willing to volunteer their time, expertise, aircraft and fuel for the chapter, for EAA and for our area youth. Then with a little more notice, a second YE event was organized by the chapter. Beautiful weather and as always, lots of volunteers, made it a success. Thank you all! Check out our photos!
We Have an Author!
Yes, Randy Brooks is the complete package! He flies, he volunteers, he presents programs, he builds and now he writes! Check out Randy's article restoring his J-3 Cub published in the latest Sport Aviation. Congratulations, Randy!
May Chapter Meeting
First Flight of Bob Taylor's RANS-20
Direct from Bob, himself, "After 3-1/2 years, my Rans S-20 officially became an airplane on April 22, 2021. My favorite DAR, Matt Tomsheck, did the honors and he only found a few minor issues which have already been addressed. Thanks,Matt! And special thanks go out to Pete Klapp. Without his help I’d still be working on it!
The first flight occurred on April 26, 2021 with the assistance of Randy Brooks and Pete Klapp. All went well as far as the flight was concerned. I do have some cooling issues to address. CHT’s and oil temperatures are higher than allowable. Modifications to the cowling have been made and further testing will follow shortly.
I’d like to thank all of Chapter 846 members for their ideas, help, and support throughout the building processes, especially Ron and Paul Lutz, Dave Manning, Gary Baker, Matt and Josh Tomsheck, Barry Wawrin, Paul Hancheck, and Steve Zvada. It sure is great to belong to such an active chapter full of helpful folks! Thanks to all that helped me along the way!
Congratulations, Bob! We're looking forward to seeing it at future fly-ins!
April 8, Meeting at the Chapter Hangar!
Our April meeting was held live and in person, at the Chapter Hangar at Wadsworth Skypark Airport this month! The hangar opened at 6:30 pm and we began the meeting at 7 pm. There was a special presentation to our three Ray Scholarship recipients and name tags were handed out to our new chapter members. Gary Baker gave a presentation on reviewing ForeFlight, one of the best integrated flight apps, and recent updates. An update and discussion on planned chapter hangar improvements was held. Even social distanced, it was great to meet in person again!
Just Chatting with an Astronaut
Ben Nagy and three other Ray Scholars had an amazing opportunity to talk with astronaut, Douglas "Wheels" Wheelock, in Feb, 2021. Arranged by EAA's Megan Hart, Wheels spent an hour talking about his experiences, some of the new programs on the horizon and answering questions from the Scholars. Hear the complete interview on YouTube. Congratulations, Ben!
Congratulations are in Order!
Congratulations to our newest EAA Air Academy Scholarship recipient, Case McIntyre! The Chapter will be sponsoring Case to attend the Air Academy during this summer's AirVenture. Campers are engaged through a variety of hands-on activities while staying at the EAA Air Academy Lodge in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Experienced aviation instructors help campers delve into flight through studies, hands-on demonstrations, flight simulation, and other exciting activities. Case is a student at Strongsville High School.
Also, our Ray Aviation Scholarship recipient, Ferenc Somogyi has switched his training to AeroTrek Flight Academy in Wadsworth due to an instructor change and will be training with the team at Wadsworth going forward. For those of you who fly out of Wadsworth, keep an eye out for Ferenc as he begins his training journey there!
Even more good news arrived last week from EAA Headquarters as we found out that we have been awarded another 50/50 matching Ray Scholarship for 2021! Thanks go out to our membership who voted last month to use our recent donation from Charlie Cartledge towards another Ray Aviation Scholarship. This means that we will have two Ray Scholars this year as Ferenc finishes up and we select another deserving youth for this prestigious award.
Wind Tunnel Project
February Meeting, on Zoom
Join us for the upcoming EAA Chapter 846 Monthly Chapter ZOOM Meeting on Thursday, February 11, 2021 @ 1900. Watch for the contact information and link in the Tuesday email. We are planning to have another ‘exciting’ ZOOM meeting that Paul Lutz and Randy Brooks will conduct.
Our special guest will be Kerry McCauley Presenting on his Experiences of Ferrying Aircraft Across the North Atlantic.He is the subject of an AOPA Air Safety Institute Real Pilot Story: “Pressure Over the Atlantic." He has also written a book on his experiences: “Ferry Pilot: Nine Lives Over the North Atlantic.” https://kerrymccauley.com/We look forward to seeing everyone online Thursday evening at 7 pm.
Congratulations and Thank You MVP Greg Cantrell!
The 2019 Chapter MVP Award recipient, Jeff Paden, awarded the highly prestigious Chapter MVP Award to Greg Cantrell for 2020. Greg was surprised and greatly honored. He thanked Jeff and the chapter for choosing him for the award, as a number of chapter members were deserving of being chosen.
Ben Nagy Selected to Talk to Astronauts
EAA has offered us the opportunity to see Ben Nagy asking the SpaceX/ISS (International Space Station) astronauts questions about their mission. Only 20 Ray Scholarship winners were selected and Ben was lucky enough to be chosen. Here is the information for any chapter member interested in viewing Ben’s question and answer session.
To watch, tune into NASA TV or visit www.NASA.gov/NASATV at 1:10 pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time on Tuesday, July 14, 2020. Please note, this time may change. If it does, we will provide an updated time. Congratulations to Ben for being chosen for this prestigious event!
NASA astronauts (from left) Bob Behnken, Doug Hurley and Chris Cassidy are the U.S. members of the Expedition 63 crew. Behnken and Hurley are the International Space Station's newest crewmates after arriving May 31 aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon. Cassidy is the station Commander and has been on the orbiting lab since April 9 when he arrived with (out of frame) Flight Engineers Anatoly Ivanishin and Ivan Vagner aboard the Soyuz MS-16 crew ship..
Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken of NASA's Commercial Crew Program
were aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon as it approached the International Space Station.
The Crew Dragon's nose cone is open revealing the spacecraft's docking mechanism
that would connect to the Harmony module's forward International Docking Adapter.